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2023-04-12 17:37:37 -05:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<label id="valueOutput"></label><br>
<label id="score"></label><br>
<label id="wager"></label><br>
<label id="poolStats"></label><br>
<label id="PlayerText">Your Dice roll:</label><br>
<label id="playerDie"></label><br>
<label id="cpuText">CPU Dice roll:</label><br>
<label id="cpuDie"></label><br>
<label>Enter the amount of money to add to the pool (aka the "kitty"): <input id="wagerAmount" type="number"><input type="button" id="makeBet" onclick="determineWager();" value="Make bet"/></label><br>
<label id="input"><input type="button" id="rollDie" onclick="onClick()" value="Roll Die"/></label>
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
var cpuDieRoll = 0, playerDieRoll = 0, diceValues = {"playerDie": {}, "cpuDie": {}}, cpuTotalScore = 0, playerTotalScore = 0, moneyPool = 0;
document.getElementById("rollDie").hidden = true;
function onClick() {
playerDieRoll = rollDie("playerDie");
cpuDieRoll = rollDie("cpuDie");
document.getElementById("rollDie").hidden = true;
function determineWager() {
let playerWager = parseInt(document.getElementById("wagerAmount").value);
let cpuWager = 0;
let determineCpuMove = Math.trunc((Math.random() * 3));
switch (determineCpuMove) {
case 0: // Match bet
document.getElementById("wager").innerHTML = "CPU: I match your bet! 😏";
cpuWager = playerWager;
case 1: // fold
document.getElementById("wager").innerHTML = "CPU: Okay, I'll fold. 😔";
playerTotal = moneyPool;
cpuWager = 0;
moneyPool = 0;
case 2: // Raise bet
document.getElementById("wager").innerHTML = "CPU: I'll raise your bet! 😏";
cpuWager = (playerWager * 1.5);
moneyPool = (cpuWager + playerWager);
document.getElementById("poolStats").innerHTML = "Pool: " + formatter.format(moneyPool);
document.getElementById("rollDie").hidden = false;
function printDie(dieNumber, elementId) {
let filename = "DieSet/Die" + dieNumber + ".png";
document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML += "<image src=" + filename + ">";
//document.getElementById("wager").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(diceValues)
function rollDie(id) {
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "";
let diceTotal = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
let dieValue = Math.trunc((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
printDie(dieValue, id);
if (id === "playerDie") {
diceValues.playerDie["roll" + (i + 1)] = dieValue;
} else {
diceValues.cpuDie["roll" + (i + 1)] = dieValue;
diceTotal += dieValue;
return diceTotal;
function writeValue([playerRollScore, cpuRollScore]) {
document.getElementById("valueOutput").innerHTML = "Your Dice roll: " + playerRollScore + "; "
document.getElementById("valueOutput").innerHTML += "CPU Dice roll: " + cpuRollScore;
function determineScore() {
//Add rolls together
let playerRollScore = diceValues.playerDie["roll1"] + diceValues.playerDie["roll2"];
let cpuRollScore = diceValues.cpuDie["roll1"] + diceValues.cpuDie["roll2"];
let winString = "";
if (cpuDieRoll == playerDieRoll) {
winString = " It's a tie, no one won :("
} else {
if (playerRollScore > cpuRollScore) {
winString = " Player won!";
playerTotalScore += moneyPool;
moneyPool = 0;
} else {
winString = " CPU Won!"
cpuTotalScore = moneyPool;
moneyPool = 0;
document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = "Total Score: Player: " + formatter.format(playerTotalScore) + "; CPU: " + formatter.format(cpuTotalScore) + winString;
return [playerRollScore, cpuRollScore];