/home/caleb/ASDV-WebDev/Semester 2/Assignments/lab_EL5_CalebFontenot/src/main/webapp/index.xhtml
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        <title>Facelet Title</title>
        <h3>Assignment operator, concatenation operator</h3>
        {x = 3}:    #{x = 3}<br/>
        {y = x + 5}:    #{y = x + 5}<br/>
        {z = x + y}:    #{z = x + y}<br/>

        concatenation operator += {z += x} #{z += x}

        <h3>; semicolon operator</h3>
        {x = 5; y = 3; z = x + y}: #{x = 5; y = 3; z = x + y}<br/>
        <h3>lambda expressions and conditional operator</h3>
        {(x->x+1)(3)}: #{(x->x+1)(3)}<br/>
        Declaration and use of lambda variables: #{squareOfNumber = ((x) -> x+x); squareOfNumber(4)}<br/>

        use of lambda variable outside the initial {}: #{squareOfNumber(5)}<br/>

        #{min=(x,y) -> (x lt y ? x : y); min(1,2)}<br/>
        #{min(3, 4)}<br/>

        <h3> call a bean method with EL as lambda expression</h3> 

        #{lambdaAction.lambda1(max = (x,y) -> x gt y ? x : y)}<br/>

        <h3> Collections as lambda expression</h3>
        set: #{set = {10,20,1,44}}<br/>
        list: #{list = [100,2,20,33]}<br/>
        map: #{map = {"one":1, "two":3, "four":4}} <br/>
        sorting a list descending: #{list.stream().sorted((i,j)->i-j).toList()}<br/>
        sorting a list ascending: #{list.stream().sorted((i,j)->j-i).toList()}<br/>

        <h3>Traversing a lambda collection</h3>
        <ui:repeat value="#{map.keySet().toArray()}" var="t">
            <h:outputText value="key:#{t}
                          value: #{map.get(t)}"/><br/>
        <h3> Min of 4</h3>
        #{lambdaAction.lambda2(min4 = (w, x, y, z) -> (w lt x) ? ((w lt y) ? ((w lt z) ? w : z) : ((y lt z) ? y : z)) : ((x lt y) ? ((x lt z) ? x : z) : ((y lt z) ? y : z)))};
