Just to be extra pedantic and to get an error while developing on InfiniSim. Because on PC we can easily add the debugger, on the device we can, but it is a bit more involved.
102 lines
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102 lines
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#include "drivers/SpiNorFlash.h"
#include <hal/nrf_gpio.h>
#include <libraries/log/nrf_log.h>
#include "drivers/Spi.h"
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace Pinetime::Drivers;
SpiNorFlash::SpiNorFlash(const std::string& memoryFilePath) : memoryFilePath{memoryFilePath} {
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
fs::path f{ memoryFilePath };
if (fs::exists(f)) {
memoryFile = std::fstream(memoryFilePath, std::ios::binary | std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out);
} else {
memoryFile = std::fstream(memoryFilePath, std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary | std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out);
memoryFile.seekp(memorySize - 1);
memoryFile.write("", 1);
SpiNorFlash::~SpiNorFlash() {
if (memoryFile.is_open()) {
void SpiNorFlash::Init() {
device_id = ReadIdentificaion();
"[SpiNorFlash] Manufacturer : %d, Memory type : %d, memory density : %d", device_id.manufacturer, device_id.type, device_id.density);
void SpiNorFlash::Uninit() {
void SpiNorFlash::Sleep() {
NRF_LOG_INFO("[SpiNorFlash] Sleep")
void SpiNorFlash::Wakeup() {
NRF_LOG_INFO("[SpiNorFlash] Wakeup")
SpiNorFlash::Identification SpiNorFlash::ReadIdentificaion() {
return {};
uint8_t SpiNorFlash::ReadStatusRegister() {
return 0;
bool SpiNorFlash::WriteInProgress() {
return false;
bool SpiNorFlash::WriteEnabled() {
return false;
uint8_t SpiNorFlash::ReadConfigurationRegister() {
return 0;
void SpiNorFlash::Read(uint32_t address, uint8_t* buffer, size_t size) {
static_assert(sizeof(uint8_t) == sizeof(char));
if (address + size * sizeof(uint8_t) > memorySize) {
throw std::runtime_error("SpiNorFlash::Read out of bounds");
memoryFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buffer), size);
void SpiNorFlash::WriteEnable() {
void SpiNorFlash::SectorErase(uint32_t sectorAddress) {
uint8_t SpiNorFlash::ReadSecurityRegister() {
return 0;
bool SpiNorFlash::ProgramFailed() {
return false;
bool SpiNorFlash::EraseFailed() {
return false;
void SpiNorFlash::Write(uint32_t address, const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size) {
if (address + size * sizeof(uint8_t) > memorySize) {
throw std::runtime_error("SpiNorFlash::Write out of bounds");
memoryFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer), size);