From 0e578fd7d23fbcaae4a3a518a62f66c094dd571d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Caleb Fontenot <>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 18:00:57 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Add initial support for Modrinth

---             | 13 +++++++++-
 parsers/ | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 parsers/

diff --git a/ b/
index 8b78663..f75682c 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # Setup Parser
 import parsers.paperMC
+import parsers.modrinth
 import argparse
 import shutil
 import hashlib
@@ -46,10 +47,20 @@ def paperMC(project, action, subAction):
                 print("sha256sum of downloaded file matches the sum that the API gave, jar is safe to use")
                 raise error
+# modrinth command functions
+def modrinth(project, action, subAction):
+    if action == "list":
+        if subAction == "info":
+            print(parsers.modrinth.modInfo(project))
+        if subAction == "versions":
+            print(parsers.modrinth.getAllModVersionInfo(project))
-# Determine which API to use:
+# Determine which API parser to use:
 if args.api == "paperMC":
     paperMC(args.project, args.action, args.subAction)
+elif args.api == "modrinth":
+    modrinth(args.project, args.action, args.subAction)
     print("Error: Unknown API: "+args.api)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/parsers/ b/parsers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b6cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsers/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from os import error
+import requests
+debug = True
+if debug == True:
+    import logging
+    from requests import api
+    logging.basicConfig()
+    logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
+    requests_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    requests_log.propagate = True
+timeoutTime = 1
+base_api_url = ""
+def failCheck(response):
+    print("Status Code is: "+str(response.status_code))
+    if response.status_code != 200:
+        raise error
+# Data Caching
+dataCache = {}
+def cacheData(function_name, cached_data):
+    print("Caching data!")
+    dataCache[function_name] = cached_data
+def modInfo(project):
+    print("Calling modInfo()...")
+    if "modInfo" in dataCache:
+        return dataCache["modInfo"]
+    response = requests.get(base_api_url+"/mod/"+project)
+    failCheck(response)
+    api_response = response.json()
+    cacheData("modInfo", api_response)
+    return api_response
+def getVersions(project):
+    print("Calling getVersions()...")
+    if "getVersions" in dataCache:
+        return dataCache["getVersions"]
+    workingDict = modInfo(project)
+    versions = workingDict["versions"]
+    print(versions)
+    return versions
+def getAllModVersionInfo(project):
+    print("Calling getAllModVersionInfo()...")
+    if "getAllModVersionInfo" in dataCache:
+        return dataCache["getAllMinecraftVersionInfo"]
+    versions = getVersions(project)
+    responseList = []
+    numberOfVersions = len(versions)
+    for item in range(numberOfVersions):
+        response = requests.get(base_api_url+"/version/"+versions[item])
+        api_response = response.json()
+        responseList.append(api_response)
+    cacheData("getAllMinecraftVersionInfo", responseList)
+    return responseList
+def determineLatestMinecraftVersion(project):
+    modInfo = getAllModVersionInfo(project)
+    numberOfVersions = len(modInfo)
+    gameVersions = {}
+   #for item in range(numberOfVersions):
+        #gameVersions =