# PKGBUILDS and other scripts made for random people & frogs
## How-to use that mess :
### While some of the scripts might work fine on any distro, the PKGBUILDs will only work on distros with access to pacman and makepkg.
**If you need to access pacman and makepkg outside of Arch-linux and distros based on it (like Antergos or Manjaro), you can "hijack" your current distro with Bedrock Linux at your own risk: https://bedrocklinux.org**
* Clone the whole thing (that enables you to use `git pull` to get updates) :
git clone https://github.com/Tk-Glitch/PKGBUILDS.git
* Build packages :
From the directory of the package you want to build (where the PKGBUILD is located), run
makepkg -si
That will grab the required dependencies, build, then install the newly created package(s).
* For bash scripts, just run them from their respective directory - You might find additional details in the readme dedicated to the tool you want to build.
* You can also clone a single folder from the repo (you need to have the `subversion` package installed) but it might break inter-dependencies :
svn export https://github.com/Tk-Glitch/PKGBUILDS/trunk/folder_name
*For example, in case you want to clone the nvidia-dev-all folder, the command would be :* `svn export https://github.com/Tk-Glitch/PKGBUILDS/trunk/nvidia-dev-all`
## Why aren't the PKGBUILDs on AUR ?! :
While some are already available there without userpatches or lib32 support, the most interesting ones aren't (namely linux kernels, nvidia-all and wine-tkg-git) because of the way they are working. You're prompted for options or even config file editing to get the package customized the way you want it to be. For nvidia-all, there's no way around it so I'd consider that non-AUR compliant by default. For linux kernels and wine-tkg-git, I could indeed provide a fixed preset and remove all prompts. That would work. But then, are these still as interesting without customization? I strongly believe they aren't.
### Some daily builds (pacman packages) are available on chaotic-aur (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Unofficial_user_repositories#chaotic-aur):
- http://lonewolf-builder.duckdns.org/chaotic-aur - Thanks Pedro !
- Mirror (Germany) : http://chaotic.bangl.de/chaotic-aur/x86_64/ - Thanks to BangL
For the current stable mainline kernel version, you can find per-arch optimized daily builds for PDS and MuQSS variants here : https://repo.kitsuna.net/ - Thanks to LordKitsuna.
**Wanna talk about it? Need help? Feel free to join the Frogging Family discord server : https://discord.gg/jRy3Nxk**
**If you like my work, consider visiting my patreon page : https://www.patreon.com/tkglitch**
## Thanks to Hans-Kristian, Anisan, Jonny Teronni, Zs. Cs. Sz., JudgeVanadium, Lutris, Oli, Fábio, Bill, Kristoffer, Typhoon, Ole Erik, Stephan and all my anonymous Patrons and supporters! Much frog love to you guys <3
**You can also donate to me via https://www.paypal.me/TkGlitch**