Introduce initial linux59-rc-tkg

No alternative CPU scheduler, Fsync or Nvidia prop blobs support
This commit is contained in:
Tk-Glitch 2020-08-17 14:52:49 +02:00
parent 0d144b2590
commit 25d9259519
20 changed files with 23019 additions and 0 deletions

linux59-rc-tkg/PKGBUILD Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
# Based on the file created for Arch Linux by:
# Tobias Powalowski <>
# Thomas Baechler <>
# Contributor: Tk-Glitch <ti3nou at gmail dot com>
plain ' .---.` `.---.'
plain ' `/syhhhyso- -osyhhhys/`'
plain ' .syNMdhNNhss/``.---.``/sshNNhdMNys.'
plain ' +sdMh.`+MNsssssssssssssssNM+`.hMds+'
plain ' :syNNdhNNhssssssssssssssshNNhdNNys:'
plain ' /ssyhhhysssssssssssssssssyhhhyss/'
plain ' .ossssssssssssssssssssssssssssso.'
plain ' :sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss:'
plain ' /sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss/'
plain ' :sssssssssssssoosssssssoosssssssssssss:'
plain ' osssssssssssssoosssssssoossssssssssssso'
plain ' osssssssssssyyyyhhhhhhhyyyyssssssssssso'
plain ' /yyyyyyhhdmmmmNNNNNNNNNNNmmmmdhhyyyyyy/'
plain ' `-+shdNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNdhs+-`'
plain ' `.-:///////:-.`'
_where="$PWD" # track basedir as different Arch based distros are moving srcdir around
source "$_where"/customization.cfg # load default configuration from file
source "$_where"/linux*-tkg-config/prepare
if [[ "$_sub" = rc* ]]; then
if [ -n "$_custom_pkgbase" ]; then
pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-headers")
arch=('x86_64') # no i686 in here
makedepends=('xmlto' 'docbook-xsl' 'kmod' 'inetutils' 'bc' 'libelf' 'pahole' 'patchutils' 'flex' 'python-sphinx' 'python-sphinx_rtd_theme' 'graphviz' 'imagemagick' 'git')
'config.x86_64' # stock Arch config
#'config_hardened.x86_64' # hardened Arch config
# ARCH Patches
# TkG
export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=archlinux
export KBUILD_BUILD_USER=$pkgbase
prepare() {
rm -rf $pkgdir # Nuke the entire pkg folder so it'll get regenerated clean on next build
ln -s "${_where}/customization.cfg" "${srcdir}" # workaround
cd "${srcdir}/${_srcpath}"
build() {
cd "${srcdir}/${_srcpath}"
# Use custom compiler paths if defined
if [ -n "${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}" ]; then
if [ "$_force_all_threads" == "true" ]; then
# ccache
if [ "$_noccache" != "true" ] && pacman -Qq ccache &> /dev/null; then
export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin/:$PATH"
export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS="file_macro,locale,time_macros"
export CCACHE_NOHASHDIR="true"
msg2 'ccache was found and will be used'
# build!
_runtime=$( time ( schedtool -B -n 1 -e ionice -n 1 make ${_force_all_threads} LOCALVERSION= bzImage modules 2>&1 ) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 ) || _runtime=$( time ( make ${_force_all_threads} LOCALVERSION= bzImage modules 2>&1 ) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )
hackbase() {
pkgdesc="The $pkgdesc kernel and modules"
depends=('coreutils' 'kmod' 'initramfs')
optdepends=('linux-docs: Kernel hackers manual - HTML documentation that comes with the Linux kernel.'
'crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country.'
'linux-firmware: Firmware files for Linux'
'modprobed-db: Keeps track of EVERY kernel module that has ever been probed. Useful for make localmodconfig.'
'nvidia-tkg: NVIDIA drivers for all installed kernels - non-dkms version.'
'nvidia-dkms-tkg: NVIDIA drivers for all installed kernels - dkms version.'
'update-grub: Simple wrapper around grub-mkconfig.')
provides=("linux=${pkgver}" "${pkgbase}" VIRTUALBOX-GUEST-MODULES WIREGUARD-MODULE)
replaces=(virtualbox-guest-modules-arch wireguard-arch)
cd "${srcdir}/${_srcpath}"
# get kernel version
local _kernver="$(<version)"
local modulesdir="$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$_kernver"
msg2 "Installing boot image..."
# systemd expects to find the kernel here to allow hibernation
install -Dm644 "$(make -s image_name)" "$modulesdir/vmlinuz"
# Used by mkinitcpio to name the kernel
echo "$pkgbase" | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$modulesdir/pkgbase"
msg2 "Installing modules..."
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$pkgdir/usr" INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install
# remove build and source links
rm "$modulesdir"/{source,build}
# install cleanup pacman hook and script
sed -e "s|cleanup|${pkgbase}-cleanup|g" "${srcdir}"/90-cleanup.hook |
install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/90-${pkgbase}.hook"
install -Dm755 "${srcdir}"/cleanup "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/scripts/${pkgbase}-cleanup"
hackheaders() {
pkgdesc="Headers and scripts for building modules for the $pkgdesc kernel"
provides=("linux-headers=${pkgver}" "${pkgbase}-headers=${pkgver}")
cd "${srcdir}/${_srcpath}"
local builddir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/$(<version)/build"
msg2 "Installing build files..."
install -Dt "$builddir" -m644 .config Makefile Module.symvers \
localversion.* version vmlinux
install -Dt "$builddir/kernel" -m644 kernel/Makefile
install -Dt "$builddir/arch/x86" -m644 arch/x86/Makefile
cp -t "$builddir" -a scripts
# add objtool for external module building and enabled VALIDATION_STACK option
install -Dt "$builddir/tools/objtool" tools/objtool/objtool
# add xfs and shmem for aufs building
mkdir -p "$builddir"/{fs/xfs,mm}
msg2 "Installing headers..."
cp -t "$builddir" -a include
cp -t "$builddir/arch/x86" -a arch/x86/include
install -Dt "$builddir/arch/x86/kernel" -m644 arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s
install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/md" -m644 drivers/md/*.h
install -Dt "$builddir/net/mac80211" -m644 net/mac80211/*.h
install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/i2c" -m644 drivers/media/i2c/msp3400-driver.h
install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb" -m644 drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/*.h
install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/dvb-frontends" -m644 drivers/media/dvb-frontends/*.h
install -Dt "$builddir/drivers/media/tuners" -m644 drivers/media/tuners/*.h
msg2 "Installing KConfig files..."
find . -name 'Kconfig*' -exec install -Dm644 {} "$builddir/{}" \;
msg2 "Removing unneeded architectures..."
local arch
for arch in "$builddir"/arch/*/; do
[[ $arch = */x86/ ]] && continue
echo "Removing $(basename "$arch")"
rm -r "$arch"
msg2 "Removing documentation..."
rm -r "$builddir/Documentation"
msg2 "Removing broken symlinks..."
find -L "$builddir" -type l -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete
msg2 "Removing loose objects..."
find "$builddir" -type f -name '*.o' -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete
msg2 "Stripping build tools..."
local file
while read -rd '' file; do
case "$(file -bi "$file")" in
application/x-sharedlib\;*) # Libraries (.so)
strip -v $STRIP_SHARED "$file" ;;
application/x-archive\;*) # Libraries (.a)
strip -v $STRIP_STATIC "$file" ;;
application/x-executable\;*) # Binaries
strip -v $STRIP_BINARIES "$file" ;;
application/x-pie-executable\;*) # Relocatable binaries
strip -v $STRIP_SHARED "$file" ;;
done < <(find "$builddir" -type f -perm -u+x ! -name vmlinux -print0)
msg2 "Adding symlink..."
mkdir -p "$pkgdir/usr/src"
ln -sr "$builddir" "$pkgdir/usr/src/$pkgbase"
echo "Stripping vmlinux..."
strip -v $STRIP_STATIC "$builddir/vmlinux"
if [ $_NUKR == "true" ]; then
rm -rf "$srcdir" # Nuke the entire src folder so it'll get regenerated clean on next build
source /dev/stdin <<EOF
package_${pkgbase}() {
package_${pkgbase}-headers() {

linux59-rc-tkg/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
**Due to intel_pstate poor performances as of late, I have decided to set it to passive mode to make use of the acpi_cpufreq governors passthrough, keeping full support for turbo frequencies.**
### PDS, MuQSS and BMQ are not yet available options this revision, and prop Nvidia drivers are not supported
A custom Linux kernel 5.9 RC with added tweaks for a nice interactivity/performance balance, aiming for the best gaming experience.
Various personalization options available and userpatches support (put your own patches in the same dir as the PKGBUILD, with the ".mypatch" extension.
Comes with a slightly modified Arch config asking for a few core personalization settings at compilation time.
If you want to streamline your kernel config for lower footprint and faster compilations :
You can enable support for it at the beginning of the PKGBUILD file. Make sure to read everything you need to know about it.
## Other stuff included:
- Graysky's per-CPU-arch native optimizations -
- memory management and swapping tweaks
- scheduling tweaks
- optional "Zenify" patchset using core blk, mm and scheduler tweaks from Zen
- CFS tweaks
- using yeah TCP congestion algo by default
- using cake network queue management system
- using vm.max_map_count=524288 by default
- cherry-picked clear linux patches
- **optional** overrides for missing ACS capabilities
- **optional** ZFS fpu symbols
## Install procedure
### Arch & derivatives
git clone
cd linux-tkg/linux59-rc-tkg
# Edit customization.cfg file
makepkg -si
### Ubuntu & derivatives
git clone
cd linux-tkg/linux59-rc-tkg
# Edit customization.cfg file to at least set _distro to "Ubuntu"
./ install
To uninstall custom kernels installed through the script:
cd path/to/linux-tkg/linux59-rc-tkg
./ uninstall
### Other linux distributions
Other distros are not supported, Debian may work with the `` script. Otherwise,
that same `` script can clone, patch and edit a `.config` file from your current distro's
that is expected at ``/boot/config-`uname -r`.config``. Otherwise it won't work as-is.
The command to do for that is:
./ config

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
# linux59-TkG config file
# Linux distribution you are using, options are "Arch" (default), "Ubuntu"
#### MISC OPTIONS ####
# External config file to use - If the given file exists in path, it will override default config (customization.cfg) - Default is ~/.config/frogminer/linux52-tkg.cfg
# [Arch specific] Set to anything else than "true" to limit cleanup operations and keep source and files generated during compilation.
# Default is "true".
# Custom compiler root dirs - Leave empty to use system compilers
# Example: CUSTOM_GCC_PATH="/home/frog/PKGBUILDS/mostlyportable-gcc/gcc-mostlyportable-9.2.0"
# Set to the number corresponding to a predefined profile to use it. Current list of available profiles :
# 1 - Custom (meaning nothing will be enforced and you get to configure everything)
# 2 - Ryzen desktop (performance)
# 3 - Generic Desktop (Performance)
# Set to true to bypass makepkg.conf and use all available threads for compilation. False will respect your makepkg.conf options.
# Set to true to prevent ccache from being used and set CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS=y (which needs to be disabled for ccache to work properly)
# Set to true to use modprobed db to clean config from unneeded modules. Speeds up compilation considerably. Requires root -
# !!!! Make sure to have a well populated db !!!! - Leave empty to be asked about it at build time
# Set to "1" to call make menuconfig, "2" to call make nconfig, "3" to call make xconfig, before building the kernel. Set to false to disable and skip the prompt.
# Set to true to generate a kernel config fragment from your changes in menuconfig/nconfig. Set to false to disable and skip the prompt.
# Set to the file name where the generated config fragment should be written to. Only used if _diffconfig is active.
# [Arch specific] Name of the default config file to use from the linux???-tkg-config folder, use "distro" to use the config file of the kernel you are currently using. Arch default is "config.x86_64" and Arch hardened is "config_hardened.x86_64".
# To get a complete hardened setup, you have to use "cfs" as _cpusched
# Disable some non-module debugging - See PKGBUILD for the list
# CPU scheduler - Options are "pds" or "cfs"
# "pds" is the recommended option for gaming
# CPU sched_yield_type - Choose what sort of yield sched_yield will perform
# For PDS and MuQSS: 0: No yield. (Recommended option for gaming on PDS and MuQSS)
# 1: Yield only to better priority/deadline tasks. (Default - can be unstable with PDS on some platforms)
# 2: Expire timeslice and recalculate deadline. (Usually the slowest option for PDS and MuQSS, not recommended)
# For BMQ: 0: No yield.
# 1: Deboost and requeue task. (Default)
# 2: Set rq skip task.
# Round Robin interval is the longest duration two tasks with the same nice level will be delayed for. When CPU time is requested by a task, it receives a time slice equal
# to the rr_interval in addition to a virtual deadline. When using yield_type 2, a low value can help offset the disadvantages of rescheduling a process that has yielded.
# MuQSS default: 6ms"
# PDS default: 4ms"
# BMQ default: 2ms"
# Set to "1" for 2ms, "2" for 4ms, "3" for 6ms, "4" for 8ms, or "default" to keep the chosen scheduler defaults.
# Set to "true" to disable FUNCTION_TRACER/GRAPH_TRACER, lowering overhead but limiting debugging and analyzing of kernel functions - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to disable NUMA, lowering overhead, but breaking CUDA/NvEnc on Nvidia equipped systems - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to enable misc additions - May contain temporary fixes pending upstream or changes that can break on non-Arch - Kernel default is "true"
# Set to "1" to use CattaRappa mode (enabling full tickless), "2" for tickless idle only, or "0" for periodic ticks.
# Full tickless can give higher performances in various cases but, depending on hardware, lower consistency. Just tickless idle can perform better on some platforms (mostly AMD based).
# Setting this to to "true" can improve latency on PDS (at the cost of throughput) and improve throughput on other schedulers (at the cost of latency) - Can improve VMs performance - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to enable Device Tree and Open Firmware support. If you don't know about it, you don't need it - Default is "false"
# Set to "true" to use ACS override patch - - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to add Bcache filesystem support. You'll have to install bcachefs-tools-git from AUR for utilities - - If in doubt, set to "false"
# Set to "true" to add back missing symbol for AES-NI/AVX support on ZFS - - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to enable support for fsync, an experimental replacement for esync found in Valve Proton 4.11+ -
# A selection of patches from Zen/Liquorix kernel and additional tweaks for a better gaming experience (ZENIFY) - Default is "true"
# compiler optimization level - 1. Optimize for performance (-O2); 2. Optimize harder (-O3); 3. Optimize for size (-Os) - Kernel default is "1"
# CPU compiler optimizations - Defaults to generic optimizations if left empty
# AMD CPUs : "k8" "k8sse3" "k10" "barcelona" "bobcat" "jaguar" "bulldozer" "piledriver" "steamroller" "excavator" "zen" "zen2"
# Intel CPUs : "mpsc"(P4 & older Netburst based Xeon) "atom" "core2" "nehalem" "westmere" "silvermont" "sandybridge" "ivybridge" "haswell" "broadwell" "skylake" "skylakex" "cannonlake" "icelake" "goldmont" "goldmontplus" "cascadelake" "cooperlake" "tigerlake"
# Other options :
# - "generic" (to share the package between machines with different CPUs)
# - "native" (use compiler autodetection and will prompt for P6_NOPS - Selecting your arch manually in the list above is recommended instead of this option)
# MuQSS only - Make IRQ threading compulsory (FORCE_IRQ_THREADING) - Default is "false"
# MuQSS and PDS only - SMT (Hyperthreading) aware nice priority and policy support (SMT_NICE) - Kernel default is "true" - You can disable this on non-SMT/HT CPUs for lower overhead
# Trust the CPU manufacturer to initialize Linux's CRNG (RANDOM_TRUST_CPU) - Kernel default is "false"
# MuQSS only - CPU scheduler runqueue sharing - No sharing (RQ_NONE), SMT (hyperthread) siblings (RQ_SMT), Multicore siblings (RQ_MC), Symmetric Multi-Processing (RQ_SMP), NUMA (RQ_ALL)
# Valid values are "none", "smt", "mc", "mc-llc"(for zen), "smp", "all" - Kernel default is "smt"
# Timer frequency - "100" "500", "750" or "1000" - More options available in kernel config prompt when left empty depending on selected cpusched - Kernel default is "500" - For MuQSS, 100Hz is recommended
# Default CPU governor - "performance", "ondemand", "schedutil" or leave empty for default (schedutil)
# Use an aggressive ondemand governor instead of default ondemand to improve performance on low loads/high core count CPUs while keeping some power efficiency from frequency scaling.
# It still requires you to either set ondemand as default governor or to select it some way.
# On some platforms, an acpi_cpufreq bug affects performance negatively. Set to "true" to disable it as a workaround, but it will use more power.
# You can pass a default set of kernel command line options here - example: "intel_pstate=passive nowatchdog amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xfffd7fff mitigations=off"
# If you want to bypass the stock naming scheme and enforce something else (example : "linux") - Useful for some bootloaders requiring manual entry editing on each release.
# !!! It will also change pkgname - If you don't explicitely need this, don't use it !!!
# [non-Arch specific] Kernel localversion. Putting it to "Mario" will make for example the kernel version be 5.7.0-Mario (given by uname -r)
# If left empty, it will use -tkg-"${_cpusched}" where "${_cpusched}" will be replaced by the user chosen scheduler
#### USER PATCHES ####
# community patches - add patches (separated by a space) of your choice by name from the community-patches dir
# example: _community_patches="clear_nack_in_tend_isr.myrevert ffb_regression_fix.mypatch 0008-drm-amd-powerplay-force-the-trim-of-the-mclk-dpm-levels-if-OD-is-enabled.mypatch"
# You can use your own patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .mypatch extension.
# You can also revert patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .myrevert extension.
# Also, userpatches variable below must be set to true for the above to work.
# Apply all user patches without confirmation - !!! NOT RECOMMENDED !!!
# You can use your own kernel config fragments by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .myfrag extension.
# Also, the config fragments variable below must be set to true for the above to work.
# Apply all config fragments without confirmation - !!! NOT RECOMMENDED !!!

linux59-rc-tkg/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
msg2() {
echo -e " \033[1;34m->\033[1;0m \033[1;1m$1\033[1;0m" >&2
error() {
echo -e " \033[1;31m==> ERROR: $1\033[1;0m" >&2
warning() {
echo -e " \033[1;33m==> WARNING: $1\033[1;0m" >&2
plain() {
echo "$1" >&2
# alias plain=echo
set -e
source customization.cfg
if [ "$1" != "install" ] && [ "$1" != "config" ] && [ "$1" != "uninstall" ]; then
echo "Command not recognised, options are:
- config : shallow clones the linux 5.7.x git tree into the folder linux-5.7, then applies on it the extra patches and prepares the .config file by copying the one from the current linux system in /boot/config-`uname -r` and updates it.
- install : [Debian-like only (Debian, Ubuntu, Pop_os!...)], does the config step, proceeds to compile, then prompts to install
- uninstall : [Debian-like only (Debian, Ubuntu, Pop_os!...)], lists the installed custom kernels through this script, then prompts for which one to uninstall."
exit 0
# Load external configuration file if present. Available variable values will overwrite customization.cfg ones.
if [ -e "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then
msg2 "External configuration file $_EXT_CONFIG_PATH will be used and will override customization.cfg values."
source "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH"
if [ "$1" == "install" ] || [ "$1" == "config" ]; then
source linux*-tkg-config/prepare
if [ $1 == "install" ] && [ "$_distro" != "Ubuntu" ]; then
msg2 "Variable \"_distro\" in \"customization.cfg\" hasn't been set to \"Ubuntu\""
msg2 "This script can only install custom kernels for Ubuntu and Debian derivatives. Exiting..."
exit 0
if [ "$_distro" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
msg2 "Installing dependencies"
sudo apt install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache bison flex
msg2 "Dependencies are unknown for the target linux distribution."
# Force prepare script to avoid Arch specific commands if the user didn't change _distro from "Arch"
if [ "$1" == "config" ]; then
if [ -d linux-${_basekernel}.orig ]; then
rm -rf linux-${_basekernel}.orig
if [ -d linux-${_basekernel} ]; then
msg2 "Reseting files in linux-$_basekernel to their original state and getting latest updates"
cd "$_where"/linux-${_basekernel}
git checkout --force linux-$_basekernel.y
git clean -f -d -x
git pull
msg2 "Done"
cd "$_where"
msg2 "Shallow git cloning linux $_basekernel"
git clone --branch linux-$_basekernel.y --single-branch --depth=1 linux-${_basekernel}
msg2 "Done"
# Define current kernel subversion
if [ -z $_kernel_subver ]; then
cd "$_where"/linux-${_basekernel}
_kernelverstr=`git describe`
cd "$_where"
# Run init script that is also run in PKGBUILD, it will define some env vars that we will use
cd "$_where"
msg2 "Downloading Graysky2's CPU optimisations patch"
wget "$_cpu_opt_patch_link"
# Follow Ubuntu install isntructions in
# cd in linux folder, copy Ubuntu's current config file, update with new params
cd "$_where"/linux-${_basekernel}
msg2 "Copying current kernel's config and running make oldconfig..."
cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
yes '' | make oldconfig
msg2 "Done"
# apply linux-tkg patching script
msg2 "Configuration done."
if [ "$1" == "install" ]; then
# Use custom compiler paths if defined
if [ -n "${CUSTOM_GCC_PATH}" ]; then
if [ "$_force_all_threads" == "true" ]; then
_thread_num=`expr \`nproc\` / 4`
if [ "$_thread_num" = "0" ]; then
# ccache
if [ "$_noccache" != "true" ]; then
if [ "$_distro" == "Ubuntu" ] && dpkg -l ccache > /dev/null; then
export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache/bin/:$PATH"
export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS="file_macro,locale,time_macros"
export CCACHE_NOHASHDIR="true"
msg2 'ccache was found and will be used'
if [ -z $_kernel_localversion ]; then
if [ "$_distro" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
if make -j ${_thread_num} deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-${_kernel_flavor}; then
msg2 "Building successfully finished!"
read -p "Do you want to install the new Kernel ? y/[n]: " _install
if [[ $_install =~ [yY] ]] || [[ $_install =~ [yY] ]] || [ $_install == "yes" ] || [ $_install == "Yes" ]; then
cd "$_where"
sudo dpkg -i $_headers_deb $_image_deb
# Add to the list of installed kernels, used for uninstall
if ! { [ -f installed-kernels ] && grep -Fxq "$_kernelname" installed-kernels; }; then
echo $_kernelname >> installed-kernels
if [ "$1" == "uninstall" ]; then
cd "$_where"
if [ ! -f installed-kernels ] || [ ! -s installed-kernels ]; then
echo "No custom kernel has been installed yet"
exit 0
declare -a _custom_kernels
msg2 "Installed custom kernel versions: "
while read p; do
echo " $i) $p"
done < installed-kernels
read -p "Which one would you like to delete ? [1-$i]: " _delete_index
if [ $_delete_index -ge 1 ] && [ $_delete_index -le $i ]; then
sudo dpkg -r linux-headers-${_custom_kernels[$_delete_index]} linux-image-${_custom_kernels[$_delete_index]}
rm -f installed-kernels
for kernel in "${_custom_kernels[@]}"; do
if [ $_delete_index != $i ]; then
echo "$kernel" >> installed-kernels

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Type = File
Operation = Install
Operation = Upgrade
Operation = Remove
Target = usr/lib/modules/*/
Target = !usr/lib/modules/*/?*
Description = Cleaning up...
When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/share/libalpm/scripts/cleanup

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
for _f in /usr/lib/modules/*tkg*; do
if [[ ! -e ${_f}/vmlinuz ]]; then
rm -rf "$_f"
# vim:set ft=sh sw=2 et:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# linux59-TkG config file
# Generic Desktop
#### MISC OPTIONS ####
# External config file to use - If the given file exists in path, it will override default config (customization.cfg) - Default is ~/.config/frogminer/linux50-tkg.cfg
# Name of the default config file to use from the linux???-tkg-config folder. Arch default is "config.x86_64".
# Disable some non-module debugging - See PKGBUILD for the list
# Set to "true" to disable FUNCTION_TRACER/GRAPH_TRACER, lowering overhead but limiting debugging and analyzing of kernel functions - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to disable NUMA, lowering overhead, but breaking CUDA/NvEnc on Nvidia equipped systems - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to use explicit preemption points to lower latency at the cost of a small throughput loss - Can give a nice perf boost in VMs - Kernel default is "false"
# A selection of patches from Zen/Liquorix kernel and additional tweaks for a better gaming experience (ZENIFY) - Default is "true"
# compiler optimization level - 1. Optimize for performance (-O2); 2. Optimize harder (-O3); 3. Optimize for size (-Os) - Kernel default is "2"
# Trust the CPU manufacturer to initialize Linux's CRNG (RANDOM_TRUST_CPU) - Kernel default is "false"
# CPU scheduler runqueue sharing - No sharing (RQ_NONE), SMT (hyperthread) siblings (RQ_SMT), Multicore siblings (RQ_MC), Symmetric Multi-Processing (RQ_SMP), NUMA (RQ_ALL)
# Valid values are "none", "smt", "mc", "mc-llc"(for zen), "smp", "all" - Kernel default is "mc"
# Timer frequency - "500", "750" or "1000" - More options available in kernel config prompt when left empty depending on selected cpusched - Kernel default is "750"
#### USER PATCHES ####
# You can use your own patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .mypatch extension.
# You can also revert patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .myrevert extension.
# Also, userpatches variable below must be set to true for the above to work.
# Apply all user patches without confirmation - !!! NOT RECOMMENDED !!!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
_tkg_initscript() {
cp "$_where"/linux"$_basever"-tkg-patches/* "$_where" # copy patches inside the PKGBUILD's dir to preserve makepkg sourcing and md5sum checking
cp "$_where"/linux"$_basever"-tkg-config/* "$_where" # copy config files and hooks inside the PKGBUILD's dir to preserve makepkg sourcing and md5sum checking
# Load external configuration file if present. Available variable values will overwrite customization.cfg ones.
if [ -e "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then
source "$_EXT_CONFIG_PATH" && msg2 "External configuration file $_EXT_CONFIG_PATH will be used to override customization.cfg values." && msg2 ""
if [ -z "$_OPTIPROFILE" ] && [ ! -e "$_where"/cpuschedset ]; then
# Prompt about optimized configurations. Available variable values will overwrite customization.cfg/external config ones.
plain "Do you want to use a predefined optimized profile?"
read -rp "`echo $' > 1.Custom\n 2.Ryzen Desktop (Performance)\n 3.Other Desktop (Performance)\nchoice[1-3?]: '`" _OPTIPROFILE;
if [ "$_OPTIPROFILE" == "2" ]; then
source "$_where"/ryzen-desktop-profile.cfg && msg2 "Ryzen Desktop (Performance) profile will be used." && msg2 ""
elif [ "$_OPTIPROFILE" == "3" ]; then
source "$_where"/generic-desktop-profile.cfg && msg2 "Generic Desktop (Performance) profile will be used." && msg2 ""
# source cpuschedset early if present
if [ -e "$_where"/cpuschedset ]; then
source "$_where"/cpuschedset
# CPU SCHED selector
#if [ -z "$_cpusched" ] && [ ! -e "$_where"/cpuschedset ]; then
# plain "What CPU sched variant do you want to build/install?"
# read -rp "`echo $' > 1.PDS\n 2.CFS\nchoice[1-2?]: '`" CONDITION;
# if [ "$CONDITION" == "2" ]; then
# echo "_cpusched=\"cfs\"" > "$_where"/cpuschedset
# else
# echo "_cpusched=\"pds\"" > "$_where"/cpuschedset
# fi
if [ -n "$_custom_pkgbase" ]; then
echo "_custom_pkgbase=\"${_custom_pkgbase}\"" >> "$_where"/cpuschedset
#elif [ "$_cpusched" == "muqss" ] || [ "$_cpusched" == "MuQSS" ]; then
# echo "_cpusched=\"MuQSS\"" > "$_where"/cpuschedset
#elif [ "$_cpusched" == "pds" ]; then
# echo "_cpusched=\"pds\"" > "$_where"/cpuschedset
#elif [ "$_cpusched" == "bmq" ]; then
# echo "_cpusched=\"bmq\"" > "$_where"/cpuschedset
# if [ "$_nofallback" != "true" ]; then
# warning "Something is wrong with your cpusched selection. Do you want to fallback to CFS (default)?"
# read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" _fallback;
# fi
# if [[ "$_fallback" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_nofallback" == "true" ]; then
echo "_cpusched=\"cfs\"" > "$_where"/cpuschedset
# else
# error "Exiting..."
# exit 1
# fi
source "$_where"/cpuschedset
user_patcher() {
# To patch the user because all your base are belong to us
local _patches=("$_where"/*."${_userpatch_ext}revert")
if [ ${#_patches[@]} -ge 2 ] || [ -e "${_patches}" ]; then
if [ "$_user_patches_no_confirm" != "true" ]; then
msg2 "Found ${#_patches[@]} 'to revert' userpatches for ${_userpatch_target}:"
printf '%s\n' "${_patches[@]}"
read -rp "Do you want to install it/them? - Be careful with that ;)"$'\n> N/y : ' _CONDITION;
if [[ "$_CONDITION" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_user_patches_no_confirm" == "true" ]; then
for _f in "${_patches[@]}"; do
if [ -e "${_f}" ]; then
msg2 "######################################################"
msg2 ""
msg2 "Reverting your own ${_userpatch_target} patch ${_f}"
msg2 ""
msg2 "######################################################"
patch -Np1 -R < "${_f}"
echo "Reverted your own patch ${_f}" >> "$_where"/last_build_config.log
if [ ${#_patches[@]} -ge 2 ] || [ -e "${_patches}" ]; then
if [ "$_user_patches_no_confirm" != "true" ]; then
msg2 "Found ${#_patches[@]} userpatches for ${_userpatch_target}:"
printf '%s\n' "${_patches[@]}"
read -rp "Do you want to install it/them? - Be careful with that ;)"$'\n> N/y : ' _CONDITION;
if [[ "$_CONDITION" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_user_patches_no_confirm" == "true" ]; then
for _f in "${_patches[@]}"; do
if [ -e "${_f}" ]; then
msg2 "######################################################"
msg2 ""
msg2 "Applying your own ${_userpatch_target} patch ${_f}"
msg2 ""
msg2 "######################################################"
patch -Np1 < "${_f}"
echo "Applied your own patch ${_f}" >> "$_where"/last_build_config.log
_tkg_srcprep() {
if [ "${_distro}" == "Arch" ]; then
msg2 "Setting version..."
scripts/setlocalversion --save-scmversion
echo "-$pkgrel-tkg-${_cpusched}" > localversion.10-pkgrel
echo "" > localversion.20-pkgname
# add upstream patch
#msg2 "Patching from $_basekernel to $pkgver"
#patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/patch-"${pkgver}"
# ARCH Patches
if [ "${_configfile}" == "config_hardened.x86_64" ] && [ "${_cpusched}" == "cfs" ]; then
msg2 "Using linux hardened patchset"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0012-linux-hardened.patch
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0001-add-sysctl-to-disallow-unprivileged-CLONE_NEWUSER-by.patch
# graysky's cpu opts -
msg2 "Applying graysky's cpu opts patch"
if [ "${_distro}" == "Arch" ]; then
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/enable_additional_cpu_optimizations_for_gcc_v10.1%2B_kernel_v5.8%2B.patch
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/enable_additional_cpu_optimizations_for_gcc_v10.1+_kernel_v5.8+.patch
# TkG
msg2 "Applying clear linux patches"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0002-clear-patches.patch
msg2 "Applying glitched base patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0003-glitched-base.patch
if [ -z $_misc_adds ]; then
plain "Enable misc additions ? May contain temporary fixes pending upstream or changes that can break on non-Arch. "
read -rp "`echo $' > [Y]/n : '`" _interactive_misc_adds;
if [ "$_interactive_misc_adds" != "n" ] && [ "$_interactive_misc_adds" != "N" ]; then
if [ "$_misc_adds" == "true" ]; then
msg2 "Applying misc additions patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0012-misc-additions.patch
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
msg2 "Applying MuQSS base patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0004-5.9-ck1.patch
if [ "${_aggressive_ondemand}" == "true" ]; then
msg2 "Applying MuQSS agressive ondemand governor patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0004-glitched-ondemand-muqss.patch
msg2 "Applying Glitched MuQSS patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0004-glitched-muqss.patch
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "pds" ]; then
# PDS-mq
msg2 "Applying PDS base patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0005-v5.9_undead-pds099o.patch
if [ "${_aggressive_ondemand}" == "true" ]; then
msg2 "Applying PDS agressive ondemand governor patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0005-glitched-ondemand-pds.patch
msg2 "Applying Glitched PDS patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0005-glitched-pds.patch
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
# Project C / BMQ
msg2 "Applying Project C / BMQ base patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0009-prjc_v5.9-r0.patch
if [ "${_aggressive_ondemand}" == "true" ]; then
msg2 "Applying BMQ agressive ondemand governor patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0009-glitched-ondemand-bmq.patch
msg2 "Applying Glitched BMQ patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0009-glitched-bmq.patch
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "cfs" ]; then
msg2 "Applying Glitched CFS patch"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0003-glitched-cfs.patch
if [ "${_distro}" == "Arch" ]; then
if [ -z "${_configfile}" ]; then
cat "${srcdir}/${_configfile}" > ./.config
# Set some -tkg defaults
echo "# CONFIG_DYNAMIC_FAULT is not set" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_DEFAULT_FQ_CODEL=y/# CONFIG_DEFAULT_FQ_CODEL is not set/' ./.config
echo "CONFIG_DEFAULT_CAKE=y" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_NR_TTY_DEVICES=63" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_NTP_PPS is not set" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZ4=m/CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZ4=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZ4HC=m/CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZ4HC=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_LZ4_COMPRESS=m/CONFIG_LZ4_COMPRESS=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_LZ4HC_COMPRESS=m/CONFIG_LZ4HC_COMPRESS=y/' ./.config
#sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_RCU_BOOST_DELAY=500/CONFIG_RCU_BOOST_DELAY=0/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_CMDLINE_BOOL is not set/CONFIG_CMDLINE_BOOL=y/' ./.config
echo "CONFIG_CMDLINE=\"${_custom_commandline}\"" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_CMDLINE_OVERRIDE is not set" >> ./.config
if [ "$_noccache" != "true" ]; then
if { [ "$_distro" == "Arch" ] && pacman -Qq ccache &> /dev/null; } || { [ "$_distro" == "Ubuntu" ] && dpkg -l ccache > /dev/null; }; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS=y/# CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS is not set/' ./.config
if [ "$_font_autoselect" != "false" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_FONT_TER16x32=y/# CONFIG_FONT_TER16x32 is not set\nCONFIG_FONT_AUTOSELECT=y/' ./.config
# Inject cpuopts options
echo "# CONFIG_MK8SSE3 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MK10 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MBARCELONA is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MBOBCAT is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MJAGUAR is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MBULLDOZER is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MPILEDRIVER is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MSTEAMROLLER is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MEXCAVATOR is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MZEN is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MZEN2 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MATOM is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MNEHALEM is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MWESTMERE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MSILVERMONT is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MSANDYBRIDGE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MIVYBRIDGE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MHASWELL is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MBROADWELL is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MSKYLAKE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MSKYLAKEX is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MCANNONLAKE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MICELAKE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MGOLDMONT is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MGOLDMONTPLUS is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MCASCADELAKE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MCOOPERLAKE is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_MTIGERLAKE is not set" >> ./.config
# Disable some debugging
if [ "${_debugdisable}" == "true" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG=y/# CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_PM_DEBUG=y/# CONFIG_PM_DEBUG is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG=y/# CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_PM_SLEEP_DEBUG=y/# CONFIG_PM_SLEEP_DEBUG is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG=y/# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG=y/# CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_LATENCYTOP=y/# CONFIG_LATENCYTOP is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT=y/# CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT is not set/' ./.config
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
# MuQSS default config
echo "CONFIG_SCHED_MUQSS=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "pds" ]; then
# PDS default config
echo "CONFIG_SCHED_PDS=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
# BMQ default config
echo "CONFIG_SCHED_ALT=y" >> ./.config
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ] || [ "${_cpusched}" == "pds" ] || [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
# Disable CFS
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED=y/# CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_CFS_BANDWIDTH=y/# CONFIG_CFS_BANDWIDTH is not set/' ./.config
# sched yield type
if [ -n "$_sched_yield_type" ]; then
plain ""
plain "CPU sched_yield_type - Choose what sort of yield sched_yield will perform."
plain ""
plain "For PDS and MuQSS:"
plain "0: No yield."
plain "1: Yield only to better priority/deadline tasks."
plain "2: Expire timeslice and recalculate deadline."
plain ""
plain "For BMQ (experimental) - No recommended value yet, so try for yourself x) :"
plain "0: No yield."
plain "1: Deboost and requeue task. (default)"
plain "2: Set rq skip task."
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
read -rp "`echo $'\n 0. Supposedly best option for gaming performance - could lead to stability issues on some (AMD) platforms when combined with MuQSS\n > 1. Default and recommended option for MuQSS - could lead to stability issues on some (Intel) platforms\n 2. Can be a good option with low rr_interval on MuQSS\n [0-2?]: '`" CONDITION0;
read -rp "`echo $'\n > 0. Recommended option for gaming on PDS - "tkg" default\n 1. Default, but can lead to stability issues on some platforms\n 2. Can be a good option with low rr_interval on MuQSS\n [0-2?]: '`" CONDITION0;
if [ "$CONDITION0" == "0" ]; then
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 1;/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 0;/' ./kernel/sched/alt_core.c
sed -i -e 's/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 1;/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 0;/' ./kernel/sched/"${_cpusched}".c
elif [ "$CONDITION0" == "1" ]; then
msg2 "Using default CPU sched yield type (1)"
elif [ "$CONDITION0" == "2" ]; then
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 1;/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 2;/' ./kernel/sched/alt_core.c
sed -i -e 's/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 1;/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 2;/' ./kernel/sched/"${_cpusched}".c
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
msg2 "Using default CPU sched yield type (1)"
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 1;/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 0;/' ./kernel/sched/alt_core.c
sed -i -e 's/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 1;/int sched_yield_type __read_mostly = 0;/' ./kernel/sched/"${_cpusched}".c
# Round Robin interval
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ] || [ "${_cpusched}" == "pds" ] || [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
if [ -n "$_rr_interval" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Round Robin interval is the longest duration two tasks with the same nice level will"
plain "be delayed for. When CPU time is requested by a task, it receives a time slice equal"
plain "to the rr_interval in addition to a virtual deadline. When using yield_type 2, a low"
plain "value can help offset the disadvantages of rescheduling a process that has yielded."
plain ""
plain "MuQSS default: 6ms"
plain "PDS default: 4ms"
plain "BMQ default: 2ms"
read -rp "`echo $'\n > 0.Keep defaults\n 1.2ms\n 2.4ms\n 3.6ms\n 4.8ms\n [0-4?]: '`" CONDITION1;
if [ "$CONDITION1" == "1" ]; then
msg2 "Using 2ms rr_interval"
elif [ "$CONDITION1" == "2" ]; then
msg2 "Using 4ms rr_interval"
elif [ "$CONDITION1" == "3" ]; then
msg2 "Using 6ms rr_interval"
elif [ "$CONDITION1" == "4" ]; then
msg2 "Using 8ms rr_interval"
msg2 "Using default rr_interval"
if [ "$_rrvalue" != "default" ]; then
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
sed -i -e "s/int rr_interval __read_mostly = 6;/int rr_interval __read_mostly = ${_rrvalue};/" ./kernel/sched/"${_cpusched}".c
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "pds" ]; then
sed -i -e "s/#define SCHED_DEFAULT_RR (4)/#define SCHED_DEFAULT_RR (${_rrvalue})/" ./kernel/sched/"${_cpusched}".c
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
sed -i -e "s/u64 sched_timeslice_ns __read_mostly = (4 * 1000 * 1000);/u64 sched_timeslice_ns __read_mostly = (${_rrvalue} * 1000 * 1000);/" ./kernel/sched/alt_core.c
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "bmq" ]; then
sed -i -e "s/u64 sched_timeslice_ns __read_mostly = (4 * 1000 * 1000);/u64 sched_timeslice_ns __read_mostly = (2 * 1000 * 1000);/" ./kernel/sched/alt_core.c
# zenify
if [ "$_zenify" == "true" ]; then
echo "CONFIG_ZENIFY=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_zenify" == "false" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_ZENIFY is not set" >> ./.config
# compiler optimization level
if [ "$_compileroptlevel" == "1" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_PERFORMANCE_O3 is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_compileroptlevel" == "2" ]; then
elif [ "$_compileroptlevel" == "3" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE is not set/CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE=y/' ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_PERFORMANCE_O3 is not set" >> ./.config
# cpu opt
if [ -n "$_processor_opt" ] && [ "$_processor_opt" != "native" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_MNATIVE is not set" >> ./.config
if [ -n "$_processor_opt" ] && [ "$_processor_opt" != "generic" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_GENERIC_CPU=y/# CONFIG_GENERIC_CPU is not set/' ./.config
if [ "$_processor_opt" == "native" ]; then
echo "CONFIG_MNATIVE=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "k8" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MK8 is not set/CONFIG_MK8=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "k8sse3" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MK8SSE3 is not set/CONFIG_MK8SSE3=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "k10" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MK10 is not set/CONFIG_MK10=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "barcelona" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MBARCELONA is not set/CONFIG_MBARCELONA=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "bobcat" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MBOBCAT is not set/CONFIG_MBOBCAT=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "jaguar" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MJAGUAR is not set/CONFIG_MJAGUAR=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "bulldozer" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MBULLDOZER is not set/CONFIG_MBULLDOZER=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "piledriver" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MPILEDRIVER is not set/CONFIG_MPILEDRIVER=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "steamroller" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MSTEAMROLLER is not set/CONFIG_MSTEAMROLLER=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "excavator" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MEXCAVATOR is not set/CONFIG_MEXCAVATOR=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "zen" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MZEN is not set/CONFIG_MZEN=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "zen2" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MZEN2 is not set/CONFIG_MZEN2=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "mpsc" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MPSC is not set/CONFIG_MPSC=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "atom" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MATOM is not set/CONFIG_MATOM=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "core2" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MCORE2 is not set/CONFIG_MCORE2=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "nehalem" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MNEHALEM is not set/CONFIG_MNEHALEM=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "westmere" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MWESTMERE is not set/CONFIG_MWESTMERE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "silvermont" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MSILVERMONT is not set/CONFIG_MSILVERMONT=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "sandybridge" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MSANDYBRIDGE is not set/CONFIG_MSANDYBRIDGE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "ivybridge" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MIVYBRIDGE is not set/CONFIG_MIVYBRIDGE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "haswell" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MHASWELL is not set/CONFIG_MHASWELL=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "broadwell" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MBROADWELL is not set/CONFIG_MBROADWELL=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "skylake" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MSKYLAKE is not set/CONFIG_MSKYLAKE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "skylakex" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MSKYLAKEX is not set/CONFIG_MSKYLAKEX=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "cannonlake" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MCANNONLAKE is not set/CONFIG_MCANNONLAKE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "icelake" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MICELAKE is not set/CONFIG_MICELAKE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "goldmont" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MGOLDMONT is not set/CONFIG_MGOLDMONT=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "goldmontplus" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MGOLDMONTPLUS is not set/CONFIG_MGOLDMONTPLUS=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "cascadelake" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MCASCADELAKE is not set/CONFIG_MCASCADELAKE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "cooperlake" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MCOOPERLAKE is not set/CONFIG_MCOOPERLAKE=y/' ./.config
elif [ "$_processor_opt" == "tigerlake" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_MTIGERLAKE is not set/CONFIG_MTIGERLAKE=y/' ./.config
# irq threading
if [ "$_irq_threading" == "true" ]; then
echo "CONFIG_FORCE_IRQ_THREADING=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_irq_threading" == "false" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_FORCE_IRQ_THREADING is not set" >> ./.config
# smt nice
if [ "$_smt_nice" == "true" ]; then
echo "CONFIG_SMT_NICE=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_smt_nice" == "false" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_SMT_NICE is not set" >> ./.config
# random trust cpu
if [ "$_random_trust_cpu" == "true" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_RANDOM_TRUST_CPU is not set/CONFIG_RANDOM_TRUST_CPU=y/' ./.config
# rq sharing
if [ "$_runqueue_sharing" == "none" ]; then
echo -e "CONFIG_RQ_NONE=y\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMT is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC_LLC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMP is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_ALL is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ -z "$_runqueue_sharing" ] || [ "$_runqueue_sharing" == "smt" ]; then
echo -e "# CONFIG_RQ_NONE is not set\nCONFIG_RQ_SMT=y\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC_LLC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMP is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_ALL is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_runqueue_sharing" == "mc" ]; then
echo -e "# CONFIG_RQ_NONE is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMT is not set\nCONFIG_RQ_MC=y\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC_LLC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMP is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_ALL is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_runqueue_sharing" == "smp" ]; then
echo -e "# CONFIG_RQ_NONE is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMT is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC_LLC is not set\nCONFIG_RQ_SMP=y\n# CONFIG_RQ_ALL is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_runqueue_sharing" == "all" ]; then
echo -e "# CONFIG_RQ_NONE is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMT is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC_LLC is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMP is not set\nCONFIG_RQ_ALL=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_runqueue_sharing" == "mc-llc" ]; then
echo -e "# CONFIG_RQ_NONE is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMT is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_MC is not set\nCONFIG_RQ_MC_LLC=y\n# CONFIG_RQ_SMP is not set\n# CONFIG_RQ_ALL is not set" >> ./.config
# timer freq
if [ -n "$_timer_freq" ] && [ "$_timer_freq" != "300" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_300=y/# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF=y/# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set/' ./.config
if [ "$_timer_freq" == "1000" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set/CONFIG_HZ_1000=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ=300/CONFIG_HZ=1000/' ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_1000_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_250_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_timer_freq" == "750" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ=300/CONFIG_HZ=750/' ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_750=y" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_750_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_1000_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_250_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_timer_freq" == "500" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ=300/CONFIG_HZ=500/' ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_500=y" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_500_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_1000_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_250_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
elif [ "$_timer_freq" == "100" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ=300/CONFIG_HZ=100/' ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_1000_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_250_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_100=y" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_100_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
elif [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ] && [ -z "$_timer_freq" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ=300/CONFIG_HZ=100/' ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750 is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_1000_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_750_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_500_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_250_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_100=y" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_100_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_300=y/# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF=y/# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ=300/CONFIG_HZ=500/' ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_500=y" >> ./.config
echo "CONFIG_HZ_500_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_250_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_HZ_300_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
# default cpu gov
if [ "$_default_cpu_gov" == "performance" ]; then
elif [ "$_default_cpu_gov" == "ondemand" ]; then
# ACPI_CPUFREQ disablement
if [ "$_disable_acpi_cpufreq" == "true" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ=m/# CONFIG_X86_ACPI_CPUFREQ is not set/' ./.config
# ftrace
if [ -z "$_ftracedisable" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Disable FUNCTION_TRACER/GRAPH_TRACER? Lowers overhead but limits debugging"
plain "and analyzing of kernel functions."
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION2;
if [[ "$CONDITION2" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_ftracedisable" == "true" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER=y/# CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER is not set/' ./.config
# disable numa
if [ -z "$_numadisable" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Disable NUMA? Lowers overhead, but breaks CUDA/NvEnc on Nvidia if disabled."
plain ""
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION3;
if [[ "$CONDITION3" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_numadisable" == "true" ]; then
# disable NUMA since 99.9% of users do not have multiple CPUs but do have multiple cores in one CPU
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NUMA=y/# CONFIG_NUMA is not set/' \
-i -e '/CONFIG_AMD_NUMA=y/d' \
-i -e '/CONFIG_X86_64_ACPI_NUMA=y/d' \
-i -e '/# CONFIG_NUMA_EMU is not set/d' \
-i -e '/CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT=6/d' \
-i -e '/CONFIG_ACPI_NUMA=y/d' ./.config
# tickless
if [ -z "$_tickless" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Use CattaRappa mode (Tickless/Dynticks) ?"
plain "Can give higher performances in many cases but lower consistency on some hardware."
plain "Just tickless idle can perform better with some platforms (mostly AMD) or CPU schedulers (mostly MuQSS)."
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
read -rp "`echo $'\n 0.No, use periodic ticks\n 1.Yes, full tickless baby!\n > 2.Just tickless idle plz\n [0-2?]: '`" CONDITION4;
read -rp "`echo $'\n 0.No, use periodic ticks\n > 1.Yes, full tickless baby!\n 2.Just tickless idle plz\n [0-2?]: '`" CONDITION4;
if [ "$CONDITION4" == "0" ] || [ "$_tickless" == "0" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set/CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON is not set/' ./.config
elif [ "$CONDITION4" == "2" ] || [ "$_tickless" == "2" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC=y/# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y/' ./.config
if [ "${_cpusched}" == "MuQSS" ]; then
echo "# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_NODEF is not set" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC=y/# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y/' ./.config
echo "CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_NODEF=y" >> ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC=y/# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE=y/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ=y/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON is not set/CONFIG_NO_HZ_COMMON=y/' ./.config
echo "CONFIG_CONTEXT_TRACKING=y" >> ./.config
echo "# CONFIG_CONTEXT_TRACKING_FORCE is not set" >> ./.config
# voluntary preempt
if [ -z "$_voluntary_preempt" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Use explicit preemption points?"
plain "It can improve latency on PDS (at the cost of throughput)"
plain "and improve throughput on other schedulers (at the cost of latency)"
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION5;
if [[ "$CONDITION5" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_voluntary_preempt" == "true" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_PREEMPT=y/# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/CONFIG_PREEMPT_LL=y/# CONFIG_PREEMPT_LL is not set/' ./.config
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY is not set/CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY=y/' ./.config
# Open Firmware support
if [ -z "$_OFenable" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Enable Device Tree and Open Firmware support?"
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION6;
if [[ "$CONDITION6" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_OFenable" == "true" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/# CONFIG_OF is not set/CONFIG_OF=y/' ./.config
# acs override
if [ -z "$_acs_override" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Use ACS override patch?"
plain ""
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION7;
if [[ "$CONDITION7" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_acs_override" == "true" ]; then
msg2 "Patching ACS override"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0006-add-acs-overrides_iommu.patch
# bcachefs
#if [ -z "$_bcachefs" ]; then
# plain ""
# plain "Add Bcache filesystem support? You'll have to install bcachefs-tools-git from AUR for utilities."
# plain ""
# read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION8;
#if [[ "$CONDITION8" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_bcachefs" == "true" ]; then
# msg2 "Patching Bcache filesystem support override"
# patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0008-5.9-bcachefs.patch
# echo "CONFIG_BCACHEFS_FS=m" >> ./.config
# echo "CONFIG_BCACHEFS_QUOTA=y" >> ./.config
# echo "CONFIG_BCACHEFS_POSIX_ACL=y" >> ./.config
# echo "# CONFIG_BCACHEFS_DEBUG is not set" >> ./.config
# echo "# CONFIG_BCACHEFS_TESTS is not set" >> ./.config
# echo "# CONFIG_DEBUG_CLOSURES is not set" >> ./.config
# fsync support
#if [ -z "$_fsync" ]; then
# plain ""
# plain "Enable support for fsync, an experimental replacement for esync in Valve Proton 4.11+"
# plain ""
# read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION9;
#if [[ "$CONDITION9" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_fsync" == "true" ]; then
# msg2 "Patching Fsync support"
# patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0007-v5.9-fsync.patch
# ZFS fix
if [ -z "$_zfsfix" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Add back missing symbol for AES-NI/AVX support on ZFS"
plain ""
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITION11;
if [[ "$CONDITION11" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_zfsfix" == "true" ]; then
msg2 "Patching missing symbol for AES-NI/AVX support on ZFS"
patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/0011-ZFS-fix.patch
# Community patches
if [ -n "$_community_patches" ]; then
if [ ! -d "$_where/../../community-patches" ]; then
cd "$_where/../.." && git clone && cd "${srcdir}/${_srcpath}"
for _p in ${_community_patches[@]}; do
ln -s "$_where"/../../community-patches/linux"$_basever"-tkg/$_p "$_where"/
# userpatches
if [ "$_user_patches" == "true" ]; then
# Community patches removal
for _p in ${_community_patches[@]}; do
rm -f "$_where"/$_p
if [ "$_distro" == "Arch" ]; then
# don't run depmod on 'make install'. We'll do this ourselves in packaging
sed -i '2iexit 0' scripts/
# get kernel version
make prepare
# modprobed-db
if [ -z "$_modprobeddb" ]; then
plain ""
plain "Use modprobed db to clean config from unneeded modules?"
plain "Speeds up compilation considerably. Requires root."
plain ""
plain "!!!! Make sure to have a well populated db !!!!"
read -rp "`echo $' > N/y : '`" CONDITIONMPDB;
if [[ "$CONDITIONMPDB" =~ [yY] ]] || [ "$_modprobeddb" == "true" ]; then
sudo modprobed-db recall
make localmodconfig
if [ true = "$_config_fragments" ]; then
local fragments=()
mapfile -d '' -t fragments < <(find "$_where"/ -type f -name "*.myfrag" -print0)
if [ true = "$_config_fragments_no_confirm" ]; then
printf 'Using config fragment %s\n' "${fragments[@]#$_where/}"
for i in "${!fragments[@]}"; do
while true; do
read -r -p 'Found config fragment '"${fragments[$i]#$_where/}"', apply it? [y/N] ' CONDITIONMPDB
CONDITIONMPDB="$(printf '%s' "$CONDITIONMPDB" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
unset fragments[$i]
echo 'Please answer with yes or no'
if [ 0 -lt "${#fragments[@]}" ]; then
scripts/kconfig/ -m .config "${fragments[@]}"
# menuconfig / nconfig
if [ -z "$_menunconfig" ]; then
plain ""
plain "*Optional* For advanced users - Do you want to use make menuconfig or nconfig"
plain "to configure the kernel before building it?"
plain "If you do, make sure your terminal is currently"
plain "at least 19 lines by 80 columns large or you'll get an error :D"
read -rp "`echo $' > 0. nope\n 1. menuconfig\n 2. nconfig\n 3. xconfig\n choice[0-3?]: '`" CONDITIONMNC;
if [ 1 = "$_menunconfig" ]; then
cp .config .config.orig
make menuconfig
elif [ 2 = "$_menunconfig" ]; then
cp .config .config.orig
make nconfig
elif [ 3 = "$_menunconfig" ]; then
cp .config .config.orig
make xconfig
# rewrite configuration
yes "" | make config >/dev/null
if [ 1 = "$_menunconfig" ] || [ 2 = "$_menunconfig" ] || [ 3 = "$_menunconfig" ]; then
if [ -z "${_diffconfig}" ]; then
while true; do
read -r -p 'Generate a config fragment from your changes? [y/N] ' CONDITIONF
CONDITIONF="$(printf '%s' "$CONDITIONF" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
case "$CONDITIONF" in
echo 'Please answer with yes or no'
if [ true = "$_diffconfig" ]; then
if [ -z "$_diffconfig_name" ]; then
IFS= read -r -p 'Filename for the config fragment [leave empty to not generate fragment]: ' _diffconfig_name
if [ -z "$_diffconfig_name" ]; then
echo 'No file name given, not generating config fragment.'
else (
cd "$_where"
"${prev_pwd}/scripts/diffconfig" -m "${prev_pwd}/.config.orig" "${prev_pwd}/.config" > "$_diffconfig_name"
) fi
rm .config.orig
if [ "$_distro" == "Arch" ]; then
make -s kernelrelease > version
msg2 "Prepared %s version %s" "$pkgbase" "$(<version)"
exit_cleanup() {
# Remove state tracker
rm -f "$_where"/cpuschedset
# Remove temporarily copied files
rm -rf "$_where"/*.patch
rm -rf "$_where"/*-profile.cfg
rm -f "$_where"/config*
rm -f "$_where"/*.hook
rm -f "$_where"/cleanup
rm -f "$_where"/prepare
# Community patches removal in case of failure
for _p in ${_community_patches[@]}; do
rm -f "$_where"/"$_p"
if [ "$_NUKR" = "true" ] && [ "$_where" != "$srcdir" ]; then
rm -rf "$_where"/src/*
# Double tap
rm -rf "$srcdir"/linux-*
rm -rf "$srcdir"/*.xz
rm -rf "$srcdir"/*.patch
rm -rf "$srcdir"/*-profile.cfg
rm -f "$srcdir"/config.x86_64
rm -f "$srcdir"/customization.cfg
# Meh
rm -rf "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/filesystems/aufs/*
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/ABI/testing/*-aufs
rm -rf "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/fs/aufs/*
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/include/uapi/linux/aufs*
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/mm/prfile.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/block/bfq*
rm -rf "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/drivers/scsi/vhba/*
rm -rf "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/fs/exfat/*
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/include/trace/events/fs.h
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/scheduler/sched-PDS-mq.txt
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/include/linux/skip_list.h
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/sched/pds.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/sched/pds_sched.h
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/scheduler/sched-BMQ.txt
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/sched/alt_core.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/sched/sched/alt_debug.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/sched/alt_sched.h
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/scheduler/sched-BFS.txt
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/scheduler/sched-MuQSS.txt
rm -rf "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/arch/blackfin/*
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/arch/powerpc/configs/c2k_defconfig
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/arch/score/configs/spct6600_defconfig
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/arch/tile/configs/tilegx_defconfig
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/arch/tile/configs/tilepro_defconfig
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/drivers/staging/lustre/lnet/lnet/lib-eq.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/sched/MuQSS*
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/kernel/skip_list.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/Documentation/vm/uksm.txt
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/include/linux/sradix-tree.h
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/include/linux/uksm.h
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/lib/sradix-tree.c
rm -f "$srcdir"/linux-${_basekernel}/mm/uksm.c
if [ "${_distro}" == "Arch" ]; then
msg2 'exit cleanup done\n'
if [ -n "$_runtime" ]; then
msg2 "compilation time : \n$_runtime"
trap exit_cleanup EXIT

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# linux59-TkG config file
# Ryzen Desktop
#### MISC OPTIONS ####
# External config file to use - If the given file exists in path, it will override default config (customization.cfg) - Default is ~/.config/frogminer/linux52-tkg.cfg
# Name of the default config file to use from the linux???-tkg-config folder. Arch default is "config.x86_64".
# Disable some non-module debugging - See PKGBUILD for the list
# Set to "true" to disable FUNCTION_TRACER/GRAPH_TRACER, lowering overhead but limiting debugging and analyzing of kernel functions - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to disable NUMA, lowering overhead, but breaking CUDA/NvEnc on Nvidia equipped systems - Kernel default is "false"
# Set to "true" to use explicit preemption points to lower latency at the cost of a small throughput loss - Can give a nice perf boost in VMs - Kernel default is "false"
# A selection of patches from Zen/Liquorix kernel and additional tweaks for a better gaming experience (ZENIFY) - Default is "true"
# compiler optimization level - 1. Optimize for performance (-O2); 2. Optimize harder (-O3); 3. Optimize for size (-Os) - Kernel default is "2"
# Trust the CPU manufacturer to initialize Linux's CRNG (RANDOM_TRUST_CPU) - Kernel default is "false"
# CPU scheduler runqueue sharing - No sharing (RQ_NONE), SMT (hyperthread) siblings (RQ_SMT), Multicore siblings (RQ_MC), Symmetric Multi-Processing (RQ_SMP), NUMA (RQ_ALL)
# Valid values are "none", "smt", "mc", "mc-llc"(for zen), "smp", "all" - Kernel default is "mc"
# Timer frequency - "500", "750" or "1000" - More options available in kernel config prompt when left empty depending on selected cpusched - Kernel default is "500"
# Default CPU governor - "performance", "ondemand" (tweaked), "schedutil" or leave empty for default (schedutil on AMD and legacy Intel, intel_pstate on modern Intel) - Enforcing an option will disable intel_pstate altogether!
#### USER PATCHES ####
# You can use your own patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .mypatch extension.
# You can also revert patches by putting them in the same folder as the PKGBUILD and giving them the .myrevert extension.
# Also, userpatches variable below must be set to true for the above to work.
# Apply all user patches without confirmation - !!! NOT RECOMMENDED !!!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
From 5ec2dd3a095442ec1a21d86042a4994f2ba24e63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <>
From: Serge Hallyn <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 19:12:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add sysctl to disallow unprivileged CLONE_NEWUSER by default
Signed-off-by: Serge Hallyn <>
[bwh: Remove unneeded binary sysctl bits]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Micay <>
kernel/fork.c | 15 +++++++++++++++
kernel/sysctl.c | 12 ++++++++++++
kernel/user_namespace.c | 3 +++
3 files changed, 30 insertions(+)
diff --git a/kernel/fork.c b/kernel/fork.c
index 07cc743698d3668e..4011d68a8ff9305c 100644
--- a/kernel/fork.c
+++ b/kernel/fork.c
@@ -102,6 +102,11 @@
#include <trace/events/task.h>
+extern int unprivileged_userns_clone;
+#define unprivileged_userns_clone 0
* Minimum number of threads to boot the kernel
@@ -1555,6 +1560,10 @@ static __latent_entropy struct task_struct *copy_process(
return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+ if ((clone_flags & CLONE_NEWUSER) && !unprivileged_userns_clone)
+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ return ERR_PTR(-EPERM);
* Thread groups must share signals as well, and detached threads
* can only be started up within the thread group.
@@ -2348,6 +2357,12 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE1(unshare, unsigned long, unshare_flags)
if (unshare_flags & CLONE_NEWNS)
unshare_flags |= CLONE_FS;
+ if ((unshare_flags & CLONE_NEWUSER) && !unprivileged_userns_clone) {
+ err = -EPERM;
+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
+ goto bad_unshare_out;
+ }
err = check_unshare_flags(unshare_flags);
if (err)
goto bad_unshare_out;
diff --git a/kernel/sysctl.c b/kernel/sysctl.c
index b86520ed3fb60fbf..f7dab3760839f1a1 100644
--- a/kernel/sysctl.c
+++ b/kernel/sysctl.c
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ extern int core_uses_pid;
#if defined(CONFIG_SYSCTL)
+extern int unprivileged_userns_clone;
/* Constants used for minimum and maximum */
static int sixty = 60;
@@ -513,6 +516,15 @@ static struct ctl_table kern_table[] = {
.proc_handler = proc_dointvec,
+ {
+ .procname = "unprivileged_userns_clone",
+ .data = &unprivileged_userns_clone,
+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
+ .mode = 0644,
+ .proc_handler = proc_dointvec,
+ },
.procname = "tainted",
diff --git a/kernel/user_namespace.c b/kernel/user_namespace.c
index c490f1e4313b998a..dd03bd39d7bf194d 100644
--- a/kernel/user_namespace.c
+++ b/kernel/user_namespace.c
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
#include <linux/projid.h>
#include <linux/fs_struct.h>
+/* sysctl */
+int unprivileged_userns_clone;
static struct kmem_cache *user_ns_cachep __read_mostly;
static DEFINE_MUTEX(userns_state_mutex);
From b5202296055dd333db4425120d3f93ef4e6a0573 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig)" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2017 13:50:48 +0100
Subject: ZEN: Add CONFIG for unprivileged_userns_clone
This way our default behavior continues to match the vanilla kernel.
init/Kconfig | 16 ++++++++++++++++
kernel/user_namespace.c | 4 ++++
2 files changed, 20 insertions(+)
diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig
index 4592bf7997c0..f3df02990aff 100644
--- a/init/Kconfig
+++ b/init/Kconfig
@@ -1004,6 +1004,22 @@ config USER_NS
If unsure, say N.
+ bool "Allow unprivileged users to create namespaces"
+ default y
+ depends on USER_NS
+ help
+ When disabled, unprivileged users will not be able to create
+ new namespaces. Allowing users to create their own namespaces
+ has been part of several recent local privilege escalation
+ exploits, so if you need user namespaces but are
+ paranoid^Wsecurity-conscious you want to disable this.
+ This setting can be overridden at runtime via the
+ kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone sysctl.
+ If unsure, say Y.
config PID_NS
bool "PID Namespaces"
default y
diff --git a/kernel/user_namespace.c b/kernel/user_namespace.c
index 6b9dbc257e34..107b17f0d528 100644
--- a/kernel/user_namespace.c
+++ b/kernel/user_namespace.c
@@ -27,7 +27,11 @@
#include <linux/sort.h>
/* sysctl */
+int unprivileged_userns_clone = 1;
int unprivileged_userns_clone;
static struct kmem_cache *user_ns_cachep __read_mostly;
static DEFINE_MUTEX(userns_state_mutex);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
From 2ac70785613ef4c6b16414986bb18bd7b60d2a13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arjan van de Ven <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 11:10:58 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] pci pme wakeups
Reduce wakeups for PME checks, which are a workaround for miswired
boards (sadly, too many of them) in laptops.
drivers/pci/pci.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/drivers/pci/pci.c b/drivers/pci/pci.c
index c25acace7d91..0ddebdad9f5b 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/pci.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/pci.c
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct pci_pme_device {
struct pci_dev *dev;
-#define PME_TIMEOUT 1000 /* How long between PME checks */
+#define PME_TIMEOUT 4000 /* How long between PME checks */
static void pci_dev_d3_sleep(struct pci_dev *dev)
From 7e7e36c67aa71d6a1ec5676d99d37c1fea389ceb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arjan van de Ven <>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2016 21:32:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] intel_idle: tweak cpuidle cstates
Increase target_residency in cpuidle cstate
Tune intel_idle to be a bit less agressive;
Clear linux is cleaner in hygiene (wakupes) than the average linux,
so we can afford changing these in a way that increases
performance while keeping power efficiency
drivers/idle/intel_idle.c | 44 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/idle/intel_idle.c b/drivers/idle/intel_idle.c
index 8b5d85c91e9d..5e2d813a048d 100644
--- a/drivers/idle/intel_idle.c
+++ b/drivers/idle/intel_idle.c
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x01",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x01),
.exit_latency = 10,
- .target_residency = 20,
+ .target_residency = 120,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x10",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x10) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 33,
- .target_residency = 100,
+ .target_residency = 900,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x20",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x20) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 133,
- .target_residency = 400,
+ .target_residency = 1000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x32",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x32) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 166,
- .target_residency = 500,
+ .target_residency = 1500,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x40",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x40) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 300,
- .target_residency = 900,
+ .target_residency = 2000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x50",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x50) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 600,
- .target_residency = 1800,
+ .target_residency = 5000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state hsw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x60",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x60) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 2600,
- .target_residency = 7700,
+ .target_residency = 9000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x01",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x01),
.exit_latency = 10,
- .target_residency = 20,
+ .target_residency = 120,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x10",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x10) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 40,
- .target_residency = 100,
+ .target_residency = 1000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x20",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x20) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 133,
- .target_residency = 400,
+ .target_residency = 1000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x32",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x32) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 166,
- .target_residency = 500,
+ .target_residency = 2000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x40",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x40) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 300,
- .target_residency = 900,
+ .target_residency = 4000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x50",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x50) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 600,
- .target_residency = 1800,
+ .target_residency = 7000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state bdw_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x60",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x60) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 2600,
- .target_residency = 7700,
+ .target_residency = 9000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x01",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x01),
.exit_latency = 10,
- .target_residency = 20,
+ .target_residency = 120,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x10",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x10) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 70,
- .target_residency = 100,
+ .target_residency = 1000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x20",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x20) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 85,
- .target_residency = 200,
+ .target_residency = 600,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x33",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x33) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 124,
- .target_residency = 800,
+ .target_residency = 3000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x40",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x40) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 200,
- .target_residency = 800,
+ .target_residency = 3200,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x50",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x50) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 480,
- .target_residency = 5000,
+ .target_residency = 9000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skl_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x60",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x60) | CPUIDLE_FLAG_TLB_FLUSHED,
.exit_latency = 890,
- .target_residency = 5000,
+ .target_residency = 9000,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ static struct cpuidle_state skx_cstates[] = {
.desc = "MWAIT 0x01",
.flags = MWAIT2flg(0x01),
.exit_latency = 10,
- .target_residency = 20,
+ .target_residency = 300,
.enter = &intel_idle,
.enter_s2idle = intel_idle_s2idle, },
From b8211d4f79dd88dfc2d4bd52be46103ea0b70e3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arjan van de Ven <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 15:34:09 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ipv4/tcp: allow the memory tuning for tcp to go a little
bigger than default
net/ipv4/tcp.c | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp.c b/net/ipv4/tcp.c
index cf3c5095c10e..b30d51837b2d 100644
--- a/net/ipv4/tcp.c
+++ b/net/ipv4/tcp.c
@@ -3897,8 +3897,8 @@ void __init tcp_init(void)
/* Set per-socket limits to no more than 1/128 the pressure threshold */
limit = nr_free_buffer_pages() << (PAGE_SHIFT - 7);
- max_wshare = min(4UL*1024*1024, limit);
- max_rshare = min(6UL*1024*1024, limit);
+ max_wshare = min(16UL*1024*1024, limit);
+ max_rshare = min(16UL*1024*1024, limit);
init_net.ipv4.sysctl_tcp_wmem[0] = SK_MEM_QUANTUM;
init_net.ipv4.sysctl_tcp_wmem[1] = 16*1024;
From 050223869257b87e22636158a80da38d877248ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arjan van de Ven <>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 23:35:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] locking: rwsem: spin faster
tweak rwsem owner spinning a bit
kernel/locking/rwsem.c | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/kernel/locking/rwsem.c b/kernel/locking/rwsem.c
index eef04551eae7..1ec5ab4c8ff7 100644
--- a/kernel/locking/rwsem.c
+++ b/kernel/locking/rwsem.c
@@ -720,6 +720,7 @@ rwsem_spin_on_owner(struct rw_semaphore *sem, unsigned long nonspinnable)
struct task_struct *new, *owner;
unsigned long flags, new_flags;
enum owner_state state;
+ int i = 0;
owner = rwsem_owner_flags(sem, &flags);
state = rwsem_owner_state(owner, flags, nonspinnable);
@@ -753,7 +754,8 @@ rwsem_spin_on_owner(struct rw_semaphore *sem, unsigned long nonspinnable)
- cpu_relax();
+ if (i++ > 1000)
+ cpu_relax();
From b836ea320114643d4354b43acb6ec8bb06ada487 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arjan van de Ven <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2016 23:36:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] drivers: Initialize ata before graphics
ATA init is the long pole in the boot process, and its asynchronous.
move the graphics init after it so that ata and graphics initialize
in parallel
drivers/Makefile | 15 ++++++++-------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/Makefile b/drivers/Makefile
index aaef17cc6512..d08f3a394929 100644
--- a/drivers/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/Makefile
@@ -58,15 +58,8 @@ obj-y += char/
# iommu/ comes before gpu as gpu are using iommu controllers
obj-y += iommu/
-# gpu/ comes after char for AGP vs DRM startup and after iommu
-obj-y += gpu/
obj-$(CONFIG_CONNECTOR) += connector/
-# i810fb and intelfb depend on char/agp/
-obj-$(CONFIG_FB_I810) += video/fbdev/i810/
-obj-$(CONFIG_FB_INTEL) += video/fbdev/intelfb/
obj-$(CONFIG_PARPORT) += parport/
obj-$(CONFIG_NVM) += lightnvm/
obj-y += base/ block/ misc/ mfd/ nfc/
@@ -79,6 +72,14 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IDE) += ide/
obj-y += scsi/
obj-y += nvme/
obj-$(CONFIG_ATA) += ata/
+# gpu/ comes after char for AGP vs DRM startup and after iommu
+obj-y += gpu/
+# i810fb and intelfb depend on char/agp/
+obj-$(CONFIG_FB_I810) += video/fbdev/i810/
+obj-$(CONFIG_FB_INTEL) += video/fbdev/intelfb/
obj-$(CONFIG_TARGET_CORE) += target/
obj-$(CONFIG_MTD) += mtd/
obj-$(CONFIG_SPI) += spi/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
From f7f49141a5dbe9c99d78196b58c44307fb2e6be3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tk-Glitch <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 04:30:08 +0200
Subject: glitched
diff --git a/scripts/mkcompile_h b/scripts/mkcompile_h
index 87f1fc9..b3be470 100755
--- a/scripts/mkcompile_h
+++ b/scripts/mkcompile_h
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ else
-if [ -n "$SMP" ] ; then CONFIG_FLAGS="SMP"; fi
+if [ -n "$SMP" ] ; then CONFIG_FLAGS="$CONFIG_FLAGS SMP"; fi
diff --git a/fs/dcache.c b/fs/dcache.c
index 2acfc69878f5..3f1131431e06 100644
--- a/fs/dcache.c
+++ b/fs/dcache.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
* If no ancestor relationship:
* arbitrary, since it's serialized on rename_lock
-int sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure __read_mostly = 100;
+int sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure __read_mostly = 50;
__cacheline_aligned_in_smp DEFINE_SEQLOCK(rename_lock);
diff --git a/kernel/sched/core.c b/kernel/sched/core.c
index 211890edf37e..37121563407d 100644
--- a/kernel/sched/core.c
+++ b/kernel/sched/core.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const_debug unsigned int sysctl_sched_features =
* Number of tasks to iterate in a single balance run.
* Limited because this is done with IRQs disabled.
-const_debug unsigned int sysctl_sched_nr_migrate = 32;
+const_debug unsigned int sysctl_sched_nr_migrate = 128;
* period over which we average the RT time consumption, measured
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ __read_mostly int scheduler_running;
* part of the period that we allow rt tasks to run in us.
- * default: 0.95s
+ * XanMod default: 0.98s
-int sysctl_sched_rt_runtime = 950000;
+int sysctl_sched_rt_runtime = 980000;
* __task_rq_lock - lock the rq @p resides on.
diff --git a/scripts/setlocalversion b/scripts/setlocalversion
index 71f39410691b..288f9679e883 100755
--- a/scripts/setlocalversion
+++ b/scripts/setlocalversion
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ scm_version()
# If only the short version is requested, don't bother
# running further git commands
if $short; then
- echo "+"
+ # echo "+"
# If we are past a tagged commit (like
From f85ed068b4d0e6c31edce8574a95757a60e58b87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Etienne Juvigny <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 17:36:25 +0200
Subject: Zenify & stuff
diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig
index b4daad2bac23..c1e59dc04209 100644
--- a/init/Kconfig
+++ b/init/Kconfig
@@ -1244,7 +1244,6 @@ config CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_PERFORMANCE
bool "Optimize more for performance (-O3)"
- depends on ARC
Choosing this option will pass "-O3" to your compiler to optimize
the kernel yet more for performance.
diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c b/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c
index 4f32c4062fb6..c0bf039e1b40 100644
--- a/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c
+++ b/drivers/infiniband/core/addr.c
@@ -721,6 +721,7 @@ int rdma_addr_find_l2_eth_by_grh(const union ib_gid *sgid,
struct sockaddr _sockaddr;
struct sockaddr_in _sockaddr_in;
struct sockaddr_in6 _sockaddr_in6;
+ struct sockaddr_ib _sockaddr_ib;
} sgid_addr, dgid_addr;
int ret;
diff --git a/include/linux/blkdev.h b/include/linux/blkdev.h
index 79226ca8f80f..2a30060e7e1d 100644
--- a/include/linux/blkdev.h
+++ b/include/linux/blkdev.h
@@ -47,7 +47,11 @@ struct blk_queue_stats;
struct blk_stat_callback;
#define BLKDEV_MIN_RQ 4
+#define BLKDEV_MAX_RQ 512
#define BLKDEV_MAX_RQ 128 /* Default maximum */
/* Must be consistent with blk_mq_poll_stats_bkt() */
diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig
index 041f3a022122..5ed70eb1ad3a 100644
--- a/init/Kconfig
+++ b/init/Kconfig
@@ -45,6 +45,38 @@ config THREAD_INFO_IN_TASK
menu "General setup"
+config ZENIFY
+ bool "A selection of patches from Zen/Liquorix kernel and additional tweaks for a better gaming experience"
+ default y
+ help
+ Tunes the kernel for responsiveness at the cost of throughput and power usage.
+ --- Virtual Memory Subsystem ---------------------------
+ Mem dirty before bg writeback..: 10 % -> 20 %
+ Mem dirty before sync writeback: 20 % -> 50 %
+ --- Block Layer ----------------------------------------
+ Queue depth...............: 128 -> 512
+ Default MQ scheduler......: mq-deadline -> bfq
+ --- CFS CPU Scheduler ----------------------------------
+ Scheduling latency.............: 6 -> 3 ms
+ Minimal granularity............: 0.75 -> 0.3 ms
+ Wakeup granularity.............: 1 -> 0.5 ms
+ CPU migration cost.............: 0.5 -> 0.25 ms
+ Bandwidth slice size...........: 5 -> 3 ms
+ Ondemand fine upscaling limit..: 95 % -> 85 %
+ --- MuQSS CPU Scheduler --------------------------------
+ Scheduling interval............: 6 -> 3 ms
+ ISO task max realtime use......: 70 % -> 25 %
+ Ondemand coarse upscaling limit: 80 % -> 45 %
+ Ondemand fine upscaling limit..: 95 % -> 45 %
config BROKEN
diff --git a/kernel/sched/fair.c b/kernel/sched/fair.c
index 2f0a0be4d344..bada807c7e59 100644
--- a/kernel/sched/fair.c
+++ b/kernel/sched/fair.c
@@ -37,8 +37,13 @@
* (default: 6ms * (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)
+unsigned int sysctl_sched_latency = 3000000ULL;
+static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_latency = 3000000ULL;
unsigned int sysctl_sched_latency = 6000000ULL;
static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_latency = 6000000ULL;
* The initial- and re-scaling of tunables is configurable
@@ -58,13 +63,22 @@ enum sched_tunable_scaling sysctl_sched_tunable_scaling = SCHED_TUNABLESCALING_L
* (default: 0.75 msec * (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)
+unsigned int sysctl_sched_min_granularity = 300000ULL;
+static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_min_granularity = 300000ULL;
unsigned int sysctl_sched_min_granularity = 750000ULL;
static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_min_granularity = 750000ULL;
* This value is kept at sysctl_sched_latency/sysctl_sched_min_granularity
+static unsigned int sched_nr_latency = 10;
static unsigned int sched_nr_latency = 8;
* After fork, child runs first. If set to 0 (default) then
@@ -81,10 +95,17 @@ unsigned int sysctl_sched_child_runs_first __read_mostly;
* (default: 1 msec * (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)
+unsigned int sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity = 500000UL;
+static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity = 500000UL;
+const_debug unsigned int sysctl_sched_migration_cost = 50000UL;
unsigned int sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity = 1000000UL;
static unsigned int normalized_sysctl_sched_wakeup_granularity = 1000000UL;
const_debug unsigned int sysctl_sched_migration_cost = 500000UL;
@@ -107,8 +128,12 @@ int __weak arch_asym_cpu_priority(int cpu)
* (default: 5 msec, units: microseconds)
+unsigned int sysctl_sched_cfs_bandwidth_slice = 3000UL;
unsigned int sysctl_sched_cfs_bandwidth_slice = 5000UL;
* The margin used when comparing utilization with CPU capacity:
diff --git a/mm/page-writeback.c b/mm/page-writeback.c
index 337c6afb3345..9315e358f292 100644
--- a/mm/page-writeback.c
+++ b/mm/page-writeback.c
@@ -71,7 +71,11 @@ static long ratelimit_pages = 32;
* Start background writeback (via writeback threads) at this percentage
+int dirty_background_ratio = 20;
int dirty_background_ratio = 10;
* dirty_background_bytes starts at 0 (disabled) so that it is a function of
@@ -88,7 +92,11 @@ int vm_highmem_is_dirtyable;
* The generator of dirty data starts writeback at this percentage
+int vm_dirty_ratio = 50;
int vm_dirty_ratio = 20;
* vm_dirty_bytes starts at 0 (disabled) so that it is a function of
diff --git a/net/ipv4/Kconfig b/net/ipv4/Kconfig
index 80dad301361d..42b7fa7d01f8 100644
--- a/net/ipv4/Kconfig
+++ b/net/ipv4/Kconfig
@@ -702,6 +702,9 @@ choice
bool "Vegas" if TCP_CONG_VEGAS=y
+ bool "YeAH" if TCP_CONG_YEAH=y
bool "Veno" if TCP_CONG_VENO=y
@@ -735,6 +738,7 @@ config DEFAULT_TCP_CONG
default "htcp" if DEFAULT_HTCP
default "hybla" if DEFAULT_HYBLA
default "vegas" if DEFAULT_VEGAS
+ default "yeah" if DEFAULT_YEAH
default "westwood" if DEFAULT_WESTWOOD
default "veno" if DEFAULT_VENO
default "reno" if DEFAULT_RENO
From: Nick Desaulniers <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 13:37:41 +0200
Subject: include/linux/compiler*.h: define asm_volatile_goto
asm_volatile_goto should also be defined for other compilers that
support asm goto.
Fixes commit 815f0dd ("include/linux/compiler*.h: make compiler-*.h
mutually exclusive").
Signed-off-by: Nick Desaulniers <>
Signed-off-by: Miguel Ojeda <>
diff --git a/include/linux/compiler_types.h b/include/linux/compiler_types.h
index ba814f1..e77eeb0 100644
--- a/include/linux/compiler_types.h
+++ b/include/linux/compiler_types.h
@@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ struct ftrace_likely_data {
#define asm_volatile_goto(x...) asm goto(x)
+#ifndef asm_volatile_goto
+#define asm_volatile_goto(x...) asm goto(x)
/* Are two types/vars the same type (ignoring qualifiers)? */
#define __same_type(a, b) __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a), typeof(b))
From: Andy Lavr <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 14:57:47 +0200
Subject: avl: Use [defer+madvise] as default khugepaged defrag strategy
For some reason, the default strategy to respond to THP fault fallbacks
is still just madvise, meaning stall if the program wants transparent
hugepages, but don't trigger a background reclaim / compaction if THP
begins to fail allocations. This creates a snowball affect where we
still use the THP code paths, but we almost always fail once a system
has been active and busy for a while.
The option "defer" was created for interactive systems where THP can
still improve performance. If we have to fallback to a regular page due
to an allocation failure or anything else, we will trigger a background
reclaim and compaction so future THP attempts succeed and previous
attempts eventually have their smaller pages combined without stalling
running applications.
We still want madvise to stall applications that explicitely want THP,
so defer+madvise _does_ make a ton of sense. Make it the default for
interactive systems, especially if the kernel maintainer left
transparent hugepages on "always".
Reasoning and details in the original patch:
Signed-off-by: Andy Lavr <>
diff --git a/mm/huge_memory.c b/mm/huge_memory.c
index e84a10b..21d62b7 100644
--- a/mm/huge_memory.c
+++ b/mm/huge_memory.c
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ unsigned long transparent_hugepage_flags __read_mostly =
diff --git a/net/sched/Kconfig b/net/sched/Kconfig
--- a/net/sched/Kconfig
+++ b/net/sched/Kconfig
@@ -429,6 +429,9 @@
Select the queueing discipline that will be used by default
for all network devices.
+ bool "Common Applications Kept Enhanced" if NET_SCH_CAKE
bool "Fair Queue" if NET_SCH_FQ
@@ -448,6 +451,7 @@
default "pfifo_fast" if DEFAULT_PFIFO_FAST
+ default "cake" if DEFAULT_CAKE
default "fq" if DEFAULT_FQ
default "fq_codel" if DEFAULT_FQ_CODEL
default "sfq" if DEFAULT_SFQ
diff --git a/mm/page_alloc.c b/mm/page_alloc.c
index a29043ea9..3fb219747 100644
--- a/mm/page_alloc.c
+++ b/mm/page_alloc.c
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ compound_page_dtor * const compound_page_dtors[] = {
int watermark_boost_factor __read_mostly = 15000;
-int watermark_scale_factor = 10;
+int watermark_scale_factor = 200;
static unsigned long nr_kernel_pages __initdata;
static unsigned long nr_all_pages __initdata;
diff --git a/include/linux/mm.h b/include/linux/mm.h
index 80bb6408f..6c8b55cd1 100644
--- a/include/linux/mm.h
+++ b/include/linux/mm.h
@@ -146,8 +146,7 @@ extern int mmap_rnd_compat_bits __read_mostly;
* not a hard limit any more. Although some userspace tools can be surprised by
* that.
+#define DEFAULT_MAX_MAP_COUNT (524288)
extern int sysctl_max_map_count;
From adb1f9df27f08e6488bcd80b1607987c6114a77a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Frade <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 15:13:06 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] elevator: set default scheduler to bfq for blk-mq
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Frade <>
block/elevator.c | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/block/elevator.c b/block/elevator.c
index 076ba7308e65..81f89095aa77 100644
--- a/block/elevator.c
+++ b/block/elevator.c
@@ -623,15 +623,15 @@ static inline bool elv_support_iosched(struct request_queue *q)
- * For single queue devices, default to using mq-deadline. If we have multiple
- * queues or mq-deadline is not available, default to "none".
+ * For single queue devices, default to using bfq. If we have multiple
+ * queues or bfq is not available, default to "none".
static struct elevator_type *elevator_get_default(struct request_queue *q)
if (q->nr_hw_queues != 1)
return NULL;
- return elevator_get(q, "mq-deadline", false);
+ return elevator_get(q, "bfq", false);
From c3ec05777c46e19a8a26d0fc4ca0c0db8a19de97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Frade <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 16:45:59 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] block: set rq_affinity = 2 for full multithreading I/O
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Frade <>
include/linux/blkdev.h | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/include/linux/blkdev.h b/include/linux/blkdev.h
index f3ea78b0c91c..4dbacc6b073b 100644
--- a/include/linux/blkdev.h
+++ b/include/linux/blkdev.h
@@ -621,7 +621,8 @@ struct request_queue {
#define QUEUE_FLAG_RQ_ALLOC_TIME 27 /* record rq->alloc_time_ns */
void blk_queue_flag_set(unsigned int flag, struct request_queue *q);
void blk_queue_flag_clear(unsigned int flag, struct request_queue *q);
From 8171d33d0b84a953649863538fdbe4c26c035e4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Frade <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 14:32:50 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] mm: set 2 megabytes for address_space-level file read-ahead
pages size
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Frade <>
include/linux/pagemap.h | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/include/linux/pagemap.h b/include/linux/pagemap.h
index a2adf95b3f9c..e804d9f7583a 100644
--- a/include/linux/pagemap.h
+++ b/include/linux/pagemap.h
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ int replace_page_cache_page(struct page *old, struct page *new, gfp_t gfp_mask);
void delete_from_page_cache_batch(struct address_space *mapping,
struct pagevec *pvec);
void page_cache_sync_readahead(struct address_space *, struct file_ra_state *,
struct file *, pgoff_t index, unsigned long req_count);
From de7119e3db9fdb4c704355854a02a7e9fad931d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steven Barrett <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 20:43:56 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] ZEN: intel-pstate: Implement "enable" parameter
If intel-pstate is compiled into the kernel, it will preempt the loading
of acpi-cpufreq so you can take advantage of hardware p-states without
any friction.
However, intel-pstate is not completely superior to cpufreq's ondemand
for one reason. There's no concept of an up_threshold property.
In ondemand, up_threshold essentially reduces the maximum utilization to
compare against, allowing you to hit max frequencies and turbo boost
from a much lower core utilization.
With intel-pstate, you have the concept of minimum and maximum
performance, but no tunable that lets you define, maximum frequency
means 50% core utilization. For just this oversight, there's reasons
you may want ondemand.
Lets support setting "enable" in kernel boot parameters. This lets
kernel maintainers include "intel_pstate=disable" statically in the
static boot parameters, but let users of the kernel override this
Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt | 3 +++
drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c | 2 ++
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt b/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt
index ade4e6ec23e03..0b613370d28d8 100644
--- a/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt
+++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt
@@ -1765,6 +1765,9 @@
Do not enable intel_pstate as the default
scaling driver for the supported processors
+ enable
+ Enable intel_pstate in-case "disable" was passed
+ previously in the kernel boot parameters
Use intel_pstate as a scaling driver, but configure it
to work with generic cpufreq governors (instead of
diff --git a/drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c b/drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c
index d2fa3e9ccd97c..bd10cb02fc0ff 100644
--- a/drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c
+++ b/drivers/cpufreq/intel_pstate.c
@@ -2826,6 +2826,8 @@ static int __init intel_pstate_setup(char *str)
pr_info("HWP disabled\n");
no_hwp = 1;
+ if (!strcmp(str, "enable"))
+ no_load = 0;
if (!strcmp(str, "force"))
force_load = 1;
if (!strcmp(str, "hwp_only"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
diff --git a/kernel/Kconfig.hz b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
index 2a202a846757..1d9c7ed79b11 100644
--- a/kernel/Kconfig.hz
+++ b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
prompt "Timer frequency"
- default HZ_250
+ default HZ_500
Allows the configuration of the timer frequency. It is customary
to have the timer interrupt run at 1000 Hz but 100 Hz may be more
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ choice
on SMP and NUMA systems and exactly dividing by both PAL and
NTSC frame rates for video and multimedia work.
+ config HZ_500
+ bool "500 HZ"
+ help
+ 500 Hz is a balanced timer frequency. Provides fast interactivity
+ on desktops with great smoothness without increasing CPU power
+ consumption and sacrificing the battery life on laptops.
config HZ_1000
bool "1000 HZ"
@@ -52,6 +59,7 @@ config HZ
default 100 if HZ_100
default 250 if HZ_250
default 300 if HZ_300
+ default 500 if HZ_500
default 1000 if HZ_1000
diff --git a/kernel/Kconfig.hz b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
index 2a202a846757..1d9c7ed79b11 100644
--- a/kernel/Kconfig.hz
+++ b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
prompt "Timer frequency"
- default HZ_500
+ default HZ_750
Allows the configuration of the timer frequency. It is customary
to have the timer interrupt run at 1000 Hz but 100 Hz may be more
@@ -46,6 +46,13 @@ choice
on desktops with great smoothness without increasing CPU power
consumption and sacrificing the battery life on laptops.
+ config HZ_750
+ bool "750 HZ"
+ help
+ 750 Hz is a good timer frequency for desktops. Provides fast
+ interactivity with great smoothness without sacrificing too
+ much throughput.
config HZ_1000
bool "1000 HZ"
@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ config HZ
default 250 if HZ_250
default 300 if HZ_300
default 500 if HZ_500
+ default 750 if HZ_750
default 1000 if HZ_1000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_ondemand.c b/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_ondemand.c
index 6b423eebfd5d..61e3271675d6 100644
--- a/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_ondemand.c
+++ b/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_ondemand.c
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
#include "cpufreq_ondemand.h"
/* On-demand governor macros */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
From f7f49141a5dbe9c99d78196b58c44307fb2e6be3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tk-Glitch <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 04:30:08 +0200
Subject: glitched - PDS
diff --git a/kernel/Kconfig.hz b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
index 2a202a846757..1d9c7ed79b11 100644
--- a/kernel/Kconfig.hz
+++ b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
prompt "Timer frequency"
- default HZ_250
+ default HZ_500
Allows the configuration of the timer frequency. It is customary
to have the timer interrupt run at 1000 Hz but 100 Hz may be more
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ choice
on SMP and NUMA systems and exactly dividing by both PAL and
NTSC frame rates for video and multimedia work.
+ config HZ_500
+ bool "500 HZ"
+ help
+ 500 Hz is a balanced timer frequency. Provides fast interactivity
+ on desktops with great smoothness without increasing CPU power
+ consumption and sacrificing the battery life on laptops.
config HZ_1000
bool "1000 HZ"
@@ -52,6 +59,7 @@ config HZ
default 100 if HZ_100
default 250 if HZ_250
default 300 if HZ_300
+ default 500 if HZ_500
default 1000 if HZ_1000
diff --git a/kernel/Kconfig.hz b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
index 2a202a846757..1d9c7ed79b11 100644
--- a/kernel/Kconfig.hz
+++ b/kernel/Kconfig.hz
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
prompt "Timer frequency"
- default HZ_500
+ default HZ_750
Allows the configuration of the timer frequency. It is customary
to have the timer interrupt run at 1000 Hz but 100 Hz may be more
@@ -46,6 +46,13 @@ choice
on desktops with great smoothness without increasing CPU power
consumption and sacrificing the battery life on laptops.
+ config HZ_750
+ bool "750 HZ"
+ help
+ 750 Hz is a good timer frequency for desktops. Provides fast
+ interactivity with great smoothness without sacrificing too
+ much throughput.
config HZ_1000
bool "1000 HZ"
@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ config HZ
default 250 if HZ_250
default 300 if HZ_300
default 500 if HZ_500
+ default 750 if HZ_750
default 1000 if HZ_1000
diff --git a/mm/vmscan.c b/mm/vmscan.c
index 9270a4370d54..30d01e647417 100644
--- a/mm/vmscan.c
+++ b/mm/vmscan.c
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
* From 0 .. 200. Higher means more swappy.
-int vm_swappiness = 60;
+int vm_swappiness = 20;
static void set_task_reclaim_state(struct task_struct *task,
struct reclaim_state *rs)
diff --git a/init/Kconfig b/init/Kconfig
index 11fd9b502d06..e9bc34d3019b 100644
--- a/init/Kconfig
+++ b/init/Kconfig
@@ -715,6 +715,7 @@ menu "Scheduler features"
bool "Enable utilization clamping for RT/FAIR tasks"
+ depends on !SCHED_PDS
This feature enables the scheduler to track the clamped utilization
of each CPU based on RUNNABLE tasks scheduled on that CPU.
@@ -948,7 +948,6 @@ config CGROUP_DEVICE
bool "Simple CPU accounting controller"
- depends on !SCHED_PDS
Provides a simple controller for monitoring the
total CPU consumed by the tasks in a cgroup.
diff --git a/kernel/sched/Makefile b/kernel/sched/Makefile
index b23231bae996..cab4e5c5b38e 100644
--- a/kernel/sched/Makefile
+++ b/kernel/sched/Makefile
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ obj-y += fair.o rt.o deadline.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SMP) += cpudeadline.o topology.o stop_task.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SCHED_AUTOGROUP) += autogroup.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG) += debug.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT) += cpuacct.o
obj-y += loadavg.o clock.o cputime.o
obj-y += idle.o
obj-y += wait.o wait_bit.o swait.o completion.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SMP) += cpupri.o pelt.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS) += stats.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT) += cpuacct.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CPU_FREQ) += cpufreq.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_SCHEDUTIL) += cpufreq_schedutil.o
obj-$(CONFIG_MEMBARRIER) += membarrier.o
diff --git a/kernel/sched/pds.c b/kernel/sched/pds.c
index 9281ad164..f09a609cf 100644
--- a/kernel/sched/pds.c
+++ b/kernel/sched/pds.c
@@ -81,6 +81,18 @@ enum {
+ * This allows printing both to /proc/sched_debug and
+ * to the console
+ */
+#define SEQ_printf(m, x...) \
+ do { \
+ if (m) \
+ seq_printf(m, x); \
+ else \
+ pr_cont(x); \
+ } while (0)
static inline void print_scheduler_version(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "pds: PDS-mq CPU Scheduler 0.99o by Alfred Chen.\n");
@@ -6353,7 +6365,10 @@ void ia64_set_curr_task(int cpu, struct task_struct *p)
void proc_sched_show_task(struct task_struct *p, struct pid_namespace *ns,
struct seq_file *m)
+ SEQ_printf(m, "%s (%d, #threads: %d)\n", p->comm, task_pid_nr_ns(p, ns),
+ get_nr_threads(p));
void proc_sched_set_task(struct task_struct *p)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
From cdeab384f48dd9c88e2dff2e9ad8d57dca1a1b1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Weiman <>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2018 11:36:21 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] pci: Enable overrides for missing ACS capabilities
This an updated version of Alex Williamson's patch from:
Original commit message follows:
PCIe ACS (Access Control Services) is the PCIe 2.0+ feature that
allows us to control whether transactions are allowed to be redirected
in various subnodes of a PCIe topology. For instance, if two
endpoints are below a root port or downsteam switch port, the
downstream port may optionally redirect transactions between the
devices, bypassing upstream devices. The same can happen internally
on multifunction devices. The transaction may never be visible to the
upstream devices.
One upstream device that we particularly care about is the IOMMU. If
a redirection occurs in the topology below the IOMMU, then the IOMMU
cannot provide isolation between devices. This is why the PCIe spec
encourages topologies to include ACS support. Without it, we have to
assume peer-to-peer DMA within a hierarchy can bypass IOMMU isolation.
Unfortunately, far too many topologies do not support ACS to make this
a steadfast requirement. Even the latest chipsets from Intel are only
sporadically supporting ACS. We have trouble getting interconnect
vendors to include the PCIe spec required PCIe capability, let alone
suggested features.
Therefore, we need to add some flexibility. The pcie_acs_override=
boot option lets users opt-in specific devices or sets of devices to
assume ACS support. The "downstream" option assumes full ACS support
on root ports and downstream switch ports. The "multifunction"
option assumes the subset of ACS features available on multifunction
endpoints and upstream switch ports are supported. The "id:nnnn:nnnn"
option enables ACS support on devices matching the provided vendor
and device IDs, allowing more strategic ACS overrides. These options
may be combined in any order. A maximum of 16 id specific overrides
are available. It's suggested to use the most limited set of options
necessary to avoid completely disabling ACS across the topology.
Note to hardware vendors, we have facilities to permanently quirk
specific devices which enforce isolation but not provide an ACS
capability. Please contact me to have your devices added and save
your customers the hassle of this boot option.
Signed-off-by: Mark Weiman <>
.../admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt | 9 ++
drivers/pci/quirks.c | 101 ++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 110 insertions(+)
diff --git a/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt b/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt
index aefd358a5ca3..173b3596fd9e 100644
--- a/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt
+++ b/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt
@@ -3190,6 +3190,15 @@
nomsi [MSI] If the PCI_MSI kernel config parameter is
enabled, this kernel boot option can be used to
disable the use of MSI interrupts system-wide.
+ pcie_acs_override =
+ [PCIE] Override missing PCIe ACS support for:
+ downstream
+ All downstream ports - full ACS capabilities
+ multifunction
+ All multifunction devices - multifunction ACS subset
+ id:nnnn:nnnn
+ Specific device - full ACS capabilities
+ Specified as vid:did (vendor/device ID) in hex
noioapicquirk [APIC] Disable all boot interrupt quirks.
Safety option to keep boot IRQs enabled. This
should never be necessary.
diff --git a/drivers/pci/quirks.c b/drivers/pci/quirks.c
index 4700d24e5d55..8f7a3d7fd9c1 100644
--- a/drivers/pci/quirks.c
+++ b/drivers/pci/quirks.c
@@ -3372,6 +3372,106 @@ static void quirk_no_bus_reset(struct pci_dev *dev)
dev->dev_flags |= PCI_DEV_FLAGS_NO_BUS_RESET;
+static bool acs_on_downstream;
+static bool acs_on_multifunction;
+#define NUM_ACS_IDS 16
+struct acs_on_id {
+ unsigned short vendor;
+ unsigned short device;
+static struct acs_on_id acs_on_ids[NUM_ACS_IDS];
+static u8 max_acs_id;
+static __init int pcie_acs_override_setup(char *p)
+ if (!p)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ while (*p) {
+ if (!strncmp(p, "downstream", 10))
+ acs_on_downstream = true;
+ if (!strncmp(p, "multifunction", 13))
+ acs_on_multifunction = true;
+ if (!strncmp(p, "id:", 3)) {
+ char opt[5];
+ int ret;
+ long val;
+ if (max_acs_id >= NUM_ACS_IDS - 1) {
+ pr_warn("Out of PCIe ACS override slots (%d)\n",
+ goto next;
+ }
+ p += 3;
+ snprintf(opt, 5, "%s", p);
+ ret = kstrtol(opt, 16, &val);
+ if (ret) {
+ pr_warn("PCIe ACS ID parse error %d\n", ret);
+ goto next;
+ }
+ acs_on_ids[max_acs_id].vendor = val;
+ p += strcspn(p, ":");
+ if (*p != ':') {
+ pr_warn("PCIe ACS invalid ID\n");
+ goto next;
+ }
+ p++;
+ snprintf(opt, 5, "%s", p);
+ ret = kstrtol(opt, 16, &val);
+ if (ret) {
+ pr_warn("PCIe ACS ID parse error %d\n", ret);
+ goto next;
+ }
+ acs_on_ids[max_acs_id].device = val;
+ max_acs_id++;
+ }
+ p += strcspn(p, ",");
+ if (*p == ',')
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (acs_on_downstream || acs_on_multifunction || max_acs_id)
+ pr_warn("Warning: PCIe ACS overrides enabled; This may allow non-IOMMU protected peer-to-peer DMA\n");
+ return 0;
+early_param("pcie_acs_override", pcie_acs_override_setup);
+static int pcie_acs_overrides(struct pci_dev *dev, u16 acs_flags)
+ int i;
+ /* Never override ACS for legacy devices or devices with ACS caps */
+ if (!pci_is_pcie(dev) ||
+ pci_find_ext_capability(dev, PCI_EXT_CAP_ID_ACS))
+ return -ENOTTY;
+ for (i = 0; i < max_acs_id; i++)
+ if (acs_on_ids[i].vendor == dev->vendor &&
+ acs_on_ids[i].device == dev->device)
+ return 1;
+ switch (pci_pcie_type(dev)) {
+ if (acs_on_downstream)
+ return 1;
+ break;
+ if (acs_on_multifunction && dev->multifunction)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return -ENOTTY;
* Some Atheros AR9xxx and QCA988x chips do not behave after a bus reset.
* The device will throw a Link Down error on AER-capable systems and
@@ -4513,6 +4613,7 @@ static const struct pci_dev_acs_enabled {
{ PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZHAOXIN, 0x9083, pci_quirk_mf_endpoint_acs },
/* Zhaoxin Root/Downstream Ports */
{ PCI_VENDOR_ID_ZHAOXIN, PCI_ANY_ID, pci_quirk_zhaoxin_pcie_ports_acs },
+ { PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, pcie_acs_overrides },
{ 0 }

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
From 1e010beda2896bdf3082fb37a3e49f8ce20e04d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20Thalheim?= <>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2019 05:28:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] x86/fpu: Export kernel_fpu_{begin,end}() with
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We need these symbols in zfs as the fpu implementation breaks userspace:
Signed-off-by: Jörg Thalheim <>
arch/x86/kernel/fpu/core.c | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/fpu/core.c b/arch/x86/kernel/fpu/core.c
index 12c70840980e..352538b3bb5d 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/fpu/core.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/fpu/core.c
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void kernel_fpu_begin(void)
void kernel_fpu_end(void)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void kernel_fpu_end(void)
this_cpu_write(in_kernel_fpu, false);
* Save the FPU state (mark it for reload if necessary):

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
diff --git a/drivers/tty/Kconfig b/drivers/tty/Kconfig
index 0840d27381ea..73aba9a31064 100644
--- a/drivers/tty/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/tty/Kconfig
@@ -75,6 +75,19 @@ config VT_CONSOLE_SLEEP
def_bool y
depends on VT_CONSOLE && PM_SLEEP
+ int "Maximum tty device number"
+ depends on VT
+ range 12 63
+ default 63
+ help
+ This option is used to change the number of tty devices in /dev.
+ The default value is 63. The lowest number you can set is 12,
+ 63 is also the upper limit so we don't overrun the serial
+ consoles.
+ If unsure, say 63.
depends on VT && !UML
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/vt.h b/include/uapi/linux/vt.h
index e9d39c48520a..3bceead8da40 100644
--- a/include/uapi/linux/vt.h
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/vt.h
@@ -3,12 +3,25 @@
#define _UAPI_LINUX_VT_H
+ * We will make this definition solely for the purpose of making packages
+ * such as splashutils build, because they can not understand that
+ * NR_TTY_DEVICES is defined in the kernel configuration.
+ */
* These constants are also useful for user-level apps (e.g., VC
* resizing).
#define MIN_NR_CONSOLES 1 /* must be at least 1 */
-#define MAX_NR_CONSOLES 63 /* serial lines start at 64 */
+ * Value MUST be at least 12 and must never be higher then 63
+ */
+#define MAX_NR_CONSOLES CONFIG_NR_TTY_DEVICES /* serial lines start above this */
/* Note: the ioctl VT_GETSTATE does not work for
consoles 16 and higher (since it returns a short) */