833 lines
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833 lines
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/* Manage different file formats HTFormat.c
** =============================
#include "../config.h"
/* Connection: Keep-Alive support -bjs */
#include "HTMIME.h"
#include "HTFormat.h"
PUBLIC float HTMaxSecs = 1e10; /* No effective limit */
PUBLIC float HTMaxLength = 1e10; /* No effective limit */
#include "HTUtils.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "HTMLDTD.h"
#include "HText.h"
#include "HTAlert.h"
#include "HTList.h"
#include "HTInit.h"
#include "HTFWriter.h"
#include "HTPlain.h"
#include "SGML.h"
#include "HTML.h"
#include "HTMLGen.h"
/* From gui-documents.c. */
extern int loading_inlined_images;
extern int www2Trace;
PUBLIC BOOL HTOutputSource = NO; /* Flag: shortcut parser to stdout */
extern BOOL interactive;
struct _HTStream {
WWW_CONST HTStreamClass* isa;
/* ... */
/* Whoooooooooooooa ugly!!! */
int loading_length = -1;
int noLength=1;
/*SWP -- Even Uglier*/
extern int ftpKludge;
/* Presentation methods
** --------------------
PUBLIC HTList * HTPresentations = 0;
PUBLIC HTPresentation* default_presentation = 0;
/* Define a presentation system command for a content-type
** -------------------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetPresentation ARGS5(
WWW_CONST char *, representation,
WWW_CONST char *, command,
float, quality,
float, secs,
float, secs_per_byte
HTPresentation * pres = (HTPresentation *)malloc(sizeof(HTPresentation));
pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
pres->rep_out = WWW_PRESENT; /* Fixed for now ... :-) */
pres->converter = HTSaveAndExecute; /* Fixed for now ... */
pres->quality = quality;
pres->secs = secs;
pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation);
pres->command = 0;
StrAllocCopy(pres->command, command);
if (!HTPresentations) HTPresentations = HTList_new();
if (strcmp(representation, "*")==0) {
if (default_presentation) free(default_presentation);
default_presentation = pres;
} else {
HTList_addObjectAtEnd(HTPresentations, pres);
/* Define a built-in function for a content-type
** ---------------------------------------------
PUBLIC void HTSetConversion ARGS6(
WWW_CONST char *, representation_in,
WWW_CONST char *, representation_out,
HTConverter*, converter,
float, quality,
float, secs,
float, secs_per_byte
HTPresentation * pres = (HTPresentation *)malloc(sizeof(HTPresentation));
pres->rep = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
pres->rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);
pres->converter = converter;
pres->command = NULL; /* Fixed */
pres->quality = quality;
pres->secs = secs;
pres->secs_per_byte = secs_per_byte;
pres->command = 0;
if (!HTPresentations) HTPresentations = HTList_new();
if (strcmp(representation_in, "*")==0) {
if (default_presentation) free(default_presentation);
default_presentation = pres;
} else {
HTList_addObject(HTPresentations, pres);
** Remove a conversion routine from the presentation list.
** The conversion routine must match up with the given args.
PUBLIC void HTRemoveConversion ARGS3(
WWW_CONST char *, representation_in,
WWW_CONST char *, representation_out,
HTConverter*, converter
int numberOfPresentations;
HTPresentation * pres;
HTAtom *rep_in, *rep_out;
int x;
numberOfPresentations = HTList_count(HTPresentations);
rep_in = HTAtom_for(representation_in);
rep_out = HTAtom_for(representation_out);
for (x = 0; x < numberOfPresentations; x++) {
pres = HTList_objectAt(HTPresentations, x);
if (pres) {
if ((!strcmp(pres->rep->name,rep_in->name)) &&
(!strcmp(pres->rep_out->name,rep_out->name)) &&
(pres->converter == converter)) {
/***************** end ddt*/
/* File buffering
** --------------
** The input file is read using the macro which can read from
** a socket or a file.
** The input buffer size, if large will give greater efficiency and
** release the server faster, and if small will save space on PCs etc.
#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 65536
PRIVATE char input_buffer[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE];
PRIVATE char * input_pointer;
PRIVATE char * input_limit;
PRIVATE int input_file_number;
/* Set up the buffering
** These routines are public because they are in fact needed by
** many parsers, and on PCs and Macs we should not duplicate
** the static buffer area.
PUBLIC void HTInitInput ARGS1 (int,file_number)
input_file_number = file_number;
input_pointer = input_limit = input_buffer;
PUBLIC int interrupted_in_htgetcharacter = 0;
PUBLIC char HTGetCharacter NOARGS
char ch;
interrupted_in_htgetcharacter = 0;
if (input_pointer >= input_limit)
int status =
NETREAD(input_file_number, input_buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (status <= 0)
if (status == 0)
return (char)EOF;
if (status == HT_INTERRUPTED)
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: Interrupted in HTGetCharacter\n");
interrupted_in_htgetcharacter = 1;
return (char)EOF;
if (www2Trace)
"HTFormat: File read error %d\n", status);
return (char)EOF;
input_pointer = input_buffer;
input_limit = input_buffer + status;
ch = *input_pointer++;
while (ch == (char) 13); /* Ignore ASCII carriage return */
return ch;
/* Stream the data to an ouput file as binary
PUBLIC int HTOutputBinary ARGS2( int, input,
FILE *, output)
int status = NETREAD(input, input_buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (status <= 0)
if (status == 0)
return 0;
if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr,
"HTFormat: File read error %d\n", status);
return 2; /* Error */
fwrite(input_buffer, sizeof(char), status, output);
} while (YES);
static int partial_wildcard_matches (HTFormat r1, HTFormat r2)
/* r1 is the presentation format we're currently looking at out
of the list we understand. r2 is the one we need to get to. */
char *s1, *s2, *subtype1 = NULL, *subtype2 = NULL;
int i;
s1 = HTAtom_name (r1);
s2 = HTAtom_name (r2);
if (!s1 || !s2)
return 0;
s1 = strdup (s1);
s2 = strdup (s2);
for (i = 0; i < strlen (s1); i++)
if (s1[i] == '/')
s1[i] = '\0';
subtype1 = &(s1[i+1]);
/* Now s1 contains the main type and subtype1 contains
the subtype. */
goto done1;
if (!subtype1)
goto nope;
/* Bail if we don't have a wildcard possibility. */
if (subtype1[0] != '*')
goto nope;
for (i = 0; i < strlen (s2); i++)
if (s2[i] == '/')
s2[i] = '\0';
subtype2 = &(s2[i+1]);
/* Now s2 contains the main type and subtype2 contains
the subtype. */
goto done2;
if (!subtype2)
goto nope;
/* Bail if s1 and s2 aren't the same and s1[0] isn't '*'. */
if (strcmp (s1, s2) && s1[0] != '*')
goto nope;
/* OK, so now either we have the same main types or we have a wildcard
type for s1. We also know that we have a wildcard possibility in
s1. Therefore, at this point, we have a match. */
free (s1);
free (s2);
return 1;
free (s1);
free (s2);
return 0;
/* Create a filter stack
** ---------------------
** If a wildcard match is made, a temporary HTPresentation
** structure is made to hold the destination format while the
** new stack is generated. This is just to pass the out format to
** MIME so far. Storing the format of a stream in the stream might
** be a lot neater.
PUBLIC HTStream * HTStreamStack ARGS5(
HTFormat, format_in,
HTFormat, rep_out,
int, compressed,
HTStream*, sink,
HTParentAnchor*, anchor)
HTAtom * wildcard = HTAtom_for("*");
HTPresentation temp;
/* Inherit force_dump_to_file from mo-www.c. */
extern int force_dump_to_file;
if (www2Trace)
"[HTStreamStack] Constructing stream stack for %s to %s\n",
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr,
" Compressed is %d\n", compressed);
if (rep_out == WWW_SOURCE ||
rep_out == format_in)
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr,
"[HTStreamStack] rep_out == WWW_SOURCE | rep_out == format_in; returning sink\n");
return sink;
if (!HTPresentations)
HTFormatInit(); /* set up the list */
if (force_dump_to_file && format_in != WWW_MIME)
return HTSaveAndExecute (NULL, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
int n = HTList_count(HTPresentations);
int i;
HTPresentation * pres;
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
pres = HTList_objectAt(HTPresentations, i);
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: looking at pres '%s'\n",
HTAtom_name (pres->rep));
if (pres->command)
fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: pres->command is '%s'\n",
fprintf (stderr, "HTFormat: pres->command doesn't exist\n");
if (pres->rep == format_in ||
partial_wildcard_matches (pres->rep, format_in))
if (pres->command && strstr (pres->command, "mosaic-internal-present"))
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr, "[HTStreamStack] HEY HEY HEY caught internal-present\n");
return HTPlainPresent (pres, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
if (pres->rep_out == rep_out)
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr,
"[HTStreamStack] pres->rep_out == rep_out\n");
return (*pres->converter)(pres, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
if (pres->rep_out == wildcard)
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr,
"[HTStreamStack] pres->rep_out == wildcard\n");
temp = *pres;/* make temp conversion to needed fmt */
temp.rep_out = rep_out; /* yuk */
return (*pres->converter)(&temp, anchor, sink, format_in, compressed);
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr, "[HTStreamStack] Returning NULL at bottom.\n");
return NULL;
/* Find the cost of a filter stack
** -------------------------------
** Must return the cost of the same stack which StreamStack would set up.
** On entry,
** length The size of the data to be converted
PUBLIC float HTStackValue ARGS4(
HTFormat, format_in,
HTFormat, rep_out,
float, initial_value,
long int, length)
HTAtom * wildcard = HTAtom_for("*");
if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr,
"HTFormat: Evaluating stream stack for %s worth %.3f to %s\n",
HTAtom_name(format_in), initial_value,
if (rep_out == WWW_SOURCE ||
rep_out == format_in) return 0.0;
if (!HTPresentations) HTFormatInit(); /* set up the list */
int n = HTList_count(HTPresentations);
int i;
HTPresentation * pres;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
pres = HTList_objectAt(HTPresentations, i);
if (pres->rep == format_in && (
pres->rep_out == rep_out ||
pres->rep_out == wildcard)) {
float value = initial_value * pres->quality;
if (HTMaxSecs != 0.0)
value = value - (length*pres->secs_per_byte + pres->secs)
return value;
return -1e30; /* Really bad */
/* Push data from a socket down a stream
** -------------------------------------
** This routine is responsible for creating and PRESENTING any
** graphic (or other) objects described by the file.
** The file number given is assumed to be a TELNET stream ie containing
** CRLF at the end of lines which need to be stripped to LF for unix
** when the format is textual.
#define SWP_HACK
PUBLIC int HTCopy ARGS3(int, file_number,
HTStream*, sink,
int, bytes_already_read)
HTStreamClass targetClass;
char line[256];
char *msg;
int bytes = bytes_already_read;
extern int twirl_increment;
int next_twirl = twirl_increment;
int rv = 0;
int left = -1, total_read = bytes_already_read, hdr_len = 0;
/* if(loading_length != -1) left = loading_length;*/
/* Push the data down the stream
targetClass = *(sink->isa); /* Copy pointers to procedures */
hdr_len = HTMIME_get_header_length(sink);
/* Push binary from socket down sink */
int status, intr;
if (bytes > next_twirl)
intr = HTCheckActiveIcon(1);
next_twirl += twirl_increment;
intr = HTCheckActiveIcon(0);
if (intr)
#ifdef SWP_HACK
HTProgress ("Data transfer interrupted.");
rv = -1;
goto ready_to_leave;
if(loading_length == -1) {
left = -1;
status = NETREAD(file_number, input_buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
left = (loading_length+hdr_len)-total_read;
if(left>0) status = NETREAD(file_number, input_buffer,
else status=0;
if (status > 0)
total_read += status;
/* fprintf(stderr,"ll = %d status = %d left = %d hdr = %d tr = %d\n",
status = NETREAD(file_number, input_buffer, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (status <= 0)
if (status == 0)
if (status == HT_INTERRUPTED)
#ifdef SWP_HACK
HTProgress ("Data transfer interrupted.");
rv = -1;
goto ready_to_leave;
if (errno == ENOTCONN || errno == ECONNRESET || errno == EPIPE)
/* Arrrrgh, HTTP 0/1 compability problem, maybe. */
rv = -2;
goto ready_to_leave;
if (www2Trace)
fprintf (stderr, "HTCopy: put_block on input_buffer '%s'\n", input_buffer);
(*targetClass.put_block)(sink, input_buffer, status);
if (ftpKludge) {
else {
hdr_len = HTMIME_get_header_length(sink);
/* left = loading_length - total_read;*/
bytes += status;
/* moved msg stuff here as loading_length may change midstream -bjs*/
if (loading_length == -1){
msg = (loading_inlined_images ?
"Read %d bytes of inlined image data." :
"Read %d bytes of data.");
sprintf (line, msg, bytes);
/* HTMeter(0,NULL);*/
msg = (loading_inlined_images ?
"Read %d of %d bytes of inlined image data." :
"Read %d of %d bytes of data.");
sprintf (line, msg, bytes, loading_length+hdr_len);
HTProgress (line);
if((loading_length != -1) && (total_read>=(loading_length+hdr_len))) {
/* fprintf(stderr,"done\n");*/
} /* next bufferload */
HTProgress (loading_inlined_images ?
"Data transfer complete." : "Data transfer complete.");
HTProgress("Data transfer complete.");
/* fprintf(stderr,"HTFormat: KeepAlive Exit\n");*/
NETCLOSE (file_number);
/* Success. */
rv = 0;
/* Reset ourselves so we don't get confused. */
loading_length = -1;
return rv;
/* Push data from a file pointer down a stream
** -------------------------------------
** This routine is responsible for creating and PRESENTING any
** graphic (or other) objects described by the file.
PUBLIC void HTFileCopy ARGS2(
FILE *, fp,
HTStream*, sink)
HTStreamClass targetClass;
targetClass = *(sink->isa); /* Copy pointers to procedures */
for(;;) {
int status = fread(input_buffer, 1, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, fp);
if (status == 0) { /* EOF or error */
if (ferror(fp) == 0) break;
if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr,
"HTFormat: Read error, read returns %d\n", ferror(fp));
(*targetClass.put_block)(sink, input_buffer, status);
} /* next bufferload */
fclose (fp);
PUBLIC void HTFileCopyToText ARGS2(
FILE *, fp,
HText *, text)
int status = fread(input_buffer, 1, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, fp);
if (status == 0)
{ /* EOF or error */
if (ferror(fp) == 0) break;
if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr,
"HTFormat: Read error, read returns %d\n", ferror(fp));
HText_appendBlock (text, input_buffer, status);
} /* next bufferload */
fclose (fp);
/* Parse a socket given format and file number
** This routine is responsible for creating and PRESENTING any
** graphic (or other) objects described by the file.
** The file number given is assumed to be a TELNET stream ie containing
** CRLF at the end of lines which need to be stripped to LF for unix
** when the format is textual.
PUBLIC int HTParseSocket ARGS6(
HTFormat, format_in,
HTFormat, format_out,
HTParentAnchor *, anchor,
int, file_number,
HTStream*, sink,
int, compressed)
HTStream * stream;
HTStreamClass targetClass;
int rv;
stream = HTStreamStack(format_in,
sink, anchor);
if (!stream)
char buffer[1024]; /* @@@@@@@@ */
sprintf(buffer, "Sorry, can't convert from %s to %s.",
HTAtom_name(format_in), HTAtom_name(format_out));
if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr, "HTFormat: %s\n", buffer);
return HTLoadError(sink, 501, buffer);
targetClass = *(stream->isa); /* Copy pointers to procedures */
rv = HTCopy(file_number, stream, 0);
if (rv == -1)
/* handle_interrupt should have been done in HTCopy */
/* (*targetClass.handle_interrupt)(stream); */
/* New thing: we force close the data socket here, so that if
an external viewer gets forked off in the free method below,
the connection doesn't remain upon until the child exits --
which it does if we don't do this. */
NETCLOSE (file_number);
return HT_LOADED;
/* Parse a file given format and file pointer
** This routine is responsible for creating and PRESENTING any
** graphic (or other) objects described by the file.
** The file number given is assumed to be a TELNET stream ie containing
** CRLF at the end of lines which need to be stripped to LF for unix
** when the format is textual.
PUBLIC int HTParseFile ARGS6(
HTFormat, format_in,
HTFormat, format_out,
HTParentAnchor *, anchor,
FILE *, fp,
HTStream*, sink,
int, compressed)
HTStream * stream;
HTStreamClass targetClass;
stream = HTStreamStack(format_in,
sink , anchor);
if (!stream) {
char buffer[1024]; /* @@@@@@@@ */
sprintf(buffer, "Sorry, can't convert from %s to %s.",
HTAtom_name(format_in), HTAtom_name(format_out));
if (www2Trace) fprintf(stderr, "HTFormat(in HTParseFile): %s\n", buffer);
return HTLoadError(sink, 501, buffer);
targetClass = *(stream->isa); /* Copy pointers to procedures */
HTFileCopy(fp, stream);
return HT_LOADED;