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639 lines
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* NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System *
* Software Development Group *
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications *
* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign *
* 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820 *
* mosaic@ncsa.uiuc.edu *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1993, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois *
* *
* NCSA Mosaic software, both binary and source (hereafter, Software) is *
* copyrighted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois *
* (UI), and ownership remains with the UI. *
* *
* The UI grants you (hereafter, Licensee) a license to use the Software *
* for academic, research and internal business purposes only, without a *
* fee. Licensee may distribute the binary and source code (if released) *
* to third parties provided that the copyright notice and this statement *
* appears on all copies and that no charge is associated with such *
* copies. *
* *
* Licensee may make derivative works. However, if Licensee distributes *
* any derivative work based on or derived from the Software, then *
* Licensee will (1) notify NCSA regarding its distribution of the *
* derivative work, and (2) clearly notify users that such derivative *
* work is a modified version and not the original NCSA Mosaic *
* distributed by the UI. *
* *
* Any Licensee wishing to make commercial use of the Software should *
* contact the UI, c/o NCSA, to negotiate an appropriate license for such *
* commercial use. Commercial use includes (1) integration of all or *
* part of the source code into a product for sale or license by or on *
* behalf of Licensee to third parties, or (2) distribution of the binary *
* code or source code to third parties that need it to utilize a *
* commercial product sold or licensed by or on behalf of Licensee. *
* *
* *
* By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the *
* copyright law and all other applicable laws of the U.S. including, but *
* not limited to, export control laws, and the terms of this license. *
* UI shall have the right to terminate this license immediately by *
* written notice upon Licensee's breach of, or non-compliance with, any *
* of its terms. Licensee may be held legally responsible for any *
* copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by Licensee's *
* failure to abide by the terms of this license. *
* *
* Comments and questions are welcome and can be sent to *
* mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu. *
#ifndef HTML_H
#define HTML_H
#ifdef MOTIF
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#if (XmVERSION == 1)&&(XmREVISION >= 2)
#undef MOTIF1_2
#define MOTIF1_2
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/Constraint.h>
#endif /* MOTIF */
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
typedef int (*visitTestProc)();
typedef void (*pointerTrackProc)();
typedef struct ele_ref_rec {
int id, pos;
} ElementRef;
typedef struct link_rec {
char *href;
char *role;
} LinkInfo;
* Public functions
#ifdef _NO_PROTO
extern char *HTMLGetText ();
extern char *HTMLGetTextAndSelection ();
extern char **HTMLGetHRefs ();
extern char **HTMLGetImageSrcs ();
extern void *HTMLGetWidgetInfo ();
extern void HTMLFreeWidgetInfo ();
extern void HTMLFreeImageInfo ();
extern LinkInfo *HTMLGetLinks ();
extern int HTMLPositionToId ();
extern int HTMLIdToPosition ();
extern int HTMLAnchorToPosition ();
extern int HTMLAnchorToId ();
extern void HTMLGotoId ();
extern void HTMLRetestAnchors ();
extern void HTMLClearSelection ();
extern void HTMLSetSelection ();
extern void HTMLSetText ();
extern void HTMLSetAppInsensitive();
extern int HTMLSearchText ();
extern int HTMLSearchNews();
extern void HTMLSetAppSensitive();
extern void HTMLTraverseTabGroups();
extern void HTMLDrawBackgroundImage();
extern void HTMLSetFocusPolicy();
extern char *HTMLGetText (Widget w, int pretty, char *url, char *time_str);
extern char *HTMLGetTextAndSelection (Widget w, char **startp, char **endp,
char **insertp);
extern char **HTMLGetHRefs (Widget w, int *num_hrefs);
extern char **HTMLGetImageSrcs (Widget w, int *num_srcs);
extern void *HTMLGetWidgetInfo (Widget w);
extern void HTMLFreeWidgetInfo (void *ptr);
extern void HTMLFreeImageInfo (Widget w);
extern LinkInfo *HTMLGetLinks (Widget w, int *num_links);
extern int HTMLPositionToId(Widget w, int x, int y);
extern int HTMLIdToPosition(Widget w, int element_id, int *x, int *y);
extern int HTMLAnchorToPosition(Widget w, char *name, int *x, int *y);
extern int HTMLAnchorToId(Widget w, char *name);
extern void HTMLGotoId(Widget w, int element_id, int correction);
extern void HTMLRetestAnchors(Widget w, visitTestProc testFunc);
extern void HTMLClearSelection (Widget w);
extern void HTMLSetSelection (Widget w, ElementRef *start, ElementRef *end);
extern void HTMLSetText (Widget w, char *text, char *header_text,
char *footer_text, int element_id,
char *target_anchor, void *ptr);
extern int HTMLSearchNews(Widget w,ElementRef *m_start, ElementRef *m_end);
extern int HTMLSearchText (Widget w, char *pattern,
ElementRef *m_start, ElementRef *m_end, int backward, int caseless);
extern void HTMLSetAppInsensitive(Widget hw);
extern void HTMLSetAppSensitive(Widget hw);
extern void HTMLTraverseTabGroups();
extern void HTMLDrawBackgroundImage(Widget w, int x, int y, int width,
int height);
extern void HTMLSetFocusPolicy(Widget w, int to);
#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
* Public Structures
typedef struct acall_rec {
XEvent *event;
int element_id;
char *text;
char *href;
} WbAnchorCallbackData;
typedef struct fcall_rec {
XEvent *event;
char *href;
char *method;
char *enctype;
char *enc_entity;
char *format;
int attribute_count;
char **attribute_names;
char **attribute_values;
} WbFormCallbackData;
typedef struct form_rec {
Widget hw;
char *action;
char *method;
char *enctype;
char *enc_entity;
char *format;
int start, end;
Widget button_pressed; /* match button pressed to one of submits */
struct form_rec *next;
} FormInfo;
/* Client-Side Ismap -- SWP */
typedef struct coord_rec {
int coord;
struct coord_rec *next;
} CoordInfo;
typedef struct area_rec {
int shape;
CoordInfo *coordList;
CoordInfo *currentCoord;
char *href;
char *alt;
struct area_rec *next;
} AreaInfo;
typedef struct map_rec {
char *name;
AreaInfo *areaList;
AreaInfo *currentArea;
struct map_rec *next;
} MapInfo;
typedef struct image_rec {
char *usemap;
MapInfo *map;
int ismap;
FormInfo *fptr;
int internal;
int delayed;
int fetched;
int width, height;
int num_colors;
int *reds;
int *greens;
int *blues;
int bg_index;
unsigned char *image_data;
unsigned char *clip_data;
int transparent;
Pixmap image;
Pixmap clip;
char *text;
char *src;
} ImageInfo;
typedef struct wid_rec {
Widget w;
int type;
int id;
int x, y;
int width, height;
int seeable;
char *name;
char *value;
char *password;
char **mapping;
Boolean checked;
Boolean mapped;
struct wid_rec *next;
struct wid_rec *prev;
} WidgetInfo;
typedef enum { F_NONE, F_TEXT, F_IMAGE, F_WIDGET} FieldType;
typedef struct table_field {
int colSpan; /* number of cells this spans vertically */
int rowSpan; /* number of cells this spans horizontally */
Boolean contVert; /* does this cell continue from previous */
Boolean contHoriz; /* does this cell continue from previous */
int alignment; /* contents alignment */
int maxWidth;
int minWidth;
int maxHeight;
int minHeight;
int colWidth; /* uniform width for all element in this col*/
int rowHeight; /* uniform hieght for all element in the row*/
Boolean header; /* is this field created with <TH> or <TD> */
/* contents */
FieldType type;
char *text;
XFontStruct *font;
char **formattedText;
int numLines; /* for formatted text */
ImageInfo *image;
WidgetInfo *winfo;
} TableField;
typedef struct table_rec {
Boolean borders;
char *caption;
int captionAlignment;
struct mark_up *mptr;
int width,height;
int bwidth,bheight;
int numColumns;
int numRows;
TableField *table;
} TableInfo;
typedef struct sel_rec {
Widget hw;
struct mark_up *mptr;
int is_value;
char *retval_buf;
char *option_buf;
char **returns;
char **options;
int option_cnt;
char **value;
int value_cnt;
} SelectInfo;
typedef ImageInfo *(*resolveImageProc)();
* defines for client-side ismap -- SWP
#define AREA_RECT 0
#define AREA_CIRCLE 1
#define AREA_POLYGON 2
* defines and structures used for the formatted element list
#define E_TEXT (1 << 0)
#define E_BULLET (1 << 1)
#define E_LINEFEED (1 << 2)
#define E_IMAGE (1 << 3)
#define E_WIDGET (1 << 4)
#define E_HRULE (1 << 5)
#define E_TABLE (1 << 6)
#define E_ANCHOR (1 << 7)
#define E_MAP (1 << 8)
/* define alignment values */
#define ALIGN_BOTTOM 0
#define ALIGN_MIDDLE 1
#define ALIGN_TOP 2
#define ALIGN_LEFT 3
#define ALIGN_CENTER 4
#define ALIGN_RIGHT 5
struct ele_rec {
int type;
ImageInfo *pic_data;
WidgetInfo *widget_data;
TableInfo *table_data;
XFontStruct *font;
int alignment;
Boolean internal;
Boolean selected;
int indent_level;
int start_pos, end_pos;
int x, y;
int bwidth;
int y_offset;
int width;
int line_number;
int line_height;
int ele_id;
int underline_number;
Boolean dashed_underline;
Boolean strikeout;
unsigned long fg;
unsigned long bg;
char *anchorName;
char *anchorHRef;
char *anchorSubject;
char *edata;
int edata_len;
struct ele_rec *next;
struct ele_rec *prev;
struct ref_rec {
char *anchorHRef;
struct ref_rec *next;
struct delay_rec {
char *src;
struct delay_rec *next;
* defines and structures used for the HTML parser, and the
* parsed object list.
/* Mark types */
#define M_UNKNOWN -1
#define M_NONE 0
#define M_TITLE 1
#define M_HEADER_1 2
#define M_HEADER_2 3
#define M_HEADER_3 4
#define M_HEADER_4 5
#define M_HEADER_5 6
#define M_HEADER_6 7
#define M_ANCHOR 8
#define M_PARAGRAPH 9
#define M_ADDRESS 10
#define M_PLAIN_TEXT 11
#define M_UNUM_LIST 12
#define M_NUM_LIST 13
#define M_LIST_ITEM 14
#define M_DESC_LIST 15
#define M_DESC_TITLE 16
#define M_DESC_TEXT 17
#define M_PREFORMAT 18
#define M_PLAIN_FILE 19
#define M_LISTING_TEXT 20
#define M_INDEX 21
#define M_MENU 22
#define M_DIRECTORY 23
#define M_IMAGE 24
#define M_FIXED 25
#define M_BOLD 26
#define M_ITALIC 27
#define M_EMPHASIZED 28
#define M_STRONG 29
#define M_CODE 30
#define M_SAMPLE 31
#define M_KEYBOARD 32
#define M_VARIABLE 33
#define M_CITATION 34
#define M_BLOCKQUOTE 35
#define M_STRIKEOUT 36
#define M_INPUT 37
#define M_FORM 38
#define M_HRULE 39
#define M_LINEBREAK 40
#define M_BASE 41
#define M_SELECT 42
#define M_OPTION 43
#define M_TEXTAREA 44
#define M_TABLE 45
#define M_CAPTION 46
#define M_TABLE_HEADER 47
#define M_TABLE_ROW 48
#define M_TABLE_DATA 49
#define M_SUP 50
#define M_SUB 51
#define M_FIGURE 52
#define M_COMMENT 53
#define M_DOC_HEAD 54 /* amb 2 */
#define M_UNDERLINED 55 /* amb 2 */
#define M_DOC_BODY 56 /* amb 2 */
#define M_FRAME 57
#define M_MAP 58 /* swp - client side ismap */
#define M_AREA 59 /* swp - client side ismap */
#define M_CENTER 60
/* syntax of Mark types */
#define MT_TITLE "title"
#define MT_HEADER_1 "h1"
#define MT_HEADER_2 "h2"
#define MT_HEADER_3 "h3"
#define MT_HEADER_4 "h4"
#define MT_HEADER_5 "h5"
#define MT_HEADER_6 "h6"
#define MT_ANCHOR "a"
#define MT_PARAGRAPH "p"
#define MT_ADDRESS "address"
#define MT_PLAIN_TEXT "xmp"
#define MT_UNUM_LIST "ul"
#define MT_NUM_LIST "ol"
#define MT_LIST_ITEM "li"
#define MT_DESC_LIST "dl"
#define MT_DESC_TITLE "dt"
#define MT_DESC_TEXT "dd"
#define MT_PREFORMAT "pre"
#define MT_PLAIN_FILE "plaintext"
#define MT_LISTING_TEXT "listing"
#define MT_INDEX "isindex"
#define MT_MENU "menu"
#define MT_DIRECTORY "dir"
#define MT_IMAGE "img"
#define MT_FIGURE "fig"
#define MT_FIXED "tt"
#define MT_BOLD "b"
#define MT_ITALIC "i"
#define MT_EMPHASIZED "em"
#define MT_STRONG "strong"
#define MT_CODE "code"
#define MT_SAMPLE "samp"
#define MT_KEYBOARD "kbd"
#define MT_VARIABLE "var"
#define MT_CITATION "cite"
#define MT_BLOCKQUOTE "blockquote"
#define MT_STRIKEOUT "strike"
#define MT_INPUT "input"
#define MT_FORM "form"
#define MT_HRULE "hr"
#define MT_LINEBREAK "br"
#define MT_BASE "base"
#define MT_SELECT "select"
#define MT_OPTION "option"
#define MT_TEXTAREA "textarea"
#define MT_TABLE "table"
#define MT_CAPTION "caption"
#define MT_TABLE_ROW "tr"
#define MT_TABLE_HEADER "th"
#define MT_TABLE_DATA "td"
#define MT_SUP "sup"
#define MT_SUB "sub"
#define MT_DOC_HEAD "head" /* amb 2 */
#define MT_UNDERLINED "u" /* amb 2 */
#define MT_DOC_BODY "body"
#define MT_FRAME "frame"
#define MT_MAP "map" /* swp - client side ismap */
#define MT_AREA "area" /* swp - client side ismap */
#define MT_CENTER "center"
/* anchor tags */
#define AT_NAME "name"
#define AT_HREF "href"
#define AT_SUBJECT "subject"
#define AT_TITLE "title"
struct mark_up {
int type;
int is_end;
char *start;
char *text;
char *end;
struct mark_up *next;
* New resource names
#define WbNmarginWidth "marginWidth"
#define WbNmarginHeight "marginHeight"
#define WbNtext "text"
#define WbNheaderText "headerText"
#define WbNfooterText "footerText"
#define WbNtitleText "titleText"
#define WbNanchorUnderlines "anchorUnderlines"
#define WbNvisitedAnchorUnderlines "visitedAnchorUnderlines"
#define WbNdashedAnchorUnderlines "dashedAnchorUnderlines"
#define WbNdashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines "dashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines"
#define WbNanchorColor "anchorColor"
#define WbNvisitedAnchorColor "visitedAnchorColor"
#define WbNactiveAnchorFG "activeAnchorFG"
#define WbNactiveAnchorBG "activeAnchorBG"
#define WbNfancySelections "fancySelections"
#define WbNimageBorders "imageBorders"
#define WbNdelayImageLoads "delayImageLoads"
#define WbNisIndex "isIndex"
#define WbNitalicFont "italicFont"
#define WbNboldFont "boldFont"
#define WbNfixedFont "fixedFont"
#define WbNmeterFont "meterFont"
#define WbNtoolbarFont "toolbarFont"
#define WbNfixedboldFont "fixedboldFont"
#define WbNfixeditalicFont "fixeditalicFont"
#define WbNheader1Font "header1Font"
#define WbNheader2Font "header2Font"
#define WbNheader3Font "header3Font"
#define WbNheader4Font "header4Font"
#define WbNheader5Font "header5Font"
#define WbNheader6Font "header6Font"
#define WbNaddressFont "addressFont"
#define WbNplainFont "plainFont"
#define WbNplainboldFont "plainboldFont"
#define WbNplainitalicFont "plainitalicFont"
#define WbNlistingFont "listingFont"
#define WbNanchorCallback "anchorCallback"
#define WbNlinkCallback "linkCallback"
#define WbNsubmitFormCallback "submitFormCallback"
#define WbNpreviouslyVisitedTestFunction "previouslyVisitedTestFunction"
#define WbNresolveImageFunction "resolveImageFunction"
#define WbNresolveDelayedImage "resolveDelayedImage"
#define WbNpercentVerticalSpace "percentVerticalSpace"
#define WbNpointerMotionCallback "pointerMotionCallback"
#define WbNverticalScrollOnRight "verticalScrollOnRight"
#define WbNhorizontalScrollOnTop "horizontalScrollOnTop"
#define WbNview "view"
#define WbNverticalScrollBar "verticalScrollBar"
#define WbNhorizontalScrollBar "horizontalScrollBar"
#define WbNsupSubFont "supSubFont" /* amb */
#define WbNbodyColors "bodyColors"
#define WbNbodyImages "bodyImages"
* New resource classes
#define WbCMarginWidth "MarginWidth"
#define WbCMarginHeight "MarginHeight"
#define WbCText "Text"
#define WbCHeaderText "HeaderText"
#define WbCFooterText "FooterText"
#define WbCTitleText "TitleText"
#define WbCAnchorUnderlines "AnchorUnderlines"
#define WbCVisitedAnchorUnderlines "VisitedAnchorUnderlines"
#define WbCDashedAnchorUnderlines "DashedAnchorUnderlines"
#define WbCDashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines "DashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines"
#define WbCAnchorColor "AnchorColor"
#define WbCVisitedAnchorColor "VisitedAnchorColor"
#define WbCActiveAnchorFG "ActiveAnchorFG"
#define WbCActiveAnchorBG "ActiveAnchorBG"
#define WbCFancySelections "FancySelections"
#define WbCImageBorders "ImageBorders"
#define WbCDelayImageLoads "DelayImageLoads"
#define WbCIsIndex "IsIndex"
#define WbCItalicFont "ItalicFont"
#define WbCBoldFont "BoldFont"
#define WbCFixedFont "FixedFont"
#define WbCMeterFont "MeterFont"
#define WbCToolbarFont "ToolbarFont"
#define WbCFixedboldFont "FixedboldFont"
#define WbCFixeditalicFont "FixeditalicFont"
#define WbCHeader1Font "Header1Font"
#define WbCHeader2Font "Header2Font"
#define WbCHeader3Font "Header3Font"
#define WbCHeader4Font "Header4Font"
#define WbCHeader5Font "Header5Font"
#define WbCHeader6Font "Header6Font"
#define WbCAddressFont "AddressFont"
#define WbCPlainFont "PlainFont"
#define WbCPlainboldFont "PlainboldFont"
#define WbCPlainitalicFont "PlainitalicFont"
#define WbCListingFont "ListingFont"
#define WbCPreviouslyVisitedTestFunction "PreviouslyVisitedTestFunction"
#define WbCResolveImageFunction "ResolveImageFunction"
#define WbCResolveDelayedImage "ResolveDelayedImage"
#define WbCPercentVerticalSpace "PercentVerticalSpace"
#define WbCPointerMotionCallback "PointerMotionCallback"
#define WbCVerticalScrollOnRight "VerticalScrollOnRight"
#define WbCHorizontalScrollOnTop "HorizontalScrollOnTop"
#define WbCView "View"
#define WbCVerticalScrollBar "VerticalScrollBar"
#define WbCHorizontalScrollBar "HorizontalScrollBar"
#define WbCSupSubFont "SupSubFont" /* amb */
#define WbCBodyColors "BodyColors"
#define WbCBodyImages "BodyImages"
typedef struct _HTMLClassRec *HTMLWidgetClass;
typedef struct _HTMLRec *HTMLWidget;
extern WidgetClass htmlWidgetClass;
#endif /* HTML_H */