203 lines
6.1 KiB
203 lines
6.1 KiB
![]() |
/* Our Static DTD for HTML
** -----------------------
/* Implements:
#include "../config.h"
#include "HTMLDTD.h"
/* Entity Names
** ------------
** This table must be matched exactly with ALL the translation tables
static WWW_CONST char* entities[] = {
"AElig", /* capital AE diphthong (ligature) */
"Aacute", /* capital A, acute accent */
"Acirc", /* capital A, circumflex accent */
"Agrave", /* capital A, grave accent */
"Aring", /* capital A, ring */
"Atilde", /* capital A, tilde */
"Auml", /* capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"Ccedil", /* capital C, cedilla */
"ETH", /* capital Eth, Icelandic */
"Eacute", /* capital E, acute accent */
"Ecirc", /* capital E, circumflex accent */
"Egrave", /* capital E, grave accent */
"Euml", /* capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"Iacute", /* capital I, acute accent */
"Icirc", /* capital I, circumflex accent */
"Igrave", /* capital I, grave accent */
"Iuml", /* capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"Ntilde", /* capital N, tilde */
"Oacute", /* capital O, acute accent */
"Ocirc", /* capital O, circumflex accent */
"Ograve", /* capital O, grave accent */
"Oslash", /* capital O, slash */
"Otilde", /* capital O, tilde */
"Ouml", /* capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"THORN", /* capital THORN, Icelandic */
"Uacute", /* capital U, acute accent */
"Ucirc", /* capital U, circumflex accent */
"Ugrave", /* capital U, grave accent */
"Uuml", /* capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"Yacute", /* capital Y, acute accent */
"aacute", /* small a, acute accent */
"acirc", /* small a, circumflex accent */
"aelig", /* small ae diphthong (ligature) */
"agrave", /* small a, grave accent */
"amp", /* ampersand */
"aring", /* small a, ring */
"atilde", /* small a, tilde */
"auml", /* small a, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"ccedil", /* small c, cedilla */
"eacute", /* small e, acute accent */
"ecirc", /* small e, circumflex accent */
"egrave", /* small e, grave accent */
"eth", /* small eth, Icelandic */
"euml", /* small e, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"gt", /* greater than */
"iacute", /* small i, acute accent */
"icirc", /* small i, circumflex accent */
"igrave", /* small i, grave accent */
"iuml", /* small i, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"lt", /* less than */
"ntilde", /* small n, tilde */
"oacute", /* small o, acute accent */
"ocirc", /* small o, circumflex accent */
"ograve", /* small o, grave accent */
"oslash", /* small o, slash */
"otilde", /* small o, tilde */
"ouml", /* small o, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"szlig", /* small sharp s, German (sz ligature) */
"thorn", /* small thorn, Icelandic */
"uacute", /* small u, acute accent */
"ucirc", /* small u, circumflex accent */
"ugrave", /* small u, grave accent */
"uuml", /* small u, dieresis or umlaut mark */
"yacute", /* small y, acute accent */
"yuml", /* small y, dieresis or umlaut mark */
#define HTML_ENTITIES 65
/* Attribute Lists
** ---------------
** Lists must be in alphatbetical order by attribute name
** The tag elements contain the number of attributes
static attr no_attr[] =
{{ 0 }};
static attr a_attr[] = { /* Anchor attributes */
{ "HREF"},
{ "NAME" }, /* Should be ID */
{ "TITLE" },
{ "TYPE" },
{ "URN" },
{ 0 } /* Terminate list */
static attr img_attr[] = { /* Anchor attributes */
{ "SRC"},
{ 0 } /* Terminate list */
static attr list_attr[] = {
{ 0 } /* Terminate list */
static attr glossary_attr[] = {
{ "COMPACT" },
{ 0 } /* Terminate list */
static attr nextid_attr[] = {
{ "N" }
/* Elements
** --------
** Must match definitions in HTMLDTD.html!
** Must be in alphabetical order.
** Name, Attributes, content
static HTTag tags[HTML_ELEMENTS] = {
{ "ADDRESS" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "B" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "BODY" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "BLOCKQUOTE", no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "CITE" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "CODE" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "COMMENT", no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "DD" , no_attr, 0, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "DFN" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "DIR" , list_attr, 1, SGML_MIXED },
{ "DL" , glossary_attr,1, SGML_MIXED },
{ "DLC" , glossary_attr,1, SGML_MIXED },
{ "DT" , no_attr, 0, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "EM" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "HEAD" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H1" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H2" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H3" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H4" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H5" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H6" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "H7" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "HTML" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "I" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "IMG" , img_attr, 0, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "ISINDEX" , no_attr, 0, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "KBD" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "LI" , list_attr, 1, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "LISTING" , no_attr, 0, SGML_LITTERAL },
{ "NEXTID" , nextid_attr, 1, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "MENU" , list_attr, 1, SGML_MIXED },
{ "OL" , list_attr, 1, SGML_MIXED },
{ "P" , no_attr, 0, SGML_EMPTY },
{ "PLAINTEXT", no_attr, 0, SGML_LITTERAL },
{ "PRE" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "SAMP" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "STRONG" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "TITLE", no_attr, 0, SGML_CDATA },
{ "TT" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "U" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "UL" , list_attr, 1, SGML_MIXED },
{ "VAR" , no_attr, 0, SGML_MIXED },
{ "XMP" , no_attr, 0, SGML_LITTERAL },
/* Utility Routine: useful for people building HTML objects */
/* Start anchor element
** --------------------
** It is kinda convenient to have a particulr routine for
** starting an anchor element, as everything else for HTML is
** simple anyway.
struct _HTStructured {
HTStructuredClass * isa;
/* ... */