/* HTML Generator ** ============== ** ** This version of the HTML object sends HTML markup to the output stream. ** ** Bugs: Line wrapping is not done at all. ** All data handled as PCDATA. ** Should convert old XMP, LISTING and PLAINTEXT to PRE. ** ** It is not obvious to me right now whether the HEAD should be generated ** from the incomming data or the anchor. Currently it's from the former ** which is cleanest. */ #include "../config.h" /* Implements: */ #include "HTMLGen.h" #include #include "HTMLDTD.h" #include "HTStream.h" #include "SGML.h" #include "HTFormat.h" #define PUTC(c) (*me->targetClass.put_character)(me->target, c) #define PUTS(s) (*me->targetClass.put_string)(me->target, s) #define PUTB(s,l) (*me->targetClass.put_block)(me->target, s, l) /* HTML Object ** ----------- */ struct _HTStream { WWW_CONST HTStreamClass * isa; HTStream * target; HTStreamClass targetClass; /* COPY for speed */ }; struct _HTStructured { WWW_CONST HTStructuredClass * isa; HTStream * target; HTStreamClass targetClass; /* COPY for speed */ }; /* Character handling ** ------------------ */ PRIVATE void HTMLGen_put_character ARGS2(HTStructured *, me, char, c) { PUTC(c); } /* String handling ** --------------- */ PRIVATE void HTMLGen_put_string ARGS2(HTStructured *, me, WWW_CONST char*, s) { PUTS(s); } PRIVATE void HTMLGen_write ARGS3(HTStructured *, me, WWW_CONST char*, s, int, l) { PUTB(s,l); } /* Start Element ** ------------- */ PRIVATE void HTMLGen_start_element ARGS4( HTStructured *, me, int, element_number, WWW_CONST BOOL*, present, WWW_CONST char **, value) { int i; HTTag * tag = &HTML_dtd.tags[element_number]; PUTC('<'); PUTS(tag->name); if (present) for (i=0; i< tag->number_of_attributes; i++) { if (present[i]) { PUTC(' '); PUTS(tag->attributes[i].name); if (value[i]) { PUTS("=\""); PUTS(value[i]); PUTC('"'); } } } PUTC('>'); } /* End Element ** ----------- ** */ /* When we end an element, the style must be returned to that ** in effect before that element. Note that anchors (etc?) ** don't have an associated style, so that we must scan down the ** stack for an element with a defined style. (In fact, the styles ** should be linked to the whole stack not just the top one.) ** TBL 921119 */ PRIVATE void HTMLGen_end_element ARGS2(HTStructured *, me, int , element_number) { PUTS("'); } /* Expanding entities ** ------------------ ** */ PRIVATE void HTMLGen_put_entity ARGS2(HTStructured *, me, int, entity_number) { PUTC('&'); PUTS(HTML_dtd.entity_names[entity_number]); PUTC(';'); } /* Free an HTML object ** ------------------- ** ** Note that the SGML parsing context is freed, but the created object is not, ** as it takes on an existence of its own unless explicitly freed. */ PRIVATE void HTMLGen_free ARGS1(HTStructured *, me) { (*me->targetClass.free)(me->target); /* ripple through */ free(me); } PRIVATE void HTMLGen_end_document ARGS1(HTStructured *, me) { PUTC('\n'); /* Make sure ends with newline for sed etc etc */ (*me->targetClass.end_document)(me->target); } PRIVATE void HTMLGen_handle_interrupt ARGS1(HTStructured *, me) { (*me->targetClass.handle_interrupt)(me->target); } PRIVATE void PlainToHTML_end_document ARGS1(HTStructured *, me) { PUTS("\n");/* Make sure ends with newline for sed etc etc */ (*me->targetClass.end_document)(me->target); } /* Structured Object Class ** ----------------------- */ PRIVATE WWW_CONST HTStructuredClass HTMLGeneration = /* As opposed to print etc */ { "text/html", HTMLGen_free, HTMLGen_end_document, HTMLGen_handle_interrupt, HTMLGen_put_character, HTMLGen_put_string, HTMLGen_write, HTMLGen_start_element, HTMLGen_end_element, HTMLGen_put_entity }; /* Subclass-specific Methods ** ------------------------- */ PUBLIC HTStructured * HTMLGenerator ARGS1(HTStream *, output) { HTStructured* me = (HTStructured*)malloc(sizeof(*me)); if (me == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTMLGenerator"); me->isa = &HTMLGeneration; me->target = output; me->targetClass = *me->target->isa; /* Copy pointers to routines for speed*/ return me; } /* Stream Object Class ** ------------------- ** ** This object just converts a plain text stream into HTML ** It is officially a structured strem but only the stream bits exist. ** This is just the easiest way of typecasting all the routines. */ PRIVATE WWW_CONST HTStructuredClass PlainToHTMLConversion = { "plaintexttoHTML", HTMLGen_free, PlainToHTML_end_document, HTMLGen_handle_interrupt, HTMLGen_put_character, HTMLGen_put_string, HTMLGen_write, NULL, /* Structured stuff */ NULL, NULL }; /* HTConverter from plain text to HTML Stream ** ------------------------------------------ */ PUBLIC HTStream* HTPlainToHTML ARGS5( HTPresentation *, pres, HTParentAnchor *, anchor, HTStream *, sink, HTFormat, format_in, int, compressed) { HTStream* me = (HTStream*)malloc(sizeof(*me)); me->isa = (HTStreamClass*) &PlainToHTMLConversion; me->target = sink; me->targetClass = *me->target->isa; /* Copy pointers to routines for speed*/ PUTS("\n
    return me;