/* Chunk handling: Flexible arrays ** =============================== ** */ #include "../config.h" #include "HTUtils.h" #include "HTChunk.h" #include <stdio.h> /* Create a chunk with a certain allocation unit ** -------------- */ PUBLIC HTChunk * HTChunkCreate ARGS1 (int,grow) { HTChunk * ch = (HTChunk *) malloc(sizeof(HTChunk)); if (ch == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "cretion of chunk"); ch->data = 0; ch->growby = grow; ch->size = 0; ch->allocated = 0; return ch; } /* Clear a chunk of all data ** -------------------------- */ PUBLIC void HTChunkClear ARGS1 (HTChunk *,ch) { if (ch->data) { free(ch->data); ch->data = 0; } ch->size = 0; ch->allocated = 0; } /* Free a chunk ** ------------ */ PUBLIC void HTChunkFree ARGS1 (HTChunk *,ch) { if (ch->data) free(ch->data); free(ch); } /* Append a character ** ------------------ */ PUBLIC void HTChunkPutc ARGS2 (HTChunk *,ch, char,c) { if (ch->size >= ch->allocated) { ch->allocated = ch->allocated + ch->growby; ch->data = ch->data ? (char *)realloc(ch->data, ch->allocated) : (char *)malloc(ch->allocated); if (!ch->data) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTChunkPutc"); } ch->data[ch->size++] = c; } /* Ensure a certain size ** --------------------- */ PUBLIC void HTChunkEnsure ARGS2 (HTChunk *,ch, int,needed) { if (needed <= ch->allocated) return; ch->allocated = needed-1 - ((needed-1) % ch->growby) + ch->growby; /* Round up */ ch->data = ch->data ? (char *)realloc(ch->data, ch->allocated) : (char *)malloc(ch->allocated); if (ch->data == NULL) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTChunkEnsure"); } /* Terminate a chunk ** ----------------- */ PUBLIC void HTChunkTerminate ARGS1 (HTChunk *,ch) { HTChunkPutc(ch, (char)0); } /* Append a string ** --------------- */ PUBLIC void HTChunkPuts ARGS2 (HTChunk *,ch, WWW_CONST char *,s) { WWW_CONST char * p; for (p=s; *p; p++) HTChunkPutc(ch, *p); }