/* MODULE HTLex.c ** LEXICAL ANALYSOR ** ** AUTHORS: ** AL Ari Luotonen luotonen@dxcern.cern.ch ** ** HISTORY: ** ** ** BUGS: ** ** */ #include "../config.h" #include "HTAAUtil.h" #include "HTLex.h" /* Implemented here */ /* ** Global variables */ PUBLIC char lex_buffer[40]; /* Read lexical string */ PUBLIC int lex_line = 1; /* Line number in source file */ /* ** Module-wide variables */ PRIVATE int lex_cnt; PRIVATE BOOL lex_template; PRIVATE LexItem lex_pushed_back = LEX_NONE; PRIVATE FILE *cache = NULL; PUBLIC void unlex ARGS1(LexItem, lex_item) { lex_pushed_back = lex_item; } PUBLIC LexItem lex ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { int ch; if (fp != cache) { /* This cache doesn't work ok because the system */ cache = fp; /* often assign same FILE structure the next open */ lex_line = 1; /* file. So, if there are syntax errors in setup */ } /* files it may confuse things later on. */ if (lex_pushed_back != LEX_NONE) { LexItem ret = lex_pushed_back; lex_pushed_back = LEX_NONE; return ret; } lex_cnt = 0; lex_template = NO; for(;;) { switch (ch = getc(fp)) { case EOF: case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case ':': case ',': case '(': case ')': case '@': if (lex_cnt > 0) { if (ch != EOF) ungetc(ch,fp); if (lex_template) return LEX_TMPL_STR; else return LEX_ALPH_STR; } else switch(ch) { case EOF: return LEX_EOF; break; case '\n': lex_line++; return LEX_REC_SEP; break; case ':': return LEX_FIELD_SEP; break; case ',': return LEX_ITEM_SEP; break; case '(': return LEX_OPEN_PAREN; break; case ')': return LEX_CLOSE_PAREN; break; case '@': return LEX_AT_SIGN; break; default: ; /* Leading white space ignored (SP,TAB,CR) */ } break; default: lex_buffer[lex_cnt++] = ch; lex_buffer[lex_cnt] = (char)0; if ('*' == ch) lex_template = YES; } /* switch ch */ } /* forever */ } PUBLIC char *lex_verbose ARGS1(LexItem, lex_item) { static char msg[100]; switch (lex_item) { case LEX_NONE: /* Internally used */ return "NO-LEX-ITEM"; break; case LEX_EOF: /* End of file */ return "end-of-file"; break; case LEX_REC_SEP: /* Record separator */ return "record separator (newline)"; break; case LEX_FIELD_SEP: /* Field separator */ return "field separator ':'"; break; case LEX_ITEM_SEP: /* List item separator */ return "item separator ','"; break; case LEX_OPEN_PAREN: /* Group start tag */ return "'('"; break; case LEX_CLOSE_PAREN: /* Group end tag */ return "')'"; break; case LEX_AT_SIGN: /* Address qualifier */ return "address qualifier '@'"; break; case LEX_ALPH_STR: /* Alphanumeric string */ sprintf(msg, "alphanumeric string '%s'", lex_buffer); return msg; break; case LEX_TMPL_STR: /* Template string */ sprintf(msg, "template string '%s'", lex_buffer); return msg; break; default: return "UNKNOWN-LEX-ITEM"; break; } }