/**************************************************************************** * NCSA Mosaic for the X Window System * * Software Development Group * * National Center for Supercomputing Applications * * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820 * * mosaic@ncsa.uiuc.edu * * * * Copyright (C) 1993, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois * * * * NCSA Mosaic software, both binary and source (hereafter, Software) is * * copyrighted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois * * (UI), and ownership remains with the UI. * * * * The UI grants you (hereafter, Licensee) a license to use the Software * * for academic, research and internal business purposes only, without a * * fee. Licensee may distribute the binary and source code (if released) * * to third parties provided that the copyright notice and this statement * * appears on all copies and that no charge is associated with such * * copies. * * * * Licensee may make derivative works. However, if Licensee distributes * * any derivative work based on or derived from the Software, then * * Licensee will (1) notify NCSA regarding its distribution of the * * derivative work, and (2) clearly notify users that such derivative * * work is a modified version and not the original NCSA Mosaic * * distributed by the UI. * * * * Any Licensee wishing to make commercial use of the Software should * * contact the UI, c/o NCSA, to negotiate an appropriate license for such * * commercial use. Commercial use includes (1) integration of all or * * part of the source code into a product for sale or license by or on * * behalf of Licensee to third parties, or (2) distribution of the binary * * code or source code to third parties that need it to utilize a * * commercial product sold or licensed by or on behalf of Licensee. * * * * UI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE FOR * * ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * * WARRANTY. THE UI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY THE * * USERS OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * * * By using or copying this Software, Licensee agrees to abide by the * * copyright law and all other applicable laws of the U.S. including, but * * not limited to, export control laws, and the terms of this license. * * UI shall have the right to terminate this license immediately by * * written notice upon Licensee's breach of, or non-compliance with, any * * of its terms. Licensee may be held legally responsible for any * * copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by Licensee's * * failure to abide by the terms of this license. * * * * Comments and questions are welcome and can be sent to * * mosaic-x@ncsa.uiuc.edu. * ****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "mosaic.h" #include "globalhist.h" #include "mo-www.h" #include "libhtmlw/HTML.h" #include #include "../libnut/system.h" /*for memset*/ #include extern char *cached_url; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE extern int srcTrace; extern int cacheTrace; #endif /* Old compilers choke on const... */ #ifdef __STDC__ #define MO_CONST const #else #define MO_CONST #endif /* not __STDC */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ---------------------------- GLOBAL HISTORY ---------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* We save history list out to a file (~/.mosaic-global-history) and reload it on entry. Initially the history file format will look like this: ncsa-mosaic-history-format-1 [identifying string] Global [title] url Fri Sep 13 00:00:00 1986 [first word is url; subsequent words are last-accessed date (GMT)] [1-line sequence for single document repeated as necessary] ... --Format 2--02/15/96--SWP ncsa-mosaic-history-format-2 [identifying string] Global [title] url seconds [first word is url; subsequent word is the seconds since unix birth at last access] [1-line sequence for single document repeated as necessary] ... */ #define NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_ONE "ncsa-mosaic-history-format-1" #define NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_TWO "ncsa-mosaic-history-format-2" #define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 200 /* Cached data in a hash entry for a given URL; one or both slots can be filled; non-filled slots will be NULL. */ typedef struct cached_data { void *image_data; char *local_name; int last_access; } cached_data; /* An entry in a hash bucket, containing a URL (in canonical, absolute form) and possibly cached info (right now, an ImageInfo struct for inlined images). */ typedef struct entry { /* Canonical URL for this document. */ char *url; char *lastdate; /* This can be one of a couple of things: for an image, it's the ImageInfo struct; for an HDF file, it's the local filename (if any) */ cached_data *cached_data; struct entry *next; } entry; /* A bucket in the hash table; contains a linked list of entries. */ typedef struct bucket { entry *head; int count; } bucket; static bucket hash_table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE]; static mo_status mo_cache_image_data (cached_data *cd, void *info); static mo_status mo_uncache_image_data (cached_data *cd); static int mo_kbytes_in_image_data (void *image_data); static int notExpired(char *lastdate); static int hash_url (char *url); static void dump_bucket_counts (void); static void add_url_to_bucket (int buck, char *url, char *lastdate); static int been_here_before (char *url); static void mo_read_global_history (char *filename); static mo_status mo_dump_cached_cd_array (void); static mo_status mo_init_cached_cd_array (void); static mo_status mo_grow_cached_cd_array (void); static int mo_sort_cd_for_qsort (MO_CONST void *a1, MO_CONST void *a2); static mo_status mo_sort_cached_cd_array (void); static mo_status mo_remove_cd_from_cached_cd_array (cached_data *cd); static mo_status mo_add_cd_to_cached_cd_array (cached_data *cd); static int mo_kbytes_in_image_data (void *image_data); static int access_counter = 0; static int dont_nuke_after_me = 0; static int kbytes_cached = 0; /*given a character string of time, is this older than Rdata.urlExpired?*/ static int notExpired(char *lastdate) { long expired=get_pref_int(eURLEXPIRED)*86400; time_t curtime=time(NULL); if (expired<=0) { return(1); } if ((curtime-atol(lastdate))>=expired) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (srcTrace) { fprintf(stderr,"EXPIRED! [%ld] - [%ld] = [%ld] (%ld)\n", curtime,atol(lastdate),curtime-atol(lastdate), expired); } #endif return(0); } #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (srcTrace) { fprintf(stderr,"NOT EXPIRED! [%ld] - [%ld] = [%ld] (%ld)\n", curtime,atol(lastdate),curtime-atol(lastdate), expired); } #endif return(1); } /* Given a URL, hash it and return the hash value, mod'd by the size of the hash table. */ static int hash_url (char *url) { int len, i, val; if (!url) return 0; len = strlen (url); val = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) val += url[(i * val + 7) % len]; return val % HASH_TABLE_SIZE; } /* Each bucket in the hash table maintains a count of the number of entries contained within; this function dumps that information out to stdout. */ static void dump_bucket_counts (void) { int i; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stdout, "Bucket %03d, count %03d\n", i, hash_table[i].count); } #endif return; } /* Assume url isn't already in the bucket; add it by creating a new entry and sticking it at the head of the bucket's linked list of entries. */ static void add_url_to_bucket (int buck, char *url, char *lastdate) { bucket *bkt = &(hash_table[buck]); entry *l; l = (entry *)malloc (sizeof (entry)); l->url = strdup (url); l->lastdate=strdup(lastdate); l->cached_data = NULL; l->next = NULL; if (bkt->head == NULL) bkt->head = l; else { l->next = bkt->head; bkt->head = l; } bkt->count += 1; } /* This is the internal predicate that takes a URL, hashes it, does a search through the appropriate bucket, and either returns 1 or 0 depending on whether we've been there. */ static int been_here_before (char *url) { int hash = hash_url (url); entry *l; time_t foo = time (NULL); char ts[30]; if (hash_table[hash].count) for (l = hash_table[hash].head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (!strcmp (l->url, url)) { /*we need to update the date -- SWP*/ sprintf(ts,"%ld",foo); if (l->lastdate) { free(l->lastdate); } l->lastdate=strdup(ts); return 1; } } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_been_here_before_huh_dad * purpose: Predicate to determine if we've visited this URL before. * inputs: * - char *url: The URL. * returns: * mo_succeed if we've been here before; mo_fail otherwise * remarks: * We canonicalize the URL (stripping out the target anchor, * if one exists). ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_been_here_before_huh_dad (char *url) { char *curl = mo_url_canonicalize (url, ""); mo_status status; if (been_here_before (curl)) status = mo_succeed; else status = mo_fail; free (curl); return status; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_here_we_are_son * purpose: Add a URL to the global history, if it's not already there. * inputs: * - char *url: URL to add. * returns: * mo_succeed * remarks: * We canonicalize the URL (stripping out the target anchor, * if one exists). ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_here_we_are_son (char *url) { char *curl = mo_url_canonicalize (url, ""); time_t foo = time (NULL); char ts[30]; sprintf(ts,"%ld",foo); /* char *ts = ctime (&foo); ts[strlen(ts)-1] = '\0'; */ if (!been_here_before (curl)) add_url_to_bucket (hash_url (curl), curl, ts); free (curl); return mo_succeed; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_read_global_history (PRIVATE) * purpose: Given a filename, read the file's contents into the * global history hash table. * inputs: * - char *filename: The file to read. * returns: * nothing * remarks: * ****************************************************************************/ static void mo_read_global_history (char *filename) { FILE *fp; char line[MO_LINE_LENGTH]; char *status; int format; fp = fopen (filename, "r"); if (!fp) { goto screwed_no_file; } else if (get_pref_boolean(eBACKUP_FILES)) { char *tf=NULL,retBuf[BUFSIZ]; tf=(char *)calloc(strlen(filename)+strlen(".backup")+5,sizeof(char)); sprintf(tf,"%s.backup",filename); if (my_copy(filename,tf,retBuf,BUFSIZ-1,1)!=SYS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",retBuf); } free(tf); } status = fgets (line, MO_LINE_LENGTH, fp); if (!status || !(*line)) goto screwed_with_file; /* See if it's our format. */ if (strncmp (line, NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_ONE, strlen (NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_ONE))) { if (strncmp (line, NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_TWO, strlen(NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_TWO))) { goto screwed_with_file; } else { format=2; } } else { format=1; } /* Go fetch the name on the next line. */ status = fgets (line, MO_LINE_LENGTH, fp); if (!status || !(*line)) goto screwed_with_file; /* Start grabbing url's. */ while (1) { char *url; char *lastdate; status = fgets (line, MO_LINE_LENGTH, fp); if (!status || !(*line)) goto done; url = strtok (line, " "); if (!url) goto screwed_with_file; /* We don't use the last-accessed date... yet. */ /* We do now... SWP */ lastdate = strtok (NULL, "\n"); if (!lastdate) goto screwed_with_file; if (notExpired(lastdate) || format==1) { add_url_to_bucket (hash_url (url), url, lastdate); } } screwed_with_file: done: fclose (fp); return; screwed_no_file: return; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_init_global_history * purpose: Initialize the global history hash table. * inputs: * none * returns: * mo_succeed * remarks: * ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_init_global_history (void) { int i; /* Initialize the history structs. */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { hash_table[i].count = 0; hash_table[i].head = 0; } return mo_succeed; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_wipe_global_history * purpose: Wipe out the current global history. * inputs: * none * returns: * mo_succeed * remarks: * Huge memory hole here. However, we now call * mo_flush_image_cache to at least clear out the image structures. ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_wipe_global_history (mo_window *win) { mo_flush_image_cache (win); /* Memory leak! @@@ */ mo_init_global_history (); return mo_succeed; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_setup_global_history * purpose: Called on program startup to do the global history * initialization stuff, including figuring out where the * global history file is and reading it. * inputs: * none * returns: * mo_succeed * remarks: * ****************************************************************************/ static char *cached_global_hist_fname = NULL; mo_status mo_setup_global_history (void) { char *home = getenv ("HOME"); char *default_filename = get_pref_string(eGLOBAL_HISTORY_FILE); char *filename; FILE *fp; mo_init_global_history (); /* This shouldn't happen. */ if (!home) home = "/tmp"; filename = (char *)malloc ((strlen (home) + strlen (get_pref_string(eHISTORY_FILE)) + 8) * sizeof (char)); sprintf (filename, "%s/%s", home, get_pref_string(eHISTORY_FILE)); if (!(fp=fopen(filename,"r"))) { printf("\n\n---------------New History Format---------------\n\n"); printf("Mosaic needs to update your history file to a new format\n"); printf(" which will enable links to expire after %d days (see\n",get_pref_int(eURLEXPIRED)); printf(" the resource 'Mosaic*urlExpired').\n\n"); printf("Your current history file will still exist and will not\n"); printf(" be modified. However, it will no longer be updated.\n"); printf(" Instead, the file '.mosaic/x-history' will be used.\n\n"); free(filename); filename = (char *)malloc((strlen (home) + strlen (default_filename) + 8) * sizeof (char)); sprintf (filename, "%s/%s", home, default_filename); } else { fclose(fp); } cached_global_hist_fname = filename; mo_read_global_history (filename); free(filename); filename = (char *)malloc ((strlen (home) + strlen (get_pref_string(eHISTORY_FILE)) + 8) * sizeof (char)); sprintf (filename, "%s/%s", home, get_pref_string(eHISTORY_FILE)); cached_global_hist_fname = filename; return mo_succeed; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_write_global_history * purpose: Write the global history file out to disk. * inputs: * none * returns: * mo_succeed (usually) * remarks: * This assigns last-read times to all the entries in the history, * which is a bad thing. * ---Not anymore --- SWP ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_write_global_history (void) { FILE *fp; int i; entry *l; time_t foo = time (NULL); char ts[30]; sprintf(ts,"%ld",foo); fp = fopen (cached_global_hist_fname, "w"); if (!fp) return mo_fail; fprintf (fp, "%s\n%s\n", NCSA_HISTORY_FORMAT_COOKIE_TWO, "Global"); for (i = 0; i < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (l = hash_table[i].head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { fprintf (fp, "%s %s\n", l->url, (isdigit(*(l->lastdate))?l->lastdate:ts)); } } fclose (fp); return mo_succeed; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_fetch_cached_image_data * purpose: Retrieve a piece of cached data associated with a URL. * inputs: * - char *url: The URL. * returns: * The piece of cached data (void *). * remarks: * We do *not* do anything to the URL. If there is a target * anchor in it, fine with us. This means the target anchor * should have been stripped out someplace else if it needed to be. ****************************************************************************/ void *mo_fetch_cached_image_data (char *url) { int hash = hash_url (url); entry *l; if (hash_table[hash].count) for (l = hash_table[hash].head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (!strcmp (l->url, url)) { if (l->cached_data && l->cached_data->image_data) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_fetch_cached_image_data] Hit for '%s', data 0x%08x\n", url, l->cached_data->image_data); #endif l->cached_data->last_access = access_counter++; return l->cached_data->image_data; } else { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_fetch_cached_image_data] Miss for '%s'\n", url); #endif return NULL; } } } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_fetch_cached_local_name * purpose: Retrieve a piece of cached data associated with a URL. * inputs: * - char *url: The URL. * returns: * The piece of cached data (void *). * remarks: * We do *not* do anything to the URL. If there is a target * anchor in it, fine with us. This means the target anchor * should have been stripped out someplace else if it needed to be. ****************************************************************************/ void *mo_fetch_cached_local_name (char *url) { int hash = hash_url (url); entry *l; if (hash_table[hash].count) for (l = hash_table[hash].head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (!strcmp (l->url, url)) { if (l->cached_data) return l->cached_data->local_name; else return NULL; } } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_cache_data * purpose: Cache a piece of data associated with a given URL. * inputs: * - char *url: The URL. * - void *info: The piece of data to cache (currently either * an ImageInfo struct for an image named as SRC * in an IMG tag, or the filename corresponding to the * local copy of a remote HDF file). * - int type: The type of data to cache (currently either * 0 for an ImageInfo struct or 1 for a local name). * returns: * mo_succeed, unless something goes badly wrong * remarks: * We do *not* do anything to the URL. If there is a target * anchor in it, fine with us. This means the target anchor * should have been stripped out someplace else if it needed to be. ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_cache_data (char *url, void *info, int type) { int hash = hash_url (url); entry *l; time_t foo = time (NULL); char ts[30]; sprintf(ts,"%ld",foo); /* First, register ourselves if we're not already registered. Now, the same URL can be registered multiple times with different (or, in one instance, no) internal anchor. */ if (!been_here_before (url)) add_url_to_bucket (hash_url (url), url,ts); /* Then, find the right entry. */ if (hash_table[hash].count) for (l = hash_table[hash].head; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (!strcmp (l->url, url)) goto found; } return mo_fail; found: if (!l->cached_data) { l->cached_data = (cached_data *)malloc (sizeof (cached_data)); l->cached_data->image_data = NULL; l->cached_data->local_name = NULL; l->cached_data->last_access = 0; } if (type == 0) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_cache_data] Caching '%s', data 0x%08x\n", url, info); #endif mo_cache_image_data (l->cached_data, info); } else if (type == 1) l->cached_data->local_name = info; return mo_succeed; } mo_status mo_zap_cached_images_here (mo_window *win) { char **hrefs; int num; void *ptr; /* Go fetch new hrefs. */ hrefs = HTMLGetImageSrcs (win->scrolled_win, &(num)); if (num) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char *url = mo_url_canonicalize (hrefs[i], cached_url); ptr = mo_fetch_cached_image_data (url); if (ptr) { mo_cache_data (url, NULL, 0); } } /* All done; clean up. */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) free (hrefs[i]); free (hrefs); } return mo_succeed; } /**************************************************************************** * name: mo_flush_image_cache * purpose: * inputs: * - mo_window *win: The current window. * returns: * nuthin * remarks: ****************************************************************************/ mo_status mo_flush_image_cache (mo_window *win) { entry *l; int hash; for (hash = 0; hash < HASH_TABLE_SIZE; hash++) for (l = hash_table[hash].head; l != NULL; l = l->next) if (l->cached_data) if (l->cached_data->image_data) { mo_uncache_image_data (l->cached_data); } return mo_succeed; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------- decent image caching ------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* CHUNK_OF_IMAGES determines the initial size of the array of cached pointers to image data; if more images must be cached, the array is grown with realloc by this amount. It is good to keep the array as small as possible, as it must occasionally be sorted. */ #define CHUNK_OF_IMAGES 10 static cached_data **cached_cd_array = NULL; static int num_in_cached_cd_array = 0; static int size_of_cached_cd_array = 0; static mo_status mo_dump_cached_cd_array (void) { int i; if (!cached_cd_array) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, "[mo_dump_cached_cd_array] No array; punting\n"); } #endif return mo_fail; } #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE for (i = 0; i < size_of_cached_cd_array; i++) { if (cached_cd_array[i]) if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, " %02d data 0x%08x last_access %d\n", i, cached_cd_array[i]->image_data, cached_cd_array[i]->last_access); } else if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, " %02d NULL\n", i); } } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, "---------------------\n"); } #endif return mo_succeed; } static mo_status mo_init_cached_cd_array (void) { /* int i;*/ cached_cd_array = (cached_data **)malloc (sizeof (cached_data *) * CHUNK_OF_IMAGES); size_of_cached_cd_array += CHUNK_OF_IMAGES; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_init] Did it 0x%08x -- allocated %d pointers.\n", cached_cd_array, size_of_cached_cd_array); #endif /* bzero ((char *)cached_cd_array, CHUNK_OF_IMAGES * sizeof (cached_cd_array[0]));*/ memset((char *)cached_cd_array, 0, CHUNK_OF_IMAGES * sizeof (cached_cd_array[0])); return mo_succeed; } static mo_status mo_grow_cached_cd_array (void) { /* int i;*/ cached_cd_array = (cached_data **)realloc (cached_cd_array, sizeof (cached_data *) * (size_of_cached_cd_array + CHUNK_OF_IMAGES)); #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[grow] cached_cd_array 0x%08x, size_of_cached_cd_array 0x%08x, sum 0x%08x\n", cached_cd_array, size_of_cached_cd_array, cached_cd_array + size_of_cached_cd_array); #endif /* bzero ((char *)(cached_cd_array + size_of_cached_cd_array), CHUNK_OF_IMAGES * sizeof (cached_cd_array[0]));*/ memset((char *)(cached_cd_array + size_of_cached_cd_array), 0, CHUNK_OF_IMAGES * sizeof (cached_cd_array[0])); size_of_cached_cd_array += CHUNK_OF_IMAGES; return mo_succeed; } static int mo_sort_cd_for_qsort (MO_CONST void *a1, MO_CONST void *a2) { cached_data **d1 = (cached_data **)a1; cached_data **d2 = (cached_data **)a2; /* NULL entries will be at end of array -- this may be good, or may not be -- hmmmmmm. */ if (!d1 || !(*d1)) return 1; if (!d2 || !(*d2)) return -1; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "sort: hi there! %d %d\n", (*d1)->last_access, (*d2)->last_access); #endif return ((*d1)->last_access < (*d2)->last_access ? -1 : 1); } static mo_status mo_sort_cached_cd_array (void) { if (!cached_cd_array) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_sort_cached_cd_array] No array; punting\n"); #endif return mo_fail; } if (num_in_cached_cd_array == 0) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_sort_cached_cd_array] Num in array 0; punting\n"); #endif return mo_fail; } #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, "[mo_sort_cached_cd_array] Sorting 0x%08x!\n", cached_cd_array); mo_dump_cached_cd_array (); } #endif qsort ((void *)cached_cd_array, size_of_cached_cd_array, sizeof (cached_cd_array[0]), mo_sort_cd_for_qsort); #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) mo_dump_cached_cd_array (); #endif return mo_succeed; } static mo_status mo_remove_cd_from_cached_cd_array (cached_data *cd) { int i/*, num = -1*/, freed_kbytes = 0; if (!cached_cd_array) return mo_fail; for (i = 0; i < size_of_cached_cd_array; i++) { if (cached_cd_array[i] == cd) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_remove_cd_from_cached_cd_array] Found data 0x%08x, location %d\n", cached_cd_array[i]->image_data, i); #endif freed_kbytes = mo_kbytes_in_image_data (cached_cd_array[i]->image_data); mo_free_image_data (cached_cd_array[i]->image_data); cached_cd_array[i] = NULL; goto done; } } #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_remove_cd] UH OH, DIDN'T FIND IT!!!!!!!!!\n"); #endif return mo_fail; done: num_in_cached_cd_array--; kbytes_cached -= freed_kbytes; return mo_succeed; } static mo_status mo_add_cd_to_cached_cd_array (cached_data *cd) { int i, num; int kbytes_in_new_image = mo_kbytes_in_image_data (cd->image_data); #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd] New image is %d kbytes.\n", kbytes_in_new_image); #endif if (!cached_cd_array) { mo_init_cached_cd_array (); #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd] Init'd cached_cd_array.\n"); #endif } else { /* Maybe it's already in there. */ for (i = 0; i < size_of_cached_cd_array; i++) { if (cached_cd_array[i] == cd) return mo_succeed; } } /* Here's the magic part. */ if ((kbytes_cached + kbytes_in_new_image) > get_pref_int(eIMAGE_CACHE_SIZE)) { int num_to_remove = 0; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd] Going to sort 0x%08x...\n", cached_cd_array); #endif mo_sort_cached_cd_array (); #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_to] Just sorted in preparation for purging...\n"); mo_dump_cached_cd_array (); } #endif while((kbytes_cached + kbytes_in_new_image) > get_pref_int(eIMAGE_CACHE_SIZE)) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd] Trying to free another image (%d > %d).\n", (kbytes_cached + kbytes_in_new_image), get_pref_int(eIMAGE_CACHE_SIZE)); #endif /* Try to remove one -- we rely on the fact that NULL entries in cached_cd_array are at the end of the array. */ if (num_to_remove < size_of_cached_cd_array && cached_cd_array[num_to_remove] != NULL) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, " ** going to try to remove %d; last_access %d < dont_nuke_after_me %d??\n", num_to_remove, cached_cd_array[num_to_remove]->last_access, dont_nuke_after_me); #endif if (cached_cd_array[num_to_remove]->last_access < dont_nuke_after_me) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, " ** really removing %d\n", num_to_remove); #endif mo_uncache_image_data (cached_cd_array[num_to_remove]); #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) mo_dump_cached_cd_array (); #endif } num_to_remove++; } else { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, " ** no more to remove\n"); #endif #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) mo_dump_cached_cd_array (); #endif goto removed_em_all; } } } removed_em_all: if (num_in_cached_cd_array == size_of_cached_cd_array) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd] Growing array... \n"); #endif num = size_of_cached_cd_array; mo_grow_cached_cd_array (); } else { num = -1; for (i = 0; i < size_of_cached_cd_array; i++) { if (cached_cd_array[i] == NULL) { num = i; goto got_num; } } #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd_to_cached_cd_array] UH OH couldn't find empty slot\n"); #endif /* Try to grow array -- flow of control should never reach here, though. */ num = size_of_cached_cd_array; mo_grow_cached_cd_array (); } got_num: cached_cd_array[num] = cd; num_in_cached_cd_array++; kbytes_cached += kbytes_in_new_image; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) { fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd_to_cached_cd_array] Added cd, data 0x%08x, num %d\n", cd->image_data, num); fprintf (stderr, "[mo_add_cd_to_cached_cd_array] Now cached %d kbytes.\n", kbytes_cached); mo_dump_cached_cd_array (); } #endif return mo_succeed; } static int mo_kbytes_in_image_data (void *image_data) { ImageInfo *img = (ImageInfo *)image_data; int bytes, kbytes; if (!img) return 0; bytes = img->width * img->height; kbytes = bytes >> 10; #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_kbytes_in_image_data] bytes %d, kbytes %d\n", bytes, kbytes); #endif if (kbytes == 0) kbytes = 1; return kbytes; } static mo_status mo_cache_image_data (cached_data *cd, void *info) { /* Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smart! */ if (get_pref_int(eIMAGE_CACHE_SIZE) <= 0) set_pref(eIMAGE_CACHE_SIZE, (void *)1); /* It's possible we'll be getting NULL info here, so we should uncache in this case... */ if (!info) mo_uncache_image_data (cd); cd->image_data = info; cd->last_access = access_counter++; mo_add_cd_to_cached_cd_array (cd); return mo_succeed; } static mo_status mo_uncache_image_data (cached_data *cd) { mo_remove_cd_from_cached_cd_array (cd); cd->image_data = NULL; return mo_succeed; } mo_status mo_set_image_cache_nuke_threshold (void) { #ifndef DISABLE_TRACE if (cacheTrace) fprintf (stderr, "[mo_set_nuke_threshold] Setting to %d\n", access_counter); #endif dont_nuke_after_me = access_counter; return mo_succeed; }