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2019-07-15 11:16:41 -05:00
# Toggle me for debugging
debug = 1
# Import the libraries we will use
import re
import sys
import random
import platform
import argparse
# check to see if termcolor is installed, we need it for color to xwork
from termcolor import colored
except ImportError:
print("termcolor is not installed! Please install termcolor with" '\n', '\n', "pip install termcolor", '\n','\n'+"Note: You may need to run pip as root")
if debug == 1:
print("termcolor is installed!")
# If we are on Windows, we need to do a little more to get color to work
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
import os
# ArgSparce
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-s", "--setup", help="Explains how to setup .txt file", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--story", type=int, help="Write story count to file")
args = parser.parse_args()
# convert the integer to a string because pickiness
StoryCount = str(args.story)
#if statements for ArgSparce
# line 35 fails if args.story reads as "None", so we need to clear that string if it reads as such.
if args.story == None:
exec('args.story = int(0)')
# args.story should now read as 0
if args.story > 0:
f = open('storyCount.txt', 'w')
print("Writing", StoryCount, "to txt file!")
if args.setup == True:
sys.exit("If you want to include your own MadLibs story, you need to do the following:"+'\n')
# Linux easter egg
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
print('Linux master race! XD')
# Introduce yourself
print (colored("<<madlibs.", 'red')+colored("p", 'yellow')+colored("y", 'blue'), colored("- Written by Caleb Fontenot>>", 'red'), '\n' "Built on July 13, 2019")
print("I pull txt files in the directory you place me in for stories!" '\n' '\n' "Run me with the --setup flag for instructions on setting a story up!" '\n')
# Notify if verbose
if debug == 1:
print("Debug mode is enabled! Being verbose!", '\n')
# Now on to business!
# Load files
f = open('storyCount.txt', 'r')
StoryCount =
IntStoryCount = int(StoryCount)
print("Detected", IntStoryCount, "stories")
# Count stories
# Randomly pick what story we will use
story = random.randint(1, IntStoryCount)
# Alright, let's get the data from stories.txt
f = open('stories.txt', 'r')
# This pulls the title from stories.txt
storyName = f.readline()
# This pulls the story from stories.txt
storyContent = f.readline()
# todo: remove characters from story identifier and make every even number be recognized as a story, and every odd as it's title
# Hacky shenanigans
#selectedStoryName = storyName[story - 1]
# Print current story
print("Current story title is", '"'+storyName+'"')