2019-12-16 14:21:29 -06:00
# Toggle me for debugging
debug = 1
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
# Displays warning message
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
testing = 1
2019-12-16 14:21:29 -06:00
# Import the libraries we will use
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
#from mega import Mega
2019-12-16 14:21:29 -06:00
from datetime import datetime
from gtts import gTTS
import discord
import re
import sys
import random
import os
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
import asyncio
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
import ffmpeg
#import talkey
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
2019-12-16 22:59:05 -06:00
async def gameLoop ( ) :
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
# In the future we will detect what channel we were summoned in, but for now:
ativeChannel = 656233549837631508
#Init tts, and connect voice to channel, reinit connection if broken
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
voiceChannel = client . get_channel ( 682688245964079127 )
voice = await voiceChannel . connect ( )
if voice . is_connected ( ) == True :
await voice . disconnect ( )
voice = await voiceChannel . connect ( )
# Set bot presence
await client . change_presence ( activity = discord . Game ( name = ' madlibs.py ' ) )
# Introduce yourself
channel = client . get_channel ( 656233549837631508 )
await channel . send ( " **<<madlibsDiscord.py <:python:656239601723113472> - Written by Caleb Fontenot>>** " )
await channel . send ( " Initial project started on **July 13, 2019** " )
await channel . send ( " Discord Bot started on **December 16, 2019** " )
# Notify if verbose
if debug == 1 :
await channel . send ( " Debug mode is enabled! Being verbose! " )
# Now on to business!
# Load files
async with channel . typing ( ) :
f = open ( ' storyCount.txt ' , ' r ' )
StoryCount = f . read ( )
IntStoryCount = int ( StoryCount )
await channel . send ( " Detected " + str ( IntStoryCount ) + " stories " )
# Randomly pick what story we will use
story = random . randint ( 1 , IntStoryCount )
#Declare vars
storyContentStr = [ ]
storyNameStr = [ ]
# Alright, let's get the data from stories.txt
i = 1
f = open ( ' stories.txt ' , ' r ' )
for line in f . readlines ( ) :
if i % 2 == 0 :
storyContent = line
storyContentStr . append ( storyContent )
else :
storyName = line
storyNameStr . append ( storyName )
i + = 1
f . close ( )
await channel . send ( storyNameStr )
# Print current story title, but remove the brackets first
filteredTitle = re . findall ( r ' <(.*?)> ' , storyNameStr [ story - 1 ] )
# print the first result
await channel . send ( " Current story title is " + ' " ' + str ( filteredTitle [ 0 ] ) + ' " ' + ' \n ' )
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
# Alright, now onto the tricky part. We need to filter out all of the bracketed words in stories.txt, putting them into a list, replacing them with incremental strings. We also need to count how many there are for later.
2019-12-16 14:21:29 -06:00
# Pull all of the items with the <> brackets
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
filtered = re . findall ( r ' <(.*?)> ' , storyContentStr [ story - 1 ] )
# We got them!
if debug == 1 :
await channel . send ( str ( filtered ) )
# Now we need to count them
replacedNumber = len ( filtered )
# Run a loop to get the words
replaceList = [ ]
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
#replaceList =['', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24']
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
replaceList . append ( " " )
await channel . send ( str ( " Type a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb depending on what it asks you, followed by enter. " ) )
for loopCount in range ( replacedNumber ) :
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
print ( " Times looped: " + str ( loopCount ) )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
#Wait for user to reply
await channel . send ( " Give me a(n) " + " ** " + str ( filtered [ loopCount ] ) + " ** " + " : " )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
#if we see our own message, ignore it
async def on_message ( message ) :
if message . author == self . user :
#if we see a message in a channel that isn't in the active one, ignore it
if message . channel . id != activeChannelID :
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
# Push text to gTTS and save it to a file
tts = gTTS ( text = " Give me a(n) " + str ( filtered [ loopCount ] ) + " : " )
os . system ( " rm badCurrentTTS.mp3 " )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
os . system ( " rm currentTTS.wav " )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
tts . save ( " badCurrentTTS.mp3 " )
# gTTS is stupid and gives us a file that discord.py doesn't understand, so we have to convert it
. input ( ' badCurrentTTS.mp3 ' )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
. output ( ' currentTTS.wav ' , audio_bitrate = 48000 , format = ' wav ' , sample_fmt = ' s16 ' , ac = ' 2 ' )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
. run ( )
if voice . is_playing ( ) == True :
print ( " Audio is playing! Stopping playback! " + ' \n ' )
voice . stop ( )
print ( " Attempting to play audio " + ' \n ' )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
voice . play ( discord . FFmpegPCMAudio ( " currentTTS.wav " ) )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
raw_message = await client . wait_for ( ' message ' )
replaceVar = raw_message . content
print ( " You gave me: " + replaceVar )
replaceList . append ( replaceVar )
print ( replaceList )
2019-12-16 14:21:29 -06:00
# Run a loop to replace the words
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
await channel . send ( " Replacing Words... " )
# Split the Story Content into a list
storyContentList = re . split ( r ' <.*?> ' , storyContentStr [ story - 1 ] )
# Count the items in the list
storyContentCount = len ( storyContentList )
x = 0
for loopCount in range ( storyContentCount ) :
storyContentList . insert ( x , replaceList [ loopCount ] )
x = x + 2
# To get colored words for our output, we need to add the appropiate commands to our variable.
x = 0
# Merge lists into a string
generatedStory = " "
generatedStory = generatedStory . join ( storyContentList )
# Determine file name for file output
now = datetime . now ( )
currentDate = now . strftime ( " %d - % m- % Y- % H: % M: % S " )
saveFile = ' saved stories/generatedStory- ' + currentDate
2019-12-16 22:59:05 -06:00
# Send Story to Discord
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
await channel . send ( generatedStory )
await channel . send ( " Processing TTS, please wait! " )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
async with channel . typing ( ) :
tts = gTTS ( text = generatedStory + " This story was generated by CCF_100 ' s MadLibs.py " , lang = ' en ' )
os . system ( " rm badCurrentStory.mp3 " )
tts . save ( " badCurrentStory.mp3 " )
# gTTS is stupid and gives us a file that discord.py doesn't understand, so we have to convert it
. input ( ' badCurrentStory.mp3 ' )
. output ( saveFile + ' .mp3 ' , audio_bitrate = 48000 , format = ' wav ' , sample_fmt = ' s16 ' , ac = ' 2 ' )
. run ( )
if voice . is_playing ( ) == True :
print ( " Audio is playing! Stopping playback! " + ' \n ' )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
voice . stop ( )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
print ( " Attempting to play audio " + ' \n ' )
voice . play ( discord . FFmpegPCMAudio ( saveFile + " .mp3 " ) )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
#Alright! We're done! Let's save the story to a file
if os . path . exists ( " saved stories " ) :
else :
os . system ( " mkdir \" saved stories \" " )
print ( " Saving story to .txt file " )
await channel . send ( " Saving story to .txt file " )
async with channel . typing ( ) :
file = open ( saveFile + ' .txt ' , ' w+ ' )
line_offset = [ ]
offset = 0
for line in file :
line_offset . append ( offset )
offset + = len ( line )
file . seek ( 0 )
file . write ( filteredTitle [ 0 ] + ' \n ' + ' \n ' )
file . write ( generatedStory )
file . write ( ' \n ' + " Generated by Caleb Fontenot \' s madlibs.py " )
file . close ( )
#Send generated .txt file to Discord
await channel . send ( " Sending .txt file... " )
discordFile = discord . File ( saveFile + ' .txt ' , filename = " generatedStory.txt " )
await channel . send ( file = discordFile )
#Send generated .mp3 file to Discord
mp3File = saveFile + ' .mp3 '
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
def file_size ( fname ) :
statinfo = os . stat ( fname )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
return statinfo . st_size
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
print ( " MP3 is " + str ( file_size ( mp3File ) ) + " bytes. " )
await channel . send ( " Converted WAV is " + str ( file_size ( mp3File ) ) + " bytes. " )
if int ( file_size ( mp3File ) ) < = int ( 8389999 ) :
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
# File is over 8 MiB! This will fail if we send the file corrected for transmission via Discord's voice chat. Let's send the original instead.
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
discordFile = discord . File ( " badCurrentStory.mp3 " , filename = saveFile + ' .mp3 ' )
await channel . send ( file = discordFile )
else :
discordFile = discord . File ( saveFile + ' .wav ' , filename = saveFile + ' .wav ' )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
await channel . send ( file = discordFile )
2019-12-16 22:59:05 -06:00
2020-03-11 20:30:19 -05:00
async def messageListening ( ) :
messagesList = [ ]
messageAuthorList = [ ]
class infinite :
while True :
x = 0
async def on_message ( self , message , pass_context = True ) :
messageList . append ( message . content )
messageAuthorList . append ( message . author )
print ( " Message from " , messageAuthorList [ x ] , messagesList [ x ] )
x + 1
infinite ( )
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
#Setup Discord functions and announce on discord that we are ready
2019-12-16 22:59:05 -06:00
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
class MyClient ( discord . Client ) :
2019-12-16 22:59:05 -06:00
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
async def on_ready ( self ) :
print ( ' Logged on as ' , self . user )
channel = client . get_channel ( 656233549837631508 )
await channel . send ( " madlibs.py - Discord Edition has successfully connected! " )
if testing == 1 :
await channel . send ( " This bot is currently being worked on! Please don ' t start a game! " )
await channel . send ( " Run `mad!start` to start a a game " )
print ( " Ready! " )
async def on_message ( self , message , pass_context = True ) :
if message . content == ' mad!start ' :
channel = client . get_channel ( 656233549837631508 )
await gameLoop ( )
await channel . send ( " Done! " )
2020-03-11 20:30:19 -05:00
async def on_message ( self , message , pass_context = True ) :
if message . content == ' mad!testMessages ' :
channel = client . get_channel ( 656233549837631508 )
await channel . send ( " Listening to messages, logging time difference... " )
await messageListening ( )
#Disconnect Voice
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
await asyncio . sleep ( 60 )
voiceChannel = client . get_channel ( 682688245964079127 )
2020-02-27 19:07:21 -07:00
await voice . disconnect ( )
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
2020-03-11 20:30:19 -05:00
#Run main loop
2019-12-16 23:22:46 -06:00
# The Discord bot ID isn't stored in this script for security reasons, so we have to go get it
f = open ( ' botID.txt ' , ' r ' )
BotID = f . read ( )
2020-02-27 21:35:09 -07:00
#Cleanup from previous session
#os.system("rm badCurrentTTS.mp3")
#os.system("rm currentTTS.wav")
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
# Connect Bot To Discord and start running
client = MyClient ( )
2019-12-16 23:22:46 -06:00
client . run ( BotID )
2019-12-16 16:19:10 -06:00
exit ( )
# say the tts
#print('\n'+"Processing Text-To-Speech, please wait..."+'\n')
#tts = gTTS(text=generatedStory+"This story was generated by Caleb Fontenot's MadLibs.py", lang='en')
##os.system("play TTS.mp3")
#os.system("mv TTS.mp3 "+"\""+saveFile+".mp3"+"\"")
#Start Discord Bot loop