MadLib Gameshow sped on down! You're the next contestant on asdf's new gameshow, MadLib! Here's how it works. You will asdf over a asdf at a rate of df mph. After you jump over that item, you will sdfg over to the zxcv zxcv and press the xcvb at the end. xcvbxfhds time wins! Oh. I forgot to introduce our host. He's a sdfgsdfgxcfg person who can't wait to xxcfgdfb in to the show. Please welcome, fxcgxcfg! Alright players, on your mark. Get set. ssdfgxcfgxcgf! Alright, here goes xfhfhdfgd on the first stage of the competition. And.. WOAH! He just dxfgxfggd over the thing! That's gonna hurt him tommorow. But it'll be all worth it after he wins the grand prize of xdgfgx dollars! Which he says will go towards xxdfgxdfg. Very xdfgxfe investment, but it's his money! Here he comes around the second leg. AND WOAH, AGAIN HE LOOKS sdgfdsgdfdgs ON NETWORK TELEVISION! This is what primetime is all about here on the network of kjfdsglksdjfghdsg. And, he presses it! He finishes with a time of lkrhweruwhgs. Will that be enough to win? Find out on gbjksdhfgjkdshg when sjkdfhgsjkdgfh will challenge him for the grand prize. For all of us here at MadLib, good night everyone! Generated by Caleb Fontenot's