Complexity Abstract Purpose of this document is to describe in a detailed way the complexity of relational algebra operations. The evaluation will be done on the specific implementation of this program, not on theorical lower limits. Latest implementation can be found at: Notation Big O notation will be used. Constant values will be ignored. Single letters will be used to indicate relations and letters between | will indicate the cardinality (number of tuples) of the relation. 1. UNARY OPERATORS Relational defines three unary operations, and they will be studied in this section. It doesn't mean that they should have similar complexity. 1.1 Selection Selection works on a relation and on a python expression. For each tuple of the relation, it will create a dictionary with name:value where name are names of the fields in the relation and value is the value for the specific row. We can consider the inner cycle as constant as its value doesn't depend on the relation itself but only on the kind of the relation (how many field it has). Then comes the evaluation. A python expression in truth could do much more things than just checking if a>b. Anyway, ssuming that nobody would ever write cycles into a selection condition, we have another constant complexity for this operation. Then, the tuple is inserted in a new relation if it satisfies the condition. Since no check on duplicated tuples is performed, this operation is constant too. In the end we have O(|n|) as complexity for a selection on the relation n. 1.2 Rename xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.3 Projection