# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # coding=UTF-8 # Relational # Copyright (C) 2010 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli # # Relational is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # author Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli # Initial readline code from # http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/readline/index.html import readline import logging import os.path import os import sys from relational import relation, parser, rtypes from xtermcolor import colorize PROMPT_COLOR = 0xffff00 ERROR_COLOR = 0xff0000 class SimpleCompleter(object): '''Handles completion''' def __init__(self, options): '''Takes a list of valid completion options''' self.options = sorted(options) return def add_completion(self, option): '''Adds one string to the list of the valid completion options''' if option not in self.options: self.options.append(option) self.options.sort() def remove_completion(self, option): '''Removes one completion from the list of the valid completion options''' if option in self.options: self.options.remove(option) pass def complete(self, text, state): response = None if state == 0: # This is the first time for this text, so build a match list. if text: self.matches = [s for s in self.options if s and s.startswith(text)] # Add the completion for files here try: d = os.path.dirname(text) listf = os.listdir(d) d += "/" except: d = "" listf = os.listdir('.') for i in listf: i = (d + i).replace('//', '/') if i.startswith(text): if os.path.isdir(i): i = i + "/" self.matches.append(i) logging.debug('%s matches: %s', repr(text), self.matches) else: self.matches = self.options[:] logging.debug('(empty input) matches: %s', self.matches) # Return the state'th item from the match list, # if we have that many. try: response = self.matches[state] except IndexError: response = None logging.debug('complete(%s, %s) => %s', repr(text), state, repr(response)) return response relations = {} completer = SimpleCompleter( ['SURVEY', 'LIST', 'LOAD ', 'UNLOAD ', 'HELP ', 'QUIT', 'SAVE ', '_PRODUCT ', '_UNION ', '_INTERSECTION ', '_DIFFERENCE ', '_JOIN ', '_LJOIN ', '_RJOIN ', '_FJOIN ', '_PROJECTION ', '_RENAME_TO ', '_SELECTION ', '_RENAME ', '_DIVISION ']) def load_relation(filename, defname=None): if not os.path.isfile(filename): print >> sys.stderr, colorize( "%s is not a file" % filename, ERROR_COLOR) return None f = filename.split('/') if defname == None: defname = f[len(f) - 1].lower() if defname.endswith(".csv"): # removes the extension defname = defname[:-4] if not rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(defname): print >> sys.stderr, colorize( "%s is not a valid relation name" % defname, ERROR_COLOR) return try: relations[defname] = relation.relation(filename) completer.add_completion(defname) print colorize("Loaded relation %s" % defname, 0x00ff00) return defname except Exception, e: print >>sys.stderr, colorize(e, ERROR_COLOR) return None def survey(): '''performs a survey''' from relational import maintenance post = {'software': 'Relational algebra (cli)', 'version': version} fields = ('System', 'Country', 'School', 'Age', 'How did you find', 'email (only if you want a reply)', 'Comments') for i in fields: a = raw_input('%s: ' % i) post[i] = a maintenance.send_survey(post) def help(command): '''Prints help on the various functions''' p = command.split(' ', 1) if len(p) == 1: print 'HELP command' print 'To execute a query:\n[relation =] query\nIf the 1st part is omitted, the result will be stored in the relation last_.' print 'To prevent from printing the relation, append a ; to the end of the query.' print 'To insert relational operators, type _OPNAME, they will be internally replaced with the correct symbol.' print 'Rember: the tab key is enabled and can be very helpful if you can\'t remember something.' return cmd = p[1] if cmd == 'QUIT': print 'Quits the program' elif cmd == 'LIST': print "Lists the relations loaded" elif cmd == 'LOAD': print "LOAD filename [relationame]" print "Loads a relation into memory" elif cmd == 'UNLOAD': print "UNLOAD relationame" print "Unloads a relation from memory" elif cmd == 'SAVE': print "SAVE filename relationame" print "Saves a relation in a file" elif cmd == 'HELP': print "Prints the help on a command" elif cmd == 'SURVEY': print "Fill and send a survey" else: print "Unknown command: %s" % cmd def exec_line(command): command = command.strip() if command.startswith(';'): return elif command == 'QUIT': sys.exit(0) elif command.startswith('HELP'): help(command) elif command == 'LIST': # Lists all the loaded relations for i in relations: if not i.startswith('_'): print i elif command == 'SURVEY': survey() elif command.startswith('LOAD '): # Loads a relation pars = command.split(' ') if len(pars) == 1: print colorize("Missing parameter", ERROR_COLOR) return filename = pars[1] if len(pars) > 2: defname = pars[2] else: defname = None load_relation(filename, defname) elif command.startswith('UNLOAD '): pars = command.split(' ') if len(pars) < 2: print colorize("Missing parameter", ERROR_COLOR) return if pars[1] in relations: del relations[pars[1]] completer.remove_completion(pars[1]) else: print colorize("No such relation %s" % pars[1], ERROR_COLOR) pass elif command.startswith('SAVE '): pars = command.split(' ') if len(pars) != 3: print colorize("Missing parameter", ERROR_COLOR) return filename = pars[1] defname = pars[2] if defname not in relations: print colorize("No such relation %s" % defname, ERROR_COLOR) return try: relations[defname].save(filename) except Exception, e: print colorize(e, ERROR_COLOR) else: exec_query(command) def replacements(query): '''This funcion replaces ascii easy operators with the correct ones''' query = query.replace(u'_PRODUCT', u'*') query = query.replace(u'_UNION', u'ᑌ') query = query.replace(u'_INTERSECTION', u'ᑎ') query = query.replace(u'_DIFFERENCE', u'-') query = query.replace(u'_JOIN', u'ᐅᐊ') query = query.replace(u'_LJOIN', u'ᐅLEFTᐊ') query = query.replace(u'_RJOIN', u'ᐅRIGHTᐊ') query = query.replace(u'_FJOIN', u'ᐅFULLᐊ') query = query.replace(u'_PROJECTION', u'π') query = query.replace(u'_RENAME_TO', u'➡') query = query.replace(u'_SELECTION', u'σ') query = query.replace(u'_RENAME', u'ρ') query = query.replace(u'_DIVISION', u'÷') return query def exec_query(command): '''This function executes a query and prints the result on the screen if the command terminates with ";" the result will not be printed ''' command = unicode(command, 'utf-8') # If it terminates with ; doesn't print the result if command.endswith(';'): command = command[:-1] printrel = False else: printrel = True # Performs replacements for weird operators command = replacements(command) # Finds the name in where to save the query parts = command.split('=', 1) if len(parts) > 1 and rtypes.is_valid_relation_name(parts[0]): relname = parts[0] query = parts[1] else: relname = 'last_' query = command # Execute query try: pyquery = parser.parse(query) result = eval(pyquery, relations) print colorize("-> query: %s" % pyquery.encode('utf-8'), 0x00ff00) if printrel: print print result relations[relname] = result completer.add_completion(relname) except Exception, e: print colorize(e, ERROR_COLOR) def main(files=[]): print colorize('> ', PROMPT_COLOR) + "; Type HELP to get the HELP" print colorize('> ', PROMPT_COLOR) + "; Completion is activated using the tab (if supported by the terminal)" for i in files: load_relation(i) readline.set_completer(completer.complete) readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') readline.parse_and_bind('set editing-mode emacs') readline.set_completer_delims(" ") while True: try: line = raw_input(colorize('> ', PROMPT_COLOR)) if isinstance(line, str) and len(line) > 0: exec_line(line) except KeyboardInterrupt: print continue except EOFError: print sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()