# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Relational # Copyright (C) 2008 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli # # Relation is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # author Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli from rtypes import * import csv class relation (object): '''This objects defines a relation (as a group of consistent tuples) and operations A relation can be represented using a table Calling an operation and providing a non relation parameter when it is expected will result in a None value''' def __init__(self,filename="",comma_separated=True): '''Creates a relation, accepts a filename and then it will load the relation from that file. If no parameter is supplied an empty relation is created. Empty relations are used in internal operations. By default the file will be handled like a comma separated as described in RFC4180, but it can also be handled like a space separated file (previous default format) setting to false the 2nd parameter. The old format is deprecated since it doesn't permit fields with spaces, you should avoid using it.''' if len(filename)==0:#Empty relation self.content=[] self.header=header([]) return #Opening file fp=file(filename) if comma_separated: reader=csv.reader(fp) #Creating a csv reader self.header=header(reader.next()) # read 1st line self.content=[] for i in reader.__iter__(): #Iterating rows self.content.append(i) else: #Old format self.header=header(fp.readline().replace("\n","").strip().split(" ")) self.content=[] row=fp.readline() while len(row)!=0:#Reads the content of the relation self.content.append(row.replace("\n","").strip().split(" ")) row=fp.readline() #Closing file fp.close() def save(self,filename,comma_separated=True): '''Saves the relation in a file. By default will save using the csv format as defined in RFC4180, but setting comma_separated to False, it will use the old format with space separated values. The old format is deprecated since it doesn't permit fields with spaces, you should avoid using it.''' fp=file(filename,'w') #Opening file in write mode if comma_separated: writer=csv.writer(fp) #Creating csv writer #It wants an iterable containing iterables head=[] head.append(self.header.attributes) writer.writerows(head) #Writing content, already in the correct format writer.writerows(self.content) else: res="" res+=" ".join(self.header.attributes) for r in self.content: res+="\n" res+=" ".join(r) fp.write(res) fp.close() #Closing file def rearrange(self,other): '''If two relations share the same attributes in a different order, this method will use projection to make them have the same attributes' order. It is not exactely related to relational algebra. Just a method used internally. Will return None if they don't share the same attributes''' if (self.__class__!=other.__class__): return None if self.header.sharedAttributes(other.header) == len(self.header.attributes) == len(other.header.attributes): return other.projection(list(self.header.attributes)) return None def selection(self,expr): '''Selection, expr must be a valid boolean expression, can contain field names, constant, math operations and boolean ones.''' attributes={} newt=relation() newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) for i in self.content: for j in range(len(self.header.attributes)): if i[j].isdigit(): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=int(i[j]) elif rstring(i[j]).isFloat(): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=float(i[j]) elif isDate(i[j]): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=rdate(i[j]) else: attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=i[j] if eval(expr,attributes): newt.content.append(i) return newt def product (self,other): '''Cartesian product, attributes must be different to avoid collisions Doing this operation on relations with colliding attributes will cause the return of a None value. It is possible to use rename on attributes and then use the product''' if (self.__class__!=other.__class__)or(self.header.sharedAttributes(other.header)!=0): return None newt=relation() newt.header=header(self.header.attributes+other.header.attributes) for i in self.content: for j in other.content: newt.content.append(i+j) return newt def projection(self,* attributes): '''Projection operator, takes many parameters, for each field to use. Can also use a single parameter with a list. Will delete duplicate items If an empty list or no parameters are provided, returns None''' #Parameters are supplied in a list, instead with multiple parameters if attributes[0].__class__ == list().__class__: attributes=attributes[0] #Avoiding duplicated attributes attributes1=[] for i in attributes: if i not in attributes1: attributes1.append(i) attributes=attributes1 ids=self.header.getAttributesId(attributes) if len(ids)==0: return None newt=relation() #Create the header h=[] for i in ids: h.append(self.header.attributes[i]) newt.header=header(h) #Create the body for i in self.content: row=[] for j in ids: row.append(i[j]) if row not in newt.content:#Avoids duplicated items newt.content.append(row) return newt def rename(self,params): '''Operation rename. Takes a dictionary Will replace the itmem with its content. For example if you want to rename a to b, provide {"a":"b"} If an "old" field doesn't exist, None will be returned''' result=[] newt=relation() newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) for old,new in params.iteritems(): if (newt.header.rename(old,new)) == False: return None newt.content=list(self.content) return newt def intersection(self,other): '''Intersection operation. The result will contain items present in both operands. Will return an empty one if there are no common items. Will return None if headers are different. It is possible to use projection and rename to make headers match.''' other=self.rearrange(other) #Rearranges attributes' order if (self.__class__!=other.__class__)or(self.header!=other.header): return None newt=relation() newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) #Adds only element not in other, duplicating them for e in self.content: if e in other.content: newt.content.append(list(e)) return newt def difference(self,other): '''Difference operation. The result will contain items present in first operand but not in second one. Will return an empty one if the second is a superset of first. Will return None if headers are different. It is possible to use projection and rename to make headers match.''' other=self.rearrange(other) #Rearranges attributes' order if (self.__class__!=other.__class__)or(self.header!=other.header): return None newt=relation() newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) #Adds only element not in other, duplicating them for e in self.content: if e not in other.content: newt.content.append(list(e)) return newt def union(self,other): '''Union operation. The result will contain items present in first and second operands. Will return an empty one if both are empty. Will not insert tuplicated items. Will return None if headers are different. It is possible to use projection and rename to make headers match.''' other=self.rearrange(other) #Rearranges attributes' order if (self.__class__!=other.__class__)or(self.header!=other.header): return None newt=relation() newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) #Adds element from self, duplicating them all for e in self.content: newt.content.append(list(e)) for e in other.content: if e not in newt.content: newt.content.append(list(e)) return newt def thetajoin(self,other,expr): '''Defined as product and then selection with the given expression.''' return self.product(other).selection(expr) def outer(self,other): '''Does a left and a right outer join and returns their union.''' a=self.outer_right(other) b=self.outer_left(other) print a print b return a.union(b) def outer_right(self,other): '''Outer right join. Considers self as left and param as right. If the tuple has no corrispondence, empy attributes are filled with a "---" string. This is due to the fact that empty string or a space would cause problems when saving the relation. Just like natural join, it works considering shared attributes.''' return other.outer_left(self) def outer_left(self,other,swap=False): '''Outer left join. Considers self as left and param as right. If the tuple has no corrispondence, empty attributes are filled with a "---" string. This is due to the fact that empty string or a space would cause problems when saving the relation. Just like natural join, it works considering shared attributes.''' shared=[] for i in self.header.attributes: if i in other.header.attributes: shared.append(i) newt=relation() #Creates the new relation #Adds all the attributes of the 1st relation newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) #Adds all the attributes of the 2nd, when non shared for i in other.header.attributes: if i not in shared: newt.header.attributes.append(i) #Shared ids of self sid=self.header.getAttributesId(shared) #Shared ids of the other relation oid=other.header.getAttributesId(shared) #Non shared ids of the other relation noid=[] for i in range(len(other.header.attributes)): if i not in oid: noid.append(i) for i in self.content: #Tuple partecipated to the join? added=False for j in other.content: match=True for k in range(len(sid)): match=match and ( i[sid[k]]== j[oid[k]]) if match: item=list(i) for l in noid: item.append(j[l]) newt.content.append(item) added=True #If it didn't partecipate, adds it if not added: item=list(i) for l in range(len(noid)): item.append("---") newt.content.append(item) return newt def join(self,other): '''Natural join, joins on shared attributes (one or more). If there are no shared attributes, it will behave as cartesian product.''' shared=[] for i in self.header.attributes: if i in other.header.attributes: shared.append(i) newt=relation() #Creates the new relation #Adds all the attributes of the 1st relation newt.header=header(list(self.header.attributes)) #Adds all the attributes of the 2nd, when non shared for i in other.header.attributes: if i not in shared: newt.header.attributes.append(i) #Shared ids of self sid=self.header.getAttributesId(shared) #Shared ids of the other relation oid=other.header.getAttributesId(shared) #Non shared ids of the other relation noid=[] for i in range(len(other.header.attributes)): if i not in oid: noid.append(i) for i in self.content: for j in other.content: match=True for k in range(len(sid)): match=match and ( i[sid[k]]== j[oid[k]]) if match: item=list(i) for l in noid: item.append(j[l]) newt.content.append(item) return newt def __eq__(self,other): '''Returns true if the relations are the same, ignoring order of items. This operation is rather heavy, since it requires sorting and comparing.''' other=self.rearrange(other) #Rearranges attributes' order so can compare tuples directly if (self.__class__!=other.__class__)or(self.header!=other.header): return False #Both parameters must be a relation #Comparing header if len(self.header.attributes) != len(other.header.attributes): return False #Not the same number of attributes -> not equals for i in self.header.attributes: if i not in other.header.attributes: return False #Non shared attribute #comparing content if len(self.content) != len(other.content): return False #Not the same for i in self.content: if i not in other.content: return False return True def __str__(self): '''Returns a string representation of the relation, can be printed with monospaced fonts''' m_len=[] #Maximum lenght string for f in self.header.attributes: m_len.append(len(f)) for f in self.content: col=0 for i in f: if len(i)>m_len[col]: m_len[col]=len(i) col+=1 res="" for f in range(len(self.header.attributes)): res+="%s"%(self.header.attributes[f].ljust(2+m_len[f])) for r in self.content: col=0 res+="\n" for i in r: res+="%s"% (i.ljust(2+m_len[col])) col+=1 return res def update(self,expr,dic): '''Update, expr must be a valid boolean expression, can contain field names, constant, math operations and boolean ones. This operation will change the relation itself instead of generating a new one, updating all the touples that make expr true. Dic must be a dictionary that has the form field name:value. Every kind of value will be converted into a string. Returns the number of affected rows.''' affected=0 attributes={} keys=dic.keys() #List of headers to modify f_ids=self.header.getAttributesId(keys) #List of indexes corresponding to keys #new_content=[] #New content of the relation for i in self.content: for j in range(len(self.header.attributes)): #Giving to the field it's right format (hopefully) if i[j].isdigit(): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=int(i[j]) elif rstring(i[j]).isFloat(): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=float(i[j]) elif isDate(i[j]): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=rdate(i[j]) else: attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=i[j] if eval(expr,attributes): #If expr is true, changing the touple affected+=1 for k in range(len(keys)): i[f_ids[k]]=str(dic[keys[k]]) return affected def insert(self,values): '''Inserts a touple in the relation. This function will not insert duplicate tuples. All the values will be converted in string. Will return the number of inserted rows.''' #Returns if touple doesn't fit the number of attributes if len(self.header.attributes) != len(values): return 0 #Creating list containing only strings t=[] for i in values: t.append(str(i)) if t not in self.content: self.content.append(t) return 1 else: return 0 def delete(self,expr): '''Delete, expr must be a valid boolean expression, can contain field names, constant, math operations and boolean ones. This operation will change the relation itself instead of generating a new one, deleting all the touples that make expr true. Returns the number of affected rows.''' attributes={} affected=len(self.content) new_content=[] #New content of the relation for i in self.content: for j in range(len(self.header.attributes)): if i[j].isdigit(): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=int(i[j]) elif rstring(i[j]).isFloat(): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=float(i[j]) elif isDate(i[j]): attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=rdate(i[j]) else: attributes[self.header.attributes[j]]=i[j] if not eval(expr,attributes): affected-=1 new_content.append(i) self.content=new_content return affected class header (object): '''This class defines the header of a relation. It is used within relations to know if requested operations are accepted''' def __init__(self,attributes): '''Accepts a list with attributes' names. Names MUST be unique''' self.attributes=attributes def __repr__(self): return "header(%s)" % (self.attributes.__repr__()) def rename(self,old,new): '''Renames a field. Doesn't check if it is a duplicate. Returns True if the field was renamed, False otherwise''' for i in range(len(self.attributes)): if self.attributes[i]==old: self.attributes[i]=new return True return False #Requested field was not found def sharedAttributes(self,other): '''Returns how many attributes this header has in common with a given one''' res=0 for i in self.attributes: if i in other.attributes: res+=1 return res def __str__(self): '''Returns String representation of the field's list''' return self.attributes.__str__() def __eq__(self,other): return self.attributes==other.attributes def __ne__(self,other): return self.attributes!=other.attributes def getAttributesId(self,param): '''Returns a list with numeric index corresponding to field's name''' res=[] for i in param: for j in range(len(self.attributes)): if i==self.attributes[j]: res.append(j) return res if __name__=="__main__": pass