
Relational an educational tool to provide a workspace for experimenting with *relational* *algebra*, an offshoot of first-order logic.


I test it on GNU/Linux and Windows. It probably works on other systems too.

It provides:
 * A GUI that can be used for executing relational queries
 * A standalone Python module that can be used for executing relational queries, parsing relational expressions and optimizing them
 * A command line interface

Official website

More documentation can be found here


* Windows:
* Debian based: `apt-get install relational`
* Everyone else: Download the sources

Run from sources

For the dependencies, check `debian/control` for the build dependencies.

You will need to run
to generate some .py files.

To launch the application, run



These are some valid queries (using the provided example dataset)

# Join people and skills
people ⋈ skills

# Select people within a certain age range
σ age > 25 and age < 50 (people)

# Selection with complicated expression requires an extra set of () around the expression
σ (name.upper().startswith('J') and age > 21) (people)

# Cartesian product of people with itself, including only name and id
ρ id➡i, name➡n (people) * π name, id (people)

For the selection, python expressions are used.

The syntax is explained here: