Require them to have assert rather than testing the result variables set. This makes for way simpler code. Now also prints stacktrace to know where the problem occurred.
235 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
235 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Relational
# Copyright (C) 2010 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli
# Relational is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# author Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli <tiposchi@tiscali.it>
import os
from sys import exit
import sys
import traceback
from relational import relation, parser, optimizer
from xtermcolor import colorize
COLOR_RED = 0xff0000
COLOR_GREEN = 0x00ff00
COLOR_MAGENTA = 0xff00ff
COLOR_CYAN = 0x00ffff
rels = {}
examples_path = 'samples/'
tests_path = 'test/'
def readfile(fname):
'''Reads a file as string and returns its content'''
fd = open(fname, encoding='utf-8')
expr = fd.read()
return expr
def load_relations():
'''Loads all the relations present in the directory indicated in the
examples_path variable and stores them in the rels dictionary'''
print("Loading relations")
for i in os.listdir(examples_path):
if i.endswith('.csv'): # It's a relation, loading it
# Naming the relation
relname = i[:-4]
print ("Loading relation %s with name %s..." % (i, relname))
rels[relname] = relation.relation('%s%s' % (examples_path, i))
def execute_tests():
py_bad = 0
py_good = 0
py_tot = 0
q_bad = 0
q_good = 0
q_tot = 0
ex_bad = 0
ex_good = 0
ex_tot = 0
for i in os.listdir(tests_path):
if i.endswith('.query'):
q_tot += 1
if run_test(i[:-6]):
q_good += 1
q_bad += 1
elif i.endswith('.python'):
py_tot += 1
if run_py_test(i[:-7]):
py_good += 1
py_bad += 1
elif i.endswith('.py'):
ex_tot += 1
if run_exec_test(i[:-3]):
ex_good += 1
ex_bad += 1
print (colorize("Resume of the results", COLOR_CYAN))
print (colorize("Query tests", COLOR_MAGENTA))
print ("Total test count: %d" % q_tot)
print ("Passed tests: %d" % q_good)
if q_bad > 0:
print (colorize("Failed tests count: %d" % q_bad, COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Python tests", COLOR_MAGENTA))
print ("Total test count: %d" % py_tot)
print ("Passed tests: %d" % py_good)
if py_bad > 0:
print (colorize("Failed tests count: %d" % py_bad, COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Execute Python tests", COLOR_MAGENTA))
print ("Total test count: %d" % ex_tot)
print ("Passed tests: %d" % ex_good)
if ex_bad > 0:
print (colorize("Failed tests count: %d" % ex_bad, COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Total results", COLOR_CYAN))
if q_bad + py_bad + ex_bad == 0:
print (colorize("No failed tests", COLOR_GREEN))
return 0
print (colorize("There are %d failed tests" %
(py_bad + q_bad + ex_bad), COLOR_RED))
return 1
def run_exec_test(testname):
'''Runs a python test, which executes code directly rather than queries'''
print ("Running python test: " + colorize(testname, COLOR_MAGENTA))
glob = rels.copy()
exp_result = {}
expr = readfile('%s%s.py' % (tests_path, testname))
exec(expr, glob) # Evaluating the expression
print (colorize('Test passed', COLOR_GREEN))
return True
except Exception as e:
print (colorize('ERROR', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
return False
def run_py_test(testname):
'''Runs a python test, which evaluates expressions directly rather than queries'''
print ("Running expression python test: " +
colorize(testname, COLOR_MAGENTA))
expr = readfile('%s%s.python' % (tests_path, testname))
result = eval(expr, rels)
expr = readfile('%s%s.result' % (tests_path, testname))
exp_result = eval(expr, rels)
if result == exp_result:
print (colorize('Test passed', COLOR_GREEN))
return True
print (colorize('ERROR', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
print ("Expected %s" % exp_result)
print ("Got %s" % result)
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
return False
def run_test(testname):
'''Runs a specific test executing the file
and comparing the result with
The query will be executed both unoptimized and
print ("Running test: " + colorize(testname, COLOR_MAGENTA))
query = None
expr = None
o_query = None
o_expr = None
result_rel = None
result = None
o_result = None
result_rel = relation.relation('%s%s.result' % (tests_path, testname))
query = readfile('%s%s.query' % (tests_path, testname)).strip()
o_query = optimizer.optimize_all(query, rels)
expr = parser.parse(query)
result = expr(rels)
o_expr = parser.parse(o_query)
o_result = o_expr(rels)
c_expr = parser.tree(query).toCode()
c_result = eval(c_expr, rels)
if (o_result == result_rel) and (result == result_rel) and (c_result == result_rel):
print (colorize('Test passed', COLOR_GREEN))
return True
except Exception as inst:
print (inst)
print (colorize('ERROR', COLOR_RED))
print ("Query: %s -> %s" % (query, expr))
print ("Optimized query: %s -> %s" % (o_query, o_expr))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Expected result", COLOR_GREEN))
print (result_rel)
print (colorize("Result", COLOR_RED))
print (result)
print (colorize("Optimized result", COLOR_RED))
print (o_result)
print (colorize("optimized result match %s" %
str(result_rel == o_result), COLOR_MAGENTA))
print (colorize("result match %s" %
str(result == result_rel), COLOR_MAGENTA))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("-> Starting testsuite for relational")
print ("-> Starting tests")