568 lines
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568 lines
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# Relational
# Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli
# Relational is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# author Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli <tiposchi@tiscali.it>
# This module contains functions to perform various optimizations on the expression trees.
# The list general_optimizations contains pointers to general functions, so they can be called
# within a cycle.
# It is possible to add new general optimizations by adding the function in the list
# general_optimizations present in this module. And the optimization will be executed with the
# other ones when optimizing.
# A function will have one parameter, which is the root node of the tree describing the expression.
# The class used is defined in optimizer module.
# A function will have to return the number of changes performed on the tree.
from io import StringIO
from tokenize import generate_tokens
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
from relational.relation import Relation
from relational import parser
from relational.parser import Binary, Unary, Node, PRODUCT, \
sel_op = (
'//=', '**=', 'and', 'not', 'in', '//', '**', '<<', '>>', '==', '!=', '>=', '<=', '+=', '-=',
'*=', '/=', '%=', 'or', '+', '-', '*', '/', '&', '|', '^', '~', '<', '>', '%', '=', '(', ')', ',', '[', ']')
def find_duplicates(node, dups=None):
Finds repeated subtrees in a parse
if dups is None:
dups = {}
dups[str(node)] = node
def duplicated_select(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates and deletes things like
σ a ( σ a(C)) and the ones like σ a ( σ b(C))
replacing the 1st one with a single select and
the 2nd one with a single select with both conditions
in and
changes = 0
while isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == SELECTION and isinstance(n.child, Unary) and n.child.name == SELECTION:
changes += 1
prop = n.prop
if n.prop != n.child.prop: # Nested but different, joining them
prop = n.prop + " and " + n.child.prop
# This adds parenthesis if they are needed
if n.child.prop.startswith('(') or n.prop.startswith('('):
prop = '(%s)' % prop
n = Unary(
return n, changes
def futile_union_intersection_subtraction(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like r ∪ r, and replaces them with r.
R ∪ R --> R
R ∩ R --> R
R - R --> σ False (R)
σ k (R) - R --> σ False (R)
R - σ k (R) --> σ not k (R)
σ k (R) ∪ R --> R
σ k (R) ∩ R --> σ k (R)
if not isinstance(n, Binary):
return n, 0
# Union and intersection of the same thing
if n.name in (UNION, INTERSECTION, JOIN, JOIN_LEFT, JOIN_RIGHT, JOIN_FULL) and n.left == n.right:
return n.left, 1
# selection and union of the same thing
elif n.name == UNION:
if n.left.name == SELECTION and isinstance(n.left, Unary) and n.left.child == n.right:
return n.right, 1
elif n.right.name == SELECTION and isinstance(n.right, Unary) and n.right.child == n.left:
return n.left, 1
# selection and intersection of the same thing
elif n.name == INTERSECTION:
if n.left.name == SELECTION and isinstance(n.left, Unary) and n.left.child == n.right:
return n.left, 1
elif n.right.name == SELECTION and \
isinstance(n.right, Unary) and \
n.right.child == n.left:
return n.right, 1
# Subtraction and selection of the same thing
elif n.name == DIFFERENCE and \
isinstance(n, Binary) and \
n.right.name == SELECTION and \
isinstance(n.right, Unary) and \
n.right.child == n.left:
return Unary(
'(not (%s))' % n.right.prop,
n.right.child), 1
# Subtraction of the same thing or with selection on the left child
elif n.name == DIFFERENCE and \
isinstance(n, Binary) and \
(n.left == n.right or (n.left.name == SELECTION and isinstance(n.left, Unary) and n.left.child == n.right)):
return Unary(
), 1
return n, 0
def down_to_unions_subtractions_intersections(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This funcion locates things like σ i==2 (c ∪ d), where the union
can be a subtraction and an intersection and replaces them with
σ i==2 (c) ∪ σ i==2(d).
changes = 0
if isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == SELECTION and n.child.name in _o:
assert isinstance(n.child, Binary)
l = Unary(SELECTION, n.prop, n.child.left)
r = Unary(SELECTION, n.prop, n.child.right)
return Binary(n.child.name, l, r), 1
return n, 0
def duplicated_projection(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates thing like π i ( π j (R)) and replaces
them with π i (R)'''
if isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == PROJECTION and isinstance(n.child, Unary) and n.child.name == PROJECTION:
return Unary(
n.child.child), 1
return n, 0
def selection_inside_projection(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like σ j (π k(R)) and
converts them into π k(σ j (R))'''
if isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == SELECTION and isinstance(n.child, Unary) and n.child.name == PROJECTION:
child = Unary(
return Unary(PROJECTION, n.child.prop, child), 0
return n, 0
def swap_union_renames(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like
ρ a➡b(R) ∪ ρ a➡b(Q)
and replaces them with
ρ a➡b(R ∪ Q).
Does the same with subtraction and intersection'''
isinstance(n, Binary) and \
n.left.name == RENAME and \
isinstance(n.left, Unary) and\
n.right.name == RENAME and \
isinstance(n.right, Unary):
l_vars = n.left.get_rename_prop()
r_vars = n.right.get_rename_prop()
if r_vars == l_vars:
child = Binary(n.name, n.left.child, n.right.child)
return Unary(RENAME, n.left.prop, child), 1
return n, 0
def futile_renames(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function purges renames like
ρ id->id,a->q (A)
ρ a->q (A)
or removes the operation entirely if they all get removed
if isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == RENAME:
renames = n.get_rename_prop()
changes = False
for k, v in renames.items():
if k == v:
changes = True
del renames[k]
if len(renames) == 0: # Nothing to rename, removing the rename
return n.child, 1
elif changes:
# Changing the node in place, no need to return to cause a recursive step
return n, 0
def subsequent_renames(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function removes redundant subsequent renames joining them into one
ρ .. ρ .. (A)
ρ ... (A)
if isinstance(n, Unary) and \
n.name == RENAME and \
isinstance(n.child, Unary) and \
n.child.name == RENAME:
# Located two nested renames.
prop = n.prop + ',' + n.child.prop
child = n.child.child
n = Unary(RENAME, prop, child)
# Creating a dictionary with the attributes
renames = n.get_rename_prop()
# Scans dictionary to locate things like "a->b,b->c" and replace them
# with "a->c"
for key, value in tuple(renames.items()):
if value in renames:
if renames[value] != key:
# Double rename on attribute
renames[key] = renames[renames[key]] # Sets value
del renames[value] # Removes the unused one
else: # Cycle rename a->b,b->a
del renames[value] # Removes the unused one
del renames[key] # Removes the unused one
if len(renames) == 0: # Nothing to rename, removing the rename op
return n.child, 1
return n, 1
return n, 0
class LevelString(str):
level = 0
def tokenize_select(expression: str) -> List[LevelString]:
'''This function returns the list of tokens present in a
selection. The expression can contain parenthesis.
It will use a subclass of str with the attribute level, which
will specify the nesting level of the token into parenthesis.'''
g = generate_tokens(StringIO(str(expression)).readline)
l = list(token[1] for token in g)
# Changes the 'a','.','method' token group into a single 'a.method' token
while True:
dot = l.index('.')
l[dot] = '%s.%s' % (l[dot - 1], l[dot + 1])
l.pop(dot + 1)
l.pop(dot - 1)
r = []
level = 0
for i in l:
if not i:
value = LevelString(i)
value.level = level
if value == '(':
level += 1
elif value == ')':
level -= 1
return r
def swap_rename_projection(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like
π k(ρ j(R))
and replaces them with
ρ j(π k(R)).
This will let rename work on a hopefully smaller set
and more important, will hopefully allow further optimizations.
Will also eliminate fields in the rename that are cut in the projection.
if isinstance(n, Unary) and \
n.name == PROJECTION and \
isinstance(n.child, Unary) and \
n.child.name == RENAME:
# π index,name(ρ id➡index(R))
renames = n.child.get_rename_prop()
projections = set(n.get_projection_prop())
# Use pre-rename names in the projection
for k, v in renames.items():
if v in projections:
# Eliminate fields
for i in list(renames.keys()):
if i not in projections:
del renames[i]
child = Unary(PROJECTION,'' , n.child.child)
n = Unary(RENAME, '', child)
return n, 1
return n, 0
def swap_rename_select(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like
σ k(ρ j(R))
and replaces them with
ρ j(σ k(R)).
Renaming the attributes used in the
selection, so the operation is still valid.'''
if isinstance(n, Unary) and \
n.name == SELECTION and \
isinstance(n.child, Unary) and \
n.child.name == RENAME:
# This is an inverse mapping for the rename
renames = {v: k for k, v in n.child.get_rename_prop().items()}
# tokenizes expression in select
tokens = tokenize_select(n.prop)
# Renaming stuff, no enum because I edit the tokens
for i in range(len(tokens)):
splitted = tokens[i].split('.', 1)
if splitted[0] in renames:
tokens[i] = LevelString(renames[splitted[0]])
if len(splitted) > 1:
tokens[i] = LevelString(tokens[i] + '.' + splitted[1])
child = Unary(SELECTION, ' '.join(tokens), n.child.child)
return Unary(RENAME, n.child.prop, child), 1
return n, 0
def select_union_intersect_subtract(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like
σ i(a) ∪ σ q(a)
and replaces them with
σ (i OR q) (a)
Removing a O(n²) operation like the union'''
if isinstance(n, Binary) and \
isinstance(n.left, Unary) and \
n.left.name == SELECTION and \
isinstance(n.right, Unary) and \
n.right.name == SELECTION and \
n.left.child == n.right.child:
d = {UNION: 'or', INTERSECTION: 'and', DIFFERENCE: 'and not'}
op = d[n.name]
if n.left.prop.startswith('(') or n.right.prop.startswith('('):
t_str = '('
if n.left.prop.startswith('('):
t_str += '(%s)'
t_str += '%s'
t_str += ' %s '
if n.right.prop.startswith('('):
t_str += '(%s)'
t_str += '%s'
t_str += ')'
prop = t_str % (n.left.prop, op, n.right.prop)
prop = '%s %s %s' % (n.left.prop, op, n.right.prop)
return Unary(SELECTION, prop, n.left.child), 1
return n, 0
def union_and_product(n: parser.Node) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
A * B ∪ A * C = A * (B ∪ C)
Same thing with inner join
if isinstance(n, Binary) and \
n.name == UNION and \
isinstance(n.left, Binary) and \
n.left.name in {PRODUCT, JOIN} and \
isinstance(n.right, Binary) and \
n.left.name == n.right.name:
if n.left.left == n.right.left or n.left.left == n.right.right:
l = n.left.right
r = n.right.left if n.left.left == n.right.right else n.right.right
newchild = Binary(UNION, l, r)
return Binary(n.left.name, n.left.left, newchild), 1
elif n.left.right == n.right.left or n.left.left == n.right.right:
l = n.left.left
r = n.right.left if n.right.left == n.right.right else n.right.right
newchild = Binary(UNION, l, r)
return Binary(n.left.name, n.left.right, newchild), 1
return n, 0
def projection_and_union(n: parser.Node, rels: Dict[str, Relation]) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
π a,b,c(A) ∪ π a,b,c(B)
π a,b,c(A ∪ B)
if A and B are union compatible
changes = 0
if n.name == UNION and \
isinstance(n, Binary) and \
n.left.name == PROJECTION and \
isinstance(n.left, Unary) and \
n.right.name == PROJECTION and \
isinstance(n.right, Unary) and \
set(n.left.child.result_format(rels)) == set(n.right.child.result_format(rels)):
child = Binary(UNION, n.left.child, n.right.child)
return Unary(PROJECTION, n.right.prop, child), 0
return n, 0
def selection_and_product(n: parser.Node, rels: Dict[str, Relation]) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
'''This function locates things like σ k (R*Q) and converts them into
σ l (σ j (R) * σ i (Q)). Where j contains only attributes belonging to R,
i contains attributes belonging to Q and l contains attributes belonging to both'''
if isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == SELECTION and \
isinstance(n.child, Binary) and \
n.child.name in (PRODUCT, JOIN):
l_attr = n.child.left.result_format(rels)
r_attr = n.child.right.result_format(rels)
tokens = tokenize_select(n.prop)
groups: List[List[LevelString]] = []
temp: List[LevelString] = []
for k in tokens:
if k == 'and' and k.level == 0:
temp = []
if len(temp):
del temp
left = []
right = []
both = []
for i in groups:
l_fields = False # has fields in left?
r_fields = False # has fields in left?
for j in set(i).difference(sel_op):
t = j.split('.')[0]
if t in l_attr: # Field in left
l_fields = True
if t in r_attr: # Field in right
r_fields = True
if l_fields and not r_fields:
elif r_fields and not l_fields:
else: # Unknown.. adding in both
# Preparing left selection
if left:
l_prop = ' and '.join((' '.join(i) for i in left))
if '(' in l_prop:
l_prop = '(%s)' % l_prop
l_node: Node = Unary(SELECTION, l_prop, n.child.left)
l_node = n.child.left
# Preparing right selection
if right:
r_prop = ' and '.join((' '.join(i) for i in right))
if '(' in r_prop:
r_prop = '(%s)' % r_prop
r_node: Node = Unary(SELECTION, r_prop, n.child.right)
r_node = n.child.right
b_node = Binary(n.child.name, l_node, r_node)
# Changing main selection
if both:
both_prop = ' and '.join((' '.join(i) for i in both))
if '(' in both_prop:
both_prop = '(%s)' % both_prop
r = Unary(SELECTION, both_prop, b_node)
return r, len(left) + len(right)
else: # No need for general select
return b_node, 1
return n, 0
def useless_projection(n: parser.Node, rels: Dict[str, Relation]) -> Tuple[parser.Node, int]:
Removes projections that are over all the fields
if isinstance(n, Unary) and n.name == PROJECTION and \
set(n.child.result_format(rels)) == set(i.strip() for i in n.prop.split(',')):
return n.child, 1
return n, 0
general_optimizations = [
specific_optimizations = [