git-svn-id: http://galileo.dmi.unict.it/svn/relational/trunk@175 014f5005-505e-4b48-8d0a-63407b615a7c
86 lines
3.3 KiB
86 lines
3.3 KiB
- Created header class to handle attributes
- Created relation class
- Added union
- Added intersection
- Added difference
- Added product
- Added projection
- Added rename
- Projection can use a list or several parameters
- Added selection
- Added left join
- Added right join
- Added capability of operation even if attributes aren't in the same order
- Added full outher join
- Created parser module
- Created function to parse expression with operators without parameters
- Created recoursive function to parse expressions
- Added support for parenthesis in relational queries
- Created GUI
- Added support for float numbers
- Added support for dates
- Fixes to run on Mac OsX
- Added Makefile
- Able to create .app MacOsX files using "make app"
- Able to create tar.gz file containing Mac OsX application and samples using "make mac"
- Added README
- Expressions between quotes aren't parsed anymore
- When adding a relation, the file must be chosen 1st, and then the default relation's name is the same as the filename
- Changed internal rename method. Now uses a dictionary
- Optimized saving of relations
- Can save relations from gui
- Outer join methods simplified
- Form to send a survey
- Makefile to create .deb package
- Added __eq__ to relation object, will compare ignoring order.
- New default relation's format is csv, as defined in RFC4180
- Converted sample's relations to csv
- Deb postinstall generates optimized files, this will increase loading speed
- Relation module has SQL-like delete
- Relation module has SQL-like update
- Relation module has SQL-like insert
- GUI can be used to insert and delete tuples
- Showing fields of selected relation will work with themes different than oxygen
- Splitted into independent packages (gui and library)
- Simplified makefile, bringing outside files for debian package
- Default source package now doesn't contain informations to generate debian/mac packages
- "make source_all" generates the old style tarball containing all the files
- Bug: relational script installed with debian package now passes arguments to the python executable
- Insert and delete from GUI are now done on the displayed relation, not on the selected one
- In optimizer, added a function that tokenizes an expression
- Document about complexity of operations
- Bug: error in update operation, it changed the original tuple, so also other relations using the same tuple would change. Now it copies it.
- Added make install and uninstall
- Optimizer generate a tree from the expression
- Uses python-psyco when it is available
- Ability to perform optimizations from GUI
- Able to (temporarily) store queries with a name
- Mechanism to add new kind of optimizations, without having to edit all the code
- Implemented duplicated_select general optimization
- Implemented down_to_unions_subtractions_intersections general optimization
- Implemented duplicated_projection general optimization
- Implemented selection_inside_projection general optimization
- Implemented subsequent_renames general optimization
- Implemented swap_rename_select general optimization
- Implemented selection_and_product specific optimization
- Added stub for converting SQL to relational algebra
- Implemented futile_union_intersection_subtraction general optimization |