Python3 handles encoding differently, and files are loaded according to the locale set on the system. This means that when building on a locale-less chroot, the tests will always fail because it will try to load utf-8 and encode it as ASCII. This forces the encoding. The tests are encoded in utf-8 anyway so any other encoding set by the locale would cause a failure.
252 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
252 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# coding=UTF-8
# Relational
# Copyright (C) 2010 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli
# Relational is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# author Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli <tiposchi@tiscali.it>
import os
from sys import exit
from relational import relation, parser, optimizer
from xtermcolor import colorize
COLOR_RED = 0xff0000
COLOR_GREEN = 0x00ff00
COLOR_MAGENTA = 0xff00ff
COLOR_CYAN = 0x00ffff
rels = {}
examples_path = 'samples/'
tests_path = 'test/'
def readfile(fname):
'''Reads a file as string and returns its content'''
fd = open(fname,encoding='utf-8')
expr = fd.read()
return expr
def load_relations():
'''Loads all the relations present in the directory indicated in the
examples_path variable and stores them in the rels dictionary'''
print("Loading relations")
for i in os.listdir(examples_path):
if i.endswith('.csv'): # It's a relation, loading it
# Naming the relation
relname = i[:-4]
print ("Loading relation %s with name %s..." % (i, relname))
rels[relname] = relation.relation('%s%s' % (examples_path, i))
def execute_tests():
py_bad = 0
py_good = 0
py_tot = 0
q_bad = 0
q_good = 0
q_tot = 0
ex_bad = 0
ex_good = 0
ex_tot = 0
for i in os.listdir(tests_path):
if i.endswith('.query'):
q_tot += 1
if run_test(i[:-6]):
q_good += 1
q_bad += 1
elif i.endswith('.python'):
py_tot += 1
if run_py_test(i[:-7]):
py_good += 1
py_bad += 1
elif i.endswith('.exec'):
ex_tot += 1
if run_exec_test(i[:-5]):
ex_good += 1
ex_bad += 1
print (colorize("Resume of the results", COLOR_CYAN))
print (colorize("Query tests", COLOR_MAGENTA))
print ("Total test count: %d" % q_tot)
print ("Passed tests: %d" % q_good)
if q_bad > 0:
print (colorize("Failed tests count: %d" % q_bad, COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Python tests", COLOR_MAGENTA))
print ("Total test count: %d" % py_tot)
print ("Passed tests: %d" % py_good)
if py_bad > 0:
print (colorize("Failed tests count: %d" % py_bad, COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Execute Python tests", COLOR_MAGENTA))
print ("Total test count: %d" % ex_tot)
print ("Passed tests: %d" % ex_good)
if ex_bad > 0:
print (colorize("Failed tests count: %d" % ex_bad, COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Total results", COLOR_CYAN))
if q_bad + py_bad + ex_bad == 0:
print (colorize("No failed tests", COLOR_GREEN))
return 0
print (colorize("There are %d failed tests" %
(py_bad + q_bad + ex_bad), COLOR_RED))
return 1
def run_exec_test(testname):
'''Runs a python test, which executes code directly rather than queries'''
print ("Running python test: " + colorize(testname, COLOR_MAGENTA))
glob = rels.copy()
exp_result = {}
expr = readfile('%s%s.exec' % (tests_path, testname))
exec(expr, glob) # Evaluating the expression
except Exception as e:
print (e)
raise Exception("")
expr = readfile('%s%s.result' % (tests_path, testname))
exp_result = eval(expr, rels) # Evaluating the expression
if isinstance(exp_result, dict):
fields_ok = True
for i in exp_result:
fields_ok = fields_ok and glob[i] == exp_result[i]
if fields_ok:
print (colorize('Test passed', COLOR_GREEN))
return True
print (colorize('ERROR', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
print ("Expected %s" % exp_result)
# print ("Got %s" % glob)
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
return False
def run_py_test(testname):
'''Runs a python test, which evaluates expressions directly rather than queries'''
print ("Running expression python test: " +
colorize(testname, COLOR_MAGENTA))
expr = readfile('%s%s.python' % (tests_path, testname))
result = eval(expr, rels) # Evaluating the expression
expr = readfile('%s%s.result' % (tests_path, testname))
exp_result = eval(expr, rels) # Evaluating the expression
if result == exp_result:
print (colorize('Test passed', COLOR_GREEN))
return True
print (colorize('ERROR', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
print ("Expected %s" % exp_result)
print ("Got %s" % result)
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
return False
def run_test(testname):
'''Runs a specific test executing the file
and comparing the result with
The query will be executed both unoptimized and
print ("Running test: " + colorize(testname, COLOR_MAGENTA))
query = None
expr = None
o_query = None
o_expr = None
result_rel = None
result = None
o_result = None
result_rel = relation.relation('%s%s.result' % (tests_path, testname))
query = readfile('%s%s.query' % (tests_path, testname)).strip()
o_query = optimizer.optimize_all(query, rels)
expr = parser.parse(query) # Converting expression to python string
result = eval(expr, rels) # Evaluating the expression
o_expr = parser.parse(
o_query) # Converting expression to python string
o_result = eval(o_expr, rels) # Evaluating the expression
c_expr = parser.tree(query).toCode() # Converting to python code
c_result = eval(c_expr, rels)
if (o_result == result_rel) and (result == result_rel) and (c_result == result_rel):
print (colorize('Test passed', COLOR_GREEN))
return True
except Exception as inst:
print (inst)
print (colorize('ERROR', COLOR_RED))
print ("Query: %s -> %s" % (query, expr))
print ("Optimized query: %s -> %s" % (o_query, o_expr))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
print (colorize("Expected result", COLOR_GREEN))
print (result_rel)
print (colorize("Result", COLOR_RED))
print (result)
print (colorize("Optimized result", COLOR_RED))
print (o_result)
print (colorize("optimized result match %s" %
str(result_rel == o_result), COLOR_MAGENTA))
print (colorize("result match %s" %
str(result == result_rel), COLOR_MAGENTA))
print (colorize('=====================================', COLOR_RED))
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("-> Starting testsuite for relational")
print ("-> Starting tests")