using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using System; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL.Image { class TextureView : TextureBase, ITexture { private readonly Renderer _renderer; private readonly TextureStorage _parent; private TextureView _emulatedViewParent; private TextureView _incompatibleFormatView; public int FirstLayer { get; private set; } public int FirstLevel { get; private set; } public TextureView( Renderer renderer, TextureStorage parent, TextureCreateInfo info, int firstLayer, int firstLevel) : base(info, parent.ScaleFactor) { _renderer = renderer; _parent = parent; FirstLayer = firstLayer; FirstLevel = firstLevel; CreateView(); } private void CreateView() { TextureTarget target = Target.Convert(); FormatInfo format = FormatTable.GetFormatInfo(Info.Format); PixelInternalFormat pixelInternalFormat; if (format.IsCompressed) { pixelInternalFormat = (PixelInternalFormat)format.PixelFormat; } else { pixelInternalFormat = format.PixelInternalFormat; } GL.TextureView( Handle, target, _parent.Handle, pixelInternalFormat, FirstLevel, Info.Levels, FirstLayer, Info.GetLayers()); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0); GL.BindTexture(target, Handle); int[] swizzleRgba = new int[] { (int)Info.SwizzleR.Convert(), (int)Info.SwizzleG.Convert(), (int)Info.SwizzleB.Convert(), (int)Info.SwizzleA.Convert() }; if (Info.Format.IsBgra8()) { // Swap B <-> R for BGRA formats, as OpenGL has no support for them // and we need to manually swap the components on read/write on the GPU. int temp = swizzleRgba[0]; swizzleRgba[0] = swizzleRgba[2]; swizzleRgba[2] = temp; } GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.TextureSwizzleRgba, swizzleRgba); int maxLevel = Info.Levels - 1; if (maxLevel < 0) { maxLevel = 0; } GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.TextureMaxLevel, maxLevel); GL.TexParameter(target, TextureParameterName.DepthStencilTextureMode, (int)Info.DepthStencilMode.Convert()); } public ITexture CreateView(TextureCreateInfo info, int firstLayer, int firstLevel) { if (Info.IsCompressed == info.IsCompressed) { firstLayer += FirstLayer; firstLevel += FirstLevel; return _parent.CreateView(info, firstLayer, firstLevel); } else { // TODO: Most graphics APIs doesn't support creating a texture view from a compressed format // with a non-compressed format (or vice-versa), however NVN seems to support it. // So we emulate that here with a texture copy (see the first CopyTo overload). // However right now it only does a single copy right after the view is created, // so it doesn't work for all cases. TextureView emulatedView = (TextureView)_renderer.CreateTexture(info, ScaleFactor); emulatedView._emulatedViewParent = this; emulatedView.FirstLayer = firstLayer; emulatedView.FirstLevel = firstLevel; return emulatedView; } } public int GetIncompatibleFormatViewHandle() { // AMD and Intel has a bug where the view format is always ignored, // it uses the parent format instead. // As workaround we create a new texture with the correct // format, and then do a copy after the draw. if (_parent.Info.Format != Format) { if (_incompatibleFormatView == null) { _incompatibleFormatView = (TextureView)_renderer.CreateTexture(Info, ScaleFactor); } TextureCopyUnscaled.Copy(_parent.Info, _incompatibleFormatView.Info, _parent.Handle, _incompatibleFormatView.Handle, FirstLayer, 0, FirstLevel, 0, ScaleFactor); return _incompatibleFormatView.Handle; } return Handle; } public void SignalModified() { if (_incompatibleFormatView != null) { TextureCopyUnscaled.Copy(_incompatibleFormatView.Info, _parent.Info, _incompatibleFormatView.Handle, _parent.Handle, 0, FirstLayer, 0, FirstLevel, ScaleFactor); } } public void CopyTo(ITexture destination, int firstLayer, int firstLevel) { TextureView destinationView = (TextureView)destination; TextureCopyUnscaled.Copy(Info, destinationView.Info, Handle, destinationView.Handle, 0, firstLayer, 0, firstLevel, ScaleFactor); if (destinationView._emulatedViewParent != null) { TextureCopyUnscaled.Copy( Info, destinationView._emulatedViewParent.Info, Handle, destinationView._emulatedViewParent.Handle, 0, destinationView.FirstLayer, 0, destinationView.FirstLevel, ScaleFactor); } } public void CopyTo(ITexture destination, Extents2D srcRegion, Extents2D dstRegion, bool linearFilter) { _renderer.TextureCopy.Copy(this, (TextureView)destination, srcRegion, dstRegion, linearFilter); } public byte[] GetData() { int size = 0; for (int level = 0; level < Info.Levels; level++) { size += Info.GetMipSize(level); } byte[] data = new byte[size]; unsafe { fixed (byte* ptr = data) { WriteTo((IntPtr)ptr); } } return data; } public void WriteToPbo(int offset, bool forceBgra) { WriteTo(IntPtr.Zero + offset, forceBgra); } private void WriteTo(IntPtr data, bool forceBgra = false) { TextureTarget target = Target.Convert(); Bind(target, 0); FormatInfo format = FormatTable.GetFormatInfo(Info.Format); PixelFormat pixelFormat = format.PixelFormat; PixelType pixelType = format.PixelType; if (forceBgra) { pixelFormat = PixelFormat.Bgra; } int faces = 1; if (target == TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap) { target = TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX; faces = 6; } for (int level = 0; level < Info.Levels; level++) { for (int face = 0; face < faces; face++) { int faceOffset = face * Info.GetMipSize2D(level); if (format.IsCompressed) { GL.GetCompressedTexImage(target + face, level, data + faceOffset); } else { GL.GetTexImage(target + face, level, pixelFormat, pixelType, data + faceOffset); } } data += Info.GetMipSize(level); } } public void SetData(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data) { unsafe { fixed (byte* ptr = data) { ReadFrom((IntPtr)ptr, data.Length); } } } public void ReadFromPbo(int offset, int size) { ReadFrom(IntPtr.Zero + offset, size); } private void ReadFrom(IntPtr data, int size) { TextureTarget target = Target.Convert(); Bind(target, 0); FormatInfo format = FormatTable.GetFormatInfo(Info.Format); int width = Info.Width; int height = Info.Height; int depth = Info.Depth; int offset = 0; for (int level = 0; level < Info.Levels; level++) { int mipSize = Info.GetMipSize(level); int endOffset = offset + mipSize; if ((uint)endOffset > (uint)size) { return; } switch (Info.Target) { case Target.Texture1D: if (format.IsCompressed) { GL.CompressedTexSubImage1D( target, level, 0, width, format.PixelFormat, mipSize, data); } else { GL.TexSubImage1D( target, level, 0, width, format.PixelFormat, format.PixelType, data); } break; case Target.Texture1DArray: case Target.Texture2D: if (format.IsCompressed) { GL.CompressedTexSubImage2D( target, level, 0, 0, width, height, format.PixelFormat, mipSize, data); } else { GL.TexSubImage2D( target, level, 0, 0, width, height, format.PixelFormat, format.PixelType, data); } break; case Target.Texture2DArray: case Target.Texture3D: case Target.CubemapArray: if (format.IsCompressed) { GL.CompressedTexSubImage3D( target, level, 0, 0, 0, width, height, depth, format.PixelFormat, mipSize, data); } else { GL.TexSubImage3D( target, level, 0, 0, 0, width, height, depth, format.PixelFormat, format.PixelType, data); } break; case Target.Cubemap: int faceOffset = 0; for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++, faceOffset += mipSize / 6) { if (format.IsCompressed) { GL.CompressedTexSubImage2D( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + face, level, 0, 0, width, height, format.PixelFormat, mipSize / 6, data + faceOffset); } else { GL.TexSubImage2D( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + face, level, 0, 0, width, height, format.PixelFormat, format.PixelType, data + faceOffset); } } break; } data += mipSize; offset += mipSize; width = Math.Max(1, width >> 1); height = Math.Max(1, height >> 1); if (Target == Target.Texture3D) { depth = Math.Max(1, depth >> 1); } } } public void SetStorage(BufferRange buffer) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } private void DisposeHandles() { if (_incompatibleFormatView != null) { _incompatibleFormatView.Dispose(); _incompatibleFormatView = null; } if (Handle != 0) { GL.DeleteTexture(Handle); Handle = 0; } } /// <summary> /// Release the view without necessarily disposing the parent if we are the default view. /// This allows it to be added to the resource pool and reused later. /// </summary> public void Release() { bool hadHandle = Handle != 0; if (_parent.DefaultView != this) { DisposeHandles(); } if (hadHandle) { _parent.DecrementViewsCount(); } } public void Dispose() { if (_parent.DefaultView == this) { // Remove the default view (us), so that the texture cannot be released to the cache. _parent.DeleteDefault(); } Release(); } } }