using Ryujinx.Common.Logging;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Process;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel.Threading;
using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.SurfaceFlinger.Types;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.SurfaceFlinger
    class BufferQueueCore
        public BufferSlotArray       Slots;
        public int                   OverrideMaxBufferCount;
        public bool                  UseAsyncBuffer;
        public bool                  DequeueBufferCannotBlock;
        public PixelFormat           DefaultBufferFormat;
        public int                   DefaultWidth;
        public int                   DefaultHeight;
        public int                   DefaultMaxBufferCount;
        public int                   MaxAcquiredBufferCount;
        public bool                  BufferHasBeenQueued;
        public ulong                 FrameCounter;
        public NativeWindowTransform TransformHint;
        public bool                  IsAbandoned;
        public NativeWindowApi       ConnectedApi;
        public bool                  IsAllocating;
        public IProducerListener     ProducerListener;
        public IConsumerListener     ConsumerListener;
        public bool                  ConsumerControlledByApp;
        public uint                  ConsumerUsageBits;
        public List<BufferItem>      Queue;
        public BufferInfo[]          BufferHistory;
        public uint                  BufferHistoryPosition;
        public bool                  EnableExternalEvent;
        public int                   MaxBufferCountCached;

        public readonly object Lock = new object();

        private KEvent _waitBufferFreeEvent;
        private KEvent _frameAvailableEvent;

        public KProcess Owner { get; }

        public const int BufferHistoryArraySize = 8;

        public BufferQueueCore(Switch device, KProcess process)
            Slots                    = new BufferSlotArray();
            IsAbandoned              = false;
            OverrideMaxBufferCount   = 0;
            DequeueBufferCannotBlock = false;
            UseAsyncBuffer           = true;
            DefaultWidth             = 1;
            DefaultHeight            = 1;
            DefaultMaxBufferCount    = 2;
            MaxAcquiredBufferCount   = 1;
            FrameCounter             = 0;
            TransformHint            = 0;
            DefaultBufferFormat      = PixelFormat.Rgba8888;
            IsAllocating             = false;
            ProducerListener         = null;
            ConsumerListener         = null;
            ConsumerUsageBits        = 0;

            Queue = new List<BufferItem>();

            // TODO: CreateGraphicBufferAlloc?

            _waitBufferFreeEvent  = new KEvent(device.System.KernelContext);
            _frameAvailableEvent = new KEvent(device.System.KernelContext);

            Owner = process;

            BufferHistory        = new BufferInfo[BufferHistoryArraySize];
            EnableExternalEvent  = true;
            MaxBufferCountCached = 0;

        public int GetMinUndequeuedBufferCountLocked(bool async)
            if (!UseAsyncBuffer)
                return 0;

            if (DequeueBufferCannotBlock || async)
                return MaxAcquiredBufferCount + 1;

            return MaxAcquiredBufferCount;

        public int GetMinMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async)
            return GetMinUndequeuedBufferCountLocked(async);

        public void UpdateMaxBufferCountCachedLocked(int slot)
            if (MaxBufferCountCached <= slot)
                MaxBufferCountCached = slot + 1;

        public int GetMaxBufferCountLocked(bool async)
            int minMaxBufferCount = GetMinMaxBufferCountLocked(async);

            int maxBufferCount = Math.Max(DefaultMaxBufferCount, minMaxBufferCount);

            if (OverrideMaxBufferCount != 0)
                return OverrideMaxBufferCount;

            // Preserve all buffers already in control of the producer and the consumer.
            for (int slot = maxBufferCount; slot < Slots.Length; slot++)
                BufferState state = Slots[slot].BufferState;

                if (state == BufferState.Queued || state == BufferState.Dequeued)
                    maxBufferCount = slot + 1;

            return maxBufferCount;

        public Status SetDefaultMaxBufferCountLocked(int count)
            int minBufferCount = UseAsyncBuffer ? 2 : 1;

            if (count < minBufferCount || count > Slots.Length)
                return Status.BadValue;

            DefaultMaxBufferCount = count;


            return Status.Success;

        public void SignalWaitBufferFreeEvent()
            if (EnableExternalEvent)

        public void SignalFrameAvailableEvent()
            if (EnableExternalEvent)

        // TODO: Find an accurate way to handle a regular condvar here as this will wake up unwanted threads in some edge cases.
        public void SignalDequeueEvent()

        public void WaitDequeueEvent()

        public void SignalIsAllocatingEvent()

        public void WaitIsAllocatingEvent()

        public void FreeBufferLocked(int slot)

            if (Slots[slot].BufferState == BufferState.Acquired)
                Slots[slot].NeedsCleanupOnRelease = true;

            Slots[slot].BufferState      = BufferState.Free;
            Slots[slot].FrameNumber      = uint.MaxValue;
            Slots[slot].AcquireCalled    = false;
            Slots[slot].Fence.FenceCount = 0;

        public void FreeAllBuffersLocked()
            BufferHasBeenQueued = false;

            for (int slot = 0; slot < Slots.Length; slot++)

        public bool StillTracking(ref BufferItem item)
            BufferSlot slot = Slots[item.Slot];

            // TODO: Check this. On Android, this checks the "handle". I assume NvMapHandle is the handle, but it might not be. 
            return !slot.GraphicBuffer.IsNull && slot.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.Surfaces[0].NvMapHandle == item.GraphicBuffer.Object.Buffer.Surfaces[0].NvMapHandle;

        public void WaitWhileAllocatingLocked()
            while (IsAllocating)

        public void CheckSystemEventsLocked(int maxBufferCount)
            if (!EnableExternalEvent)

            bool needBufferReleaseSignal  = false;
            bool needFrameAvailableSignal = false;

            if (maxBufferCount > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < maxBufferCount; i++)
                    if (Slots[i].BufferState == BufferState.Queued)
                        needFrameAvailableSignal = true;
                    else if (Slots[i].BufferState == BufferState.Free)
                        needBufferReleaseSignal = true;

            if (needBufferReleaseSignal)

            if (needFrameAvailableSignal)

        public bool IsProducerConnectedLocked()
            return ConnectedApi != NativeWindowApi.NoApi;

        public bool IsConsumerConnectedLocked()
            return ConsumerListener != null;

        public KReadableEvent GetWaitBufferFreeEvent()
            lock (Lock)
                return _waitBufferFreeEvent.ReadableEvent;

        public bool IsOwnedByConsumerLocked(int slot)
            if (Slots[slot].BufferState != BufferState.Acquired)
                Logger.PrintError(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Slot {slot} is not owned by the consumer (state = {Slots[slot].BufferState})");

                return false;

            return true;

        public bool IsOwnedByProducerLocked(int slot)
            if (Slots[slot].BufferState != BufferState.Dequeued)
                Logger.PrintError(LogClass.SurfaceFlinger, $"Slot {slot} is not owned by the producer (state = {Slots[slot].BufferState})");

                return false;

            return true;