diff --git a/src/video_core/src/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.h b/src/video_core/src/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.h
index 0c41977e4f..f9fb89d50f 100644
--- a/src/video_core/src/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.h
+++ b/src/video_core/src/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.h
@@ -128,11 +128,20 @@ private:
     int resolution_width_;
     int resolution_height_;
-    // Framebuffer object(s)
-    // ---------------------
+    // Render buffers
+    // --------------
     GLuint fbo_rbo_[kMaxFramebuffers];              ///< Render buffer objects
     GLuint fbo_depth_buffers_[kMaxFramebuffers];    ///< Depth buffers objects
+    // External framebuffers
+    // ---------------------
+    GLuint xfb_texture_top_;                         ///< GL handle to top framebuffer texture
+    GLuint xfb_texture_bottom_;                      ///< GL handle to bottom framebuffer texture
+    GLuint xfb_top_;
+    GLuint xfb_bottom_;
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