diff --git a/Flowgraph.svg b/Flowgraph.svg
index 736cc70..fcca7a0 100644
--- a/Flowgraph.svg
+++ b/Flowgraph.svg
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diff --git a/MainFlow.puml b/MainFlow.puml
deleted file mode 100644
index b567b22..0000000
--- a/MainFlow.puml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-title Main Execution
- //**Main execution from the run function in the entrypoint**//
- //**This dictates basic flow of the vulkan boilerplate system. **//
-://**run()**//; <>
-://**initWindow()**//; <>
-:window = glfwCreateWindow(...);
-note left
- //Create window and initialize default settings//
-note left
- //Set the user-defined pointer of the window//
-note left
- //This is a callback to resizing of the window//
- //we call and set a bool to true, which we get//
- //and rebuild the swap chain when true.//
-split again
-://**initVulkan()**//; <>
-://**createInstance()**//; <>
-:**VkApplicationInfo** appInfo{};
-://set appInfo data, Vulkan version,//
-//Engine version and name, and title//;
-:**VkApplicationCreateInfo** createInfo{};
-:createInfo.pApplicationInfo = &appInfo;
-:Debug::vulkanDebugSetup(createInfo, vulkaninstance);
-end split
-split again
-note right: Setup debug messenger, print data to console
-note right
- This function handles Window System Integration
- automatically across platforms based on build environment.
- ====
- //Basically, this is an abstraction of the Window across platforms//
-end note
-partition "**DeviceControl**" {
- :pickPhysicalDevice(...);
- note right
- Enumerate through GPU's in the
- system and choose a compatible one.
- ====
- //in the future, this should choose the BEST//
- //GPU, not just the first one that is compatible..//
- end note
- :createLogicalDevice(...);
- note right
- Logical devices interface with the
- physical device and defines queues
- end note
- :createSwapChain(...);
- note right
- Swap Chains are used to handle buffer ownership
- infrastructure. Being platform agnostic has its
- complications, this is a perfect example.
- This process is HEAVILY documented.
- end note
- :createImageViews(...);
- note right
- This is a cool function, quite a simple
- description of images that will be shown on the
- screen! It also determines //how// to access the image
- end note
-partition "**Graphics**" {
- :createRenderPass(...);
- note right
- This is pretty simple, it sets up the image bit depth
- and the color bit depth! Basically, the format of the
- displayed images, simple, but important!
- end note
- :createGraphicsPipeline(...);
- note right
- This is a complex function that goes through every
- step of the render pipeline and sets the settings we
- desire for each step! **HEAVILY** documented.
- end note
- :createFramebuffers(...);
- note right
- This function creates framebuffers for all the images
- that are queued to be displayed, very important!
- end note
- :createCommandPool(...);
- note right
- Commands in Vulkan are not executed using function calls
- You have to record the ops you want to perform to command
- buffer objects, pools manage the memory used for buffers.
- end note
-partition "**Buffers**" {
- :createVertexBuffer();
- note right
- Vertex buffers are incredibly useful, in essence,
- you can read data from memory as vertex input to the
- vertex shader rather than hardcoded data!
- end note
- :createIndexBuffer();
- note right
- Index buffers are cool, basically, you can store
- some vertices that would normally be duplicated
- at corners to triangulate. this saves cycles at
- scale, complex objects rejoice!
- end note
-note right
- This is the partner to the commandPool creator,
- storing the commands we wish to perform whilst
- waiting in a queue. These are very efficient.
-end note
-note right
- This is **HEAVILY** documented, create Semaphores
- and Fences, for halting and starting execution, basically
- a traffic controller for the GPU.
-end note
-end split
-split again
-repeat ://**mainLoop()**//; <>
- :glfwPollEvents();
- :RenderPresent::drawFrame();
-repeat while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(...))
- :vkDeviceWaitIdle(...);
-split again
-://**cleanup()**//; <>
-note right
- //This function initiates a series of shutdown//
- //destroy functions, safely stopping execution//;
-:return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-end split
diff --git a/MainFlow.svg b/MainFlow.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index b0be798..0000000
--- a/MainFlow.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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