WARNING: This script is very much hacked together. It also assumes you're building on Arch Linux or an Arch Linux based distro, since it uses makepkg. It also will pollute the install you run it on since it automatically installs every package it builds (for dependency managemnent). Please only use this if you understand the above.
Generic script to mass compile a ton of PKGBUILDs. Currently configured to build plasma 6.
To use: place a set of PKGBUILD names from https://packages.archlinux.org into packages.txt.
The script will then attempt to recursively clone all of the packages, then use makepkg --printsrcinfo to resolve the dependencies.
It will then attempt to clone the dependent packages, and if it encounters a package that doesn't exist, it will automatically timeout after 10 seconds.
There's probably a MUCH better way of handling these things, but I am currently unaware of it.
Edit the delete=() array in clone.sh if you'd like to skip packages for whatever reason (say for example, the script picks up a package that only exists as a seperate package function in a PKGBUILD)
Feel free to contribute to my script if you want to improve it!