> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update guy1524_mfplat_WIP patchset - Thanks Derek !
> dxvk-tools: Replace msg2 call to echo for _EXT_CONFIG_PATH
> dxvk-tools: Add proton-dist to ignores for external/dyn install
> mostlyportable-gcc: Group the echo and exit commands from previous commit. We don't want to always exit 🐸
> mostlyportable-gcc: Exit on git checkout failure and add an explicit message about what the likely problem is.
> mostlyportable-gcc: Comment out the proton binutils log output. Silences a false error.
> wine-tkg-git: Add 26b26a2e and fd6f50c0 to the revert list for FS hack.
> community-patches: mesa-git: Add Josh's workaround for some rendering issues in some d3d9 games such as Bayonetta when using DXVK - https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/JoshuaAshton/mesa/-/commits/aco-d3d9
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update guy1524_mfplat_WIP patchset - Thanks Derek !
> community-patches: linux54/55/56-tkg: Add large-page restoration patchset.
> community-patches: linux54/55/56-tkg: Update proactive compaction patchset.
> community-patches: linux54/55/56-tkg: Update slab patchset.
> community-patches: Update rockstarlauncher_downloads for 39e4b78 (#11)
> mostlyportable-gcc: Don't use the userpatches trigger for proton binutils patches.
> mostlyportable-gcc: Move to GCC10 by default. Wine, DXVK and current -tkg kernels are fine with it now.
> nvidia-all: 440.66.14
> Bumps
> dxvk-tools: I guess we can do a better output than a bogus copy-paste of what's above
> dxvk-tools: Allow updating DXVK in a proton build with `./updxvk proton-dist` - Requires _proton_dist_path to be set in updxvk.cfg
> dxvk-tools: No_reason_to_sugar_coat_it.cfg
> linux-tkg: linux54/56/57-tkg: Add GCC10 early boot crash fix - odyssey edition reborn - to base patchset.
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update guy1524_mfplat_WIP patchset - Thanks Derek !
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update user32 semi-stubs patchset (for Steep, notably) for 5.8.
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: Fix new BMQ patchset Merge gone wrong 🐸
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: Rebase our BMQ patchset against v5.6-r4
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: Update BMQ to v5.6-r4 - https://gitlab.com/alfredchen/linux-bmq/-/commits/v5.6-r4-bmq
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: 5.6.11
> linux-tkg: linux54-tkg: 5.4.39
> mesa-git: Sync with some of the recent AUR's mesa-git/lib32-mesa-git changes.
> mostlyportable-gcc: Allow passing `gcc`, `mingw` or `all` as argument to skip the prompt. The newly introduced "all" option is also available through the prompt and allows to build GCC, then build MinGW with that freshly built GCC. That can be used to fix issues that can happen with mismatching GCC versions.
> mostlyportable-gcc: Disable ada by default on both paths, and allow enabling/disabling fortran and ada languages support from .cfg
> mostlyportable-gcc: Add support for custom GCC paths
> mostlyportable-gcc: Fix non-git path for mingw since previous commit
> wine-tkg-git: 5.8 release bump
> gamescope-git: Don't install wlroots files, Gamescope links to its fork statically (#1)
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton meta patchsets, fsync patchsets, and add esync mainline fixes for 2633a5c The previous versions are moved to legacy
> Bumps
> Remove sed edit to disable async pipeline compiler in Sporif's patch following 2273b0ed13
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: RC4
> nvidia-all: On some weirdly configured machines, `/usr/lib/modprobe.d` blacklist doesn't seem to work, while `/etc/modprobe.d` works. Let's double tap just in case.
> nvidia-all: 440.66.12
> wine-tkg-git: Add Doitsujin's pending winevulkan patches to our proton-winevulkan patchsets.
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: Disable winetricks integration by default. Enough complaints about "how to disable that popup window". I'll clarify through readme, one day.
> community-patches: mesa-git: Remove 8_16bitstorage_aco_forceenable patchset now that support has been upstreamed.
> linux-tkg: Add a simple post transaction hook to clean remnant dir/files
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: 5.6.8
> linux-tkg: linux54-tkg: 5.4.35
> wine-tkg-git: Update ffxiv launcher workaround for 4e6a477 and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Better hotfix note.
> wine-tkg-git: Add fd79929 reverting hotfixes all the way. That's a main breaker in 5.7, so that makes it a bit more usable.
> wine-tkg-git: Remove dd770a2670 from the steamclient-swap patchset - This introduces regressions currently
> Bumps
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: Update ck1 patchset to 5.6 release: http://ck-hack.blogspot.com/2020/04/linux-56-ck1-muqss-version-0199-for.html
> wine-tkg-git: Sync with Proton 5.0-7 RC - acacd3ae88
> wine-tkg-git: proton meta patchsets: Avoid using tolowerW()
> wine-tkg-git: Move d33cdb8 proton meta patchsets to legacy for real
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton meta patchsets for staging d33cdb8 and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: steamclient-swap: Avoid using tolowerW()
> wine-tkg-git: Allow proton winevulkan patchset on non-proton builds. This is a fixup for c3db172b89
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update guy1524_mfplat_WIP patchset for 66bfd5f
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton-steam-bits patchset for 9122bc1 and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton meta patchsets for dedd5cc and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update fsync patchsets for e5030a4 and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update mtga patches for c3fac6e and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update leagueoflolfix patch for 98682cf and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Add esync compat fixes for e5030a4
> nvidia-all: Leap of faith Don't expect a mesa version, to please broken packages
> wine-tkg-git: Put proton-winevulkan patchset behind a global update_winevulkan switch for both proton and wine-tkg. It was always applied to proton before, and a bit too selectively on wine. This gives more control.
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton-tkg-steamclient-swap patchset for 09db718 and move previous version to legacy
> community-patches: Update guy1524_mfplat_WIP patchset - Thanks Derek !
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update guy1524_mfplat_WIP patchset - Thanks Derek! - https://github.com/Guy1524/wine/commits/mfplat_cleanup
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: 5.6.7
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: 5.6.6
> linux-tkg: linux55-tkg: 5.5.19
> linux-tkg: linux54-tkg: 5.4.34
> wine-tkg-git: Update mk11 patchset - Thanks Derek!
> wine-tkg-git: Update esync (mainline) and fsync (mainline and staging) patchsets for 40e849f and move previous versions to legacy.
> wine-tkg-git: Don't prompt for fd799297 hotfix when 6f4272c is found
> wine-tkg-git: Checkout staging target commit before sourcing hotfixer and handling community patches.
> wine-tkg-git: Bring fd79929 hotfix back, add a rebased version for current HEAD, and tighten the checks so the hotfixes aren't offered on undesired versions.
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton rawinut patchset for d5fd3c8 and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Remove secur32 unix username proton patch from proton meta patchsets. The change was supposed to be part of the last related commit and mistakenly didn't get merged.
> wine-tkg-git: Remove hotfix for fd79929, likely fixed by 0a72ec1dacb59c72980c3133fddf316377349048 (testing pending)
> wine-tkg-git: Fix legacy check for inline fs hack patching
> community-patches: Add Yuiiio's hack for DARK SOULS III, Nier: Automata and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice crashing when there are too many display modes available.
> linux-tkg: linux56/57-tkg: Update fsync patchset to v3 - Squashed from https://gitlab.collabora.com/tonyk/linux/-/commits/futex-proton-v3
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: Update BMQ to 5.6-r3 - http://cchalpha.blogspot.com/2020/04/bmq-v56-r3-release.html
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: Update our 5.7 BMQ patchset to 5.6-r3 base
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: RC2
> wine-tkg-git: Update mk11 patch for 78e9b02 and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Move Yuiiio's resources->nmode hack out of our current FS hack patchsets to make it available as community-patch. It was found to create issues such as missing modes in other games.
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton winevulkan patchsets for 594814c and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton win10 default for e13d546 and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton FS hack patchsets for 594814c and move previous versions to legacy
> nvidia-all: 440.66.09
> wine-tkg-git: profiles: Explicitely disable msvcrt_nativebuiltin, win10_default and protonify on clean profiles
> wine-tkg-git: Add a hotfix patch to revert fd799297 (which breaks at least WoW and Overwatch).
> community-patches: Remove wolcen blob head patch for good. Game was patched, and keeping it for backward compat makes little sense considering how (even more) buggy the game was at the time.
> community-patches: Remove disabling suffix for displayconfig semi-stubs patch. Can't remember why it was disabled for some reason, but since it's all opt-in there's no reason to keep it that way.
> wine-tkg-git: Proton-tkg: We sadly can't do that, so let's go back to hacking the name variable, but in ntdll this time.
> wine-tkg-git: Proton-tkg: Also apply inline fix for staging-44d1a45-localreverts patch when fshack is disabled on 4370386+
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton steam bits patchset for 6eb05da and dc62d84 and move previous versions to legacy. Also add more fluffy checks. Will look into dedup with the spike in moves affecting the patchset as of late.
> wine-tkg-git: Fix integrity check error (#22)
> wine-tkg-git: Fix proton-steam-bits-f8fb43a not being in legacy
> I'm you from the future. Keep calm.
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: Update steam bits patchset for f8fb43a and move previous version to legacy. The change allows us to use the WINEUSERNAME environment variable and set the proton default of "steamuser" that way.
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton meta patchsets for 7f9eb22 and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton-rawinput patchset for dbe7694 and move previous version to legacy
> amdgpu-pro-vulkan-only: Readme tweaks
> gamescope-git: Use local wlroots by default. Defaulting to system wlroots made little sense and the actual "good approach" was confusing for many. This makes it clearer and saner.
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: PDS and BMQ return. MuQSS is more annoying, so let's do that later.
> linux-tkg: linux57-rc-tkg: Bring back LZ4 as default Zswap compressor with the new interface
> nvidia-all: Fix dkms patch 5.7 application. Silly mistake.
> nvidia-all: Add initial hacky kernel 5.7 patch thanks to Isaak I. Aleksandrov - https://gitlab.com/snippets/1965550
> wine-tkg-git: Rollback to our previous gamepad additions patchset and revert da7d60b when it's enabled. It reportedly fixes a regression introduced by a bad interaction with the upstream approach to one of the problems the patchset aimed at fixing.
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update Guy1524's MFPlat WIP patchset. Thanks Derek! - https://github.com/Guy1524/wine/tree/mfplat_cleanup
> dxvk-tools: updxvk: Add external config file support
> linux-tkg: If community-patches were asked from .cfg and its dir is missing, make a clone of https://github.com/Frogging-Family/community-patches.git at the expected location.
> linux-tkg: Introduce linux57-rc-tkg
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: Fix deprecated/wrong external config path in generic/ryzen profiles
> mesa-git: If community-patches were asked from .cfg and its dir is missing, make a clone of https://github.com/Frogging-Family/community-patches.git at the expected location.
> nvidia-all: Remove warning note about 440.48.02 stability issues. It seems to be onward so let's not digress.
> vkd3d-git: If community-patches were asked from .cfg and its dir is missing, make a clone of https://github.com/Frogging-Family/community-patches.git at the expected location.
> wine-tkg-git: If community-patches were asked from .cfg and its dir is missing, make a clone of https://github.com/Frogging-Family/community-patches.git at the expected location.
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Derek will likely have something to say about this. Bandaid fix for df0608ac.
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: BMQ v5.6-r2 - http://cchalpha.blogspot.com/2020/04/bmq-v56-r2-release.html
> wine-tkg-git: Bump proton pkgver as well
> wine-tkg-git: Add a small workaround for staging-44d1a45-localreverts failing to apply on 4370386
> wine-tkg-git: Update fsync patchsets for 8701260 and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Add esync mainline compat fixes patch for 8701260
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Add MFPlat patchset from Guy1524, stripped out of binary test files. It's reached a point where I feel comfortable enough having it here.
> dxvk-tools: Update legacy setup scripts to be in line with upstream changes regarding wine 5.6 compat
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: 5.6.4
> linux-tkg: linux55-tkg: 5.5.17
> linux-tkg: linux54-tkg: 5.4.32
> wine-tkg-git: Remove e22bcac7 revert. DXVK setup script has a fix for it now: f257a794cc
> wine-tkg-git: I needed closure.
> wine-tkg-git: More cleanups and bring legacy patches section to proton advanced cfg
> wine-tkg-git: Minor cleanups
> amdgpu-pro-vulkan-only: Bump version to 20.10 (#1)
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Remove now staged Use_a_cached_version_of_LDR_MODULE_flags_for_InitDLL patch
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update legoisland_168726 patch for 5a2e6f5
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton-rawinput patchset for 19c6524 and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Fix typo in fsync spincount dependency check
> wine-tkg-git: Getting ready for 5.6 release. Update proton meta patchsets for bbf2836 and move previous versions to legacy
> community-patches: linux55/56-tkg: Update source link for The-new-cgroup-slab-memory-controller patchset
> community-patches: linux55/56-tkg: Minor warzone management Readability cleanups + get rid of broken patch
> community-patches: mesa-git: Update 8_16bitstorage_aco_forceenable patch for 63f07a30
> community-patches: linux5{4,5}-tkg: Rebase slab patchset.
> nvidia-all: Revert "Add Driver entry to Device section in 20-nvidia.conf"
> nvidia-all: Add Driver entry to Device section in 20-nvidia.conf *might* help with coolbits not working for some
> wine-tkg-git: Update leagueoflolfix patch for 18273d5 and move previous version to legacy
> Bumps
> gamescope-git: Add wayland-protocols>=1.17 to makedeps and libxrender libxtst vulkan-icd-loader and sdl2 to depends array.
> gamescope-git: Add libxcomposite to depends array
> linux-tkg: linux56-tkg: Sync our BMQ patchset with upstream fixes
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: Fix vrclient compilation failure on b87256cd as well, and use better patch subjects 🐸
> wine-tkg-git: Bring unstaged Andrew's PA patches to our proton-staging meta patchset
> wine-tkg-git: Update leagueoflolfix for b87256c and move previous version to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton-winevulkan patchsets for 086c686 and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: Also apply our staging-44d1a45-localreverts on proton-staging trees with fs hack disabled
> wine-tkg-git: Move window resizing hacks from meta to FS hack patchsets
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton FS hack patchsets for 086c686 and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: Add a patch for steamclient to use standard dlopen() to fix compilation on b87256c
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton-sdl-joy, plasma_systray_fix and proton-tkg meta patchsets for b87256c and move previous versions to legacy
> wine-tkg-git: Update proton mf hacks patch for f540d16 and move previous version to legacy. Hopefully we'll soon be able to move away from this thanks to Guy1524!
> wine-tkg-git: Skip warframe launcher reverts on adfb042
> wine-tkg-git: Add staging 44d1a45 local reverts patch. FS hack needs a specific combo of custom patches that staging now breaks indirectly. This patch workarounds the issue.
> community-patches: mesa-git: Add a patch reverting 507956ed04 (which doesn't revert cleanly) to fix Monster Hunter World crashing either on launch (populated mesa shader cache/DXVK's state cache) or on main menu transition (cold caches).
> community-patches: mesa-git: Add a patch to force enable VK_KHR_8bit_storage, VK_KHR_16bit_storage and shaderInt8 on ACO (GFX8+). Allows to play Doom Eternal and run Yuzu vk renderer with ACO. There is a reason those are not yet enabled upstream, so be aware of potential crashing and other issues with other games.
> wine-tkg-git: Proton-tkg: Remove mfplay dll override when _proton_mf_hacks is disabled
> wine-tkg-git: proton-tkg: proton: Introduce seccomp runtime option. - 02e0d7d793
> wine-tkg-git: Selective sync of proton meta patchsets with current proton-5.0-next - dd199e4e70
> wine-tkg-git: Proton-tkg: proton: Store original LD_LIBRARY_PATH before modifying it - aaeb4445f3
> community-patches: linux56-tkg: Fix amdgpu_extratemps-5.6 patch extension in readme
> community-patches: Rename amdgpu_extratemps-5.6.patch to amdgpu_extratemps-5.6.mypatch (#3)
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update gta4 gamepad workaround patch from Alexey Prokhin
> community-patches: wine-tkg-git: Update LDR_MODULE.flags patch from @qsniyg
> community-patches: linux56-tkg: add amdgpu_extratemps patch (#2)
> dxvk-tools: More protection
> linux-tkg: Terminator better be ready
> linux-tkg: linux55-tkg: 5.5.15
> linux-tkg: linux54-tkg: 5.4.30
> llvm-git: Manjaro ruining the day as always Let's keep -fstack-protector-strong out of here
> llvm-git: Selective sync with AUR - Remove no more needed patch - Leave tests to be built in check() - Remove version dependency for ocaml
> mesa-git: Can you actually be *too* protected?
> nvidia-all: Disable 62142_fix by default. We only want this enabled selectively.
> nvidia-all: That's T1000 levels right there
> nvidia-all: 440.66.08
> vkd3d-git: Can self-hatred get through quotes?
> wine-tkg-git: Update leagueoflolfix for 3b16f35 and make it explicitly require staging. That was already the case before, but not explicitely.
> wine-tkg-git: Remove `mfreadwrite: Don't try to free NULL source` patch from proton staging meta patchset. We were already omitting it from the mainline meta patchset. This prepares us for upcoming mf changes and fixes compilation against 42edc14e04ab8c5c2991c7a8e1dc3248a6c32f7c
> wine-tkg-git: Fix League of Legends patch. (again) (#9)
> wine-tkg-git: Bring back leagueoflolfix patch from https://github.com/Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git/pull/7 to prepare for upcoming PR and move previous version to legacy.
> wine-tkg-git: Revert "Fix League of Legends patch. (#7)"
> wine-tkg-git: wine/proton-tkg: nomakepkg: cosmetic simplification with processing of _EXT_CONFIG_PATH (#8)
> wine-tkg-git: Fix League of Legends patch. (#7)
> wine-tkg-git: Protect $PWD with quotes so we don't just die when user has spaces in path